labor is very important, if the woman is relaxed then
all layers of muscle in the womb will work in
harmony together as it should so that labor will run
smoothly, easily and comfortably. When the woman
is used to relaxation exercises, the birth canal will be
more easily opened. Conversely, when the woman is
in a state of tension, the fetal head pressure will not
make the cervix open and the only feeling is the pain
and the mother also increases panic and stress.
Relaxation is one way to overcome anxiety or
stress by relaxing muscles and nerves. Relaxation
can improve general health by facilitating the body's
metabolic processes, decreasing aggressiveness and
bad behaviors from stress impacts, improving self-
esteem and self-esteem, mindset becomes more
mature, facilitating self-control, reducing overall
stress, and improving welfare. This relaxation
response that causes the first stage of labor woman
has decreased the anxiety level score so as to
facilitate the delivery process (Detiana, 2010). The
progressive muscle relaxation technique is a
relaxation therapy given to the client by tensing
certain muscles and then relaxed. Progressive
relaxation is the relaxation techniques that combine
deep breathing exercises, muscle contraction series
and relaxation series (Conrad & Roth, 2007),
(Herodes, 2010).
This is in line with studies that suggest that the
effect of progressive muscle relaxation on
dysmenorrhea decreases. To relieve dysmenorrhoea
pain by tightening and relaxing the muscles at one
time from head to toe in a row to obtain a feeling of
physical relaxation (Akbar, Putria & Afriyanti,
2012). Controlled relaxation and breathing can
improve their ability to cope with anxiety and
increase the sense of being able to control which
causes stress and pain. Relaxation also makes the
blood circulation of the uterus, placenta and fetus
become smoothly so that the needs of oxygen and
food of the baby is enaught. Smooth blood
circulation will also make the muscles associated
with the womb and fetus as pelvic, back, and
abdominal muscles become weak and sagging.
Medium when labor, relaxation makes the
contraction process safe, natural, and smooth (Pieter
and Lubis, 2010), (Rohani, 2011)
It has been demonstrated by studies suggesting
that there is an effect of progressive muscle
relaxation on decreasing anxiety levels in
preoperative patients (Lestari and Yuswiyanti,
2015). In preoperative patients with anxiety result in
some muscles will experience tension so as to
activate the sympathetic nerves. Relaxation has a
calming sensation effect on the limbs, lightness and
feel of warmth that spread throughout the body. The
changes that occur during or after relaxation affect
the autonomic nervous work. This emotional
response and the soothing effect generated by this
relaxation transform the sympathetic dominant
physiology into the dominant parasympathetic
system (Conrad and Roth, 2007). In these
circumstances, hypersecretion of catecholamines and
cortisol is lowered and increases the
parasympathetic hormone as well as
neurotransmitters such as DHEA
(Dehydroepinandrosteron) and dopamine or
endorphins. This regulation of the parasympathetic
system has finally created a calming effect (Helbig,
Implementation of the intervention was performed in
women in latent phase labor without complications.
The study showed that there was a significant
decrease in pain intensity between before and after
progressive muscle relaxation technique with a p
value <0.05 (p = 0.000).
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research grant
TALENTA of Year 2018.
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