Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on Decrease Pain
Intensity in Woman During the Latent Phase Delivery
Siti Saidah Nasution
, Erniyati
and Reni Asmara Ariga
Departement of Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof. Maas Street
Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Progresive muscle relaxation, pain intesity, laten phase delivery.
Abstract: The woman's fear during delivery is a shadow of pain. One of the nonpharmacological methods that use to
decrease intensity pain during delivery is a progressive muscle relaxation technique. Intervention is done
with deep breathing combine exercises when the muscles are relaxed. The study is a quasi-experiment one
group pretest-posttest design. The study aimed to analyze the effect of progressive muscle relaxation
technique on decrease pain intensity for vaginal delivery woman during the latent phase. The sample of
study consist of 30 vaginal delivery women in Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital and maternity clinic in
Medan with accidental sampling technique. The data were collected by using questionnaires, such as
demographic questionnaire and Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The study was analyzed by using the paired
sample t-test. The Result of study showed that the intervention could decrease pain intensity for vaginal
delivery woman at the latent phase. That was significance p <0.05. The study suggested that the progressive
muscle relaxation could be applied as an intervention for pain management in labour without use the drugs
during delivery.
The labor is a reproductive stage that will be
undergo by the woman. Vaginal delivery or normal
delivery is a process of fetal outflow occurring in a
term pregnancy (37-42 month), delivery with vertex
presentation and there is not complication that
happen to mother and the baby fetus (Rosdahl and
Kowalski, 2014). One of the factors that cause
anxiety or fear in labor is a shadow of pain
(Rondung, 2016). The pain in labor is due to the
process of opening and thinning the cervix and the
fetus down into the birth canal (Nasution, 2018).
Pain occurs in the first stage of labor is not constant
and intermitten, the pain is discomfort at 0–3
opening. the pain is stabbinf at 4–7 opening. (Bobak,
2004) said that pain in labor is caused by uterine
contractions that can increase sympathetic nervous
system activity, changes the blood pressure, changes
heart rate, changes respiration and changes skin
color. If it is not overcome it will increase tension,
fear and stress (Bobak, 2004). If the pain felt by the
woman at the time is not overcome so the labor will
be prolonged. Several studies have shown that in the
experience labor of primitive societies that obtained
for longer labor and pain, the experience labor of
advance societies that obtained 7-14% no pain in
labor and a majority 90% the labor was
accompanied by pain (Prihardjo, 2002).
The pain in labor can be controlled through
pharmacological and nonpharmacological methods.
Common nonpharmocological methods used to
reduce labor pain suct as relaxation and breathing
technique (Bobak, 2004). Jacobson (1938 in Conrad
& Roth, 2007) said that the progressive relaxation in
the muscle relaxation techniques does not require
imagination persistence or suggestion [5] [6]. This
technique is based on the belief that the body
responds to anxiety that stimulates thoughts and the
events of muscle tension is identified the tense of
muscles and then reduce the tension so obtain to feel
relaxation again. The relaxation conditions is one of
the non-pharmacological methods that can be taught
to individuals to reduce pain. Based on this
progressive muscle relaxation action is expected to
reduce physical stress and emotional stress in the
Nasution, S., Erniyati, . and Ariga, R.
Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on Decrease Pain Intensity in Woman During the Latent Phase Delivery.
DOI: 10.5220/0010072704490453
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
women in labor so that it can decrease the intensity
of labor pain. The pain in labor can be decreased by
deep breathing relaxation, followed by slow breath
(maximum inspiratory arrest) and exhale slowly can
reduce physical stress and emotional stress decrease
the intensity of pain and decrease anxiety (Smeltzer
and Bare, 2002) The result conducted by (Yuliati,
2011) that obtained respiratory relaxation method to
22 woman who in latent phase labor at Medan. The
result showed that the was decrease pain intensity.
The average intensity of pain 6,27 before breathing
relaxation and The average intensity of pain 4,77
after breathing relaxation after the relaxation
breathing (Yulianti, 2011). The technique can reduce
the sensation of pain and control the intensity of the
woman's reaction to pain.
The type of quantitative research is using quasi
experimental method with the pretest-posttest
design. This research was conducted in two stages,
the subjects were observed by measuring the
intensity of pain before intervention and obtained
leaflets with explanation and done of progressive
muscle relaxation technique then observed again by
measuring the intensity of pain after intervention.
Data was analyzed with frequency distribution and
presentation, paired test of t-test with significance
level 5% (α = 0,05).
Table 1: Influence of Intervention on Pain Intensity Before
and After Intervention
Variabel Mean Std. Deviasi
Table 1 shows that the decrease of pain intesity
is obtained from before and after the effect of
progressive muscle relaxation technique using paired
sample t-test (parametric) test. The result of
wilcoxon test is p = 0.007. The meaning that there is
a significant difference.
The characteristics of respondents of woman
who undergo vaginal delivery are as follows:
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Woman during Latent
Phase Delivery Characteristic (n = 30)
Variable n %
Risk (<20 and 35)
No Risk (20-35)
Obstetric History
Primi (1)
> 3
Low (Elementary
Junior High School)
Midle (Senior High
High (university)
Action of pain
Education Of pain
Total 30 100
Based on the table 2 shows that most pregnant
women who undergo vaginal delivery latent phase
are in the age range of 20-23 years 19 people as
much as 63%, the majority of Islamic religion 21
people as much as 70%, the majority of high school
education 19 people 63%, the majority of housework
stairs 13 people as much as 44%, parity 2-3 18
people as much as 60%, the majority of actions
when the pain cries 26 people as much as 88%, the
majority of counseling pain management is never 28
people as much as 93%.
Table 3: Intensity of pain before and after intervention
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique (n=30)
Pain Intersity
before after
N % N %
0 = No pain
1-3 = mild
4-6 = moderate
7-9 = severe
10 = most severe
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Total 30
Based on table 3 shows that the intensity of pain
were felt by the woman before the intervention was
given as many as 24 woman (80%) were in the
range of moderate pain 6 woman (20%) severe pain.
After painful inntensity as much as 27 women (90%)
were in the range of mild pain and 3 woman (10%)
moderate pain. Based on the assessment using
numbers before the majority pain intervention there
were 6 values of 19 (63%) and after the majority
pain intervention there was a value of 4 as many as
16 (53%).
The results generally show that progressive muscle
relaxation techniques effectively descrease pain
intensity to woman in the latent phase labor.
Intervention is done by training the woman do the
progressive muscle relaxation so that mothers who
are undergoing labor can relax. According to Herod
(2010) that the progressive muscle relaxation
technique is a deep muscle relaxation technique that
it does not require imagination, persistence, or
suggestion (Herodoes, 2010). Progressive muscle
relaxation techniques focus on a muscle activity by
identifying the tense muscles and then decreasing
the tension by performing relaxation techniques to
get relaxed feelings. Progressive muscle relaxation
technique is a relaxation therapy obtained to clients
by tensing certain muscles and relaxation.
Progressive relaxation is one of the ways in the
relaxation techniques which combine deep breathing
exercises, muscle contraction series and relaxation
series (Kustanti, 2008).
The labor is one part of the life cycle of a woman
to be lived (Sumarah, 2010). It is a stressor for
women due to the changes that occur in her life. The
pain is a normal reaction to the changes that occur
and will make a person feel unhappy or
uncomfortable. This is due to allegations of danger
or threatening frustration, endangering the security,
balance the life of an individual or social group.
Often the pain accompanies pregnancy and peaks
during labor (Litfiah, 2008).
The pain in labor is painful uterine
contractions that can lead to increased sympathetic
nervous system activity, changes in blood pressure,
heart rate, respiration, skin colour and if it not
overcome, it will increase fear, tension and stress
(Bobak, 2003). It explains that the physiology
mechanism of the labor pain in are as follows: The
pain of the first stage is mainly caused by the
stimulus delivered through the nerves in the cervix
and uterus (Anik, 2010). This pain is a visceral pain
that comes from uterine and anaxic contractions.
The intensity of the pain relates to the forces of
contraction and pressure that was generated. Strong
uterine contractions are a source of pain when the
first stage.
The feelings of pain and fear of woman in labor
are varied and influenced by many factors, including
differences in social, cultural, religious, maternal
preparedness in the face of labor, experiences,
family mentoring, and environment. The physical
state of woman may be a factor affecting anxiety in
labor I (Pieter & Lubis, 2010). Pregnancies that
occur at <20 years and> 35 years of age will cause
problems (Anggaraini, 2013). This is in line with
studies that say that low knowledge can lead to an
easy person experiencing anxiety and fear.
Ignorance of a thing is considered a stress that can
cause anxiety. This is due to the lack of information
obtained. The consequences that can occur when the
woman cannot know the process of latent phase
stage labor, the woman will feel anxious and
increase the pain. If the woman has knowledge about
it, so the woman will be more confident in the
delivery (Helbig, Kaasen & Haugen, 2013;
Musbikin, 2006).
Perception and expression of labor pain are
influenced by individual culture. Culture influences
the attitude of the woman in labor (Pilliteri, 2003).
According to it said that culture affects the health
status of women from pregnancy to childbirth
(Nasution, 2015). It is important for the maternity
nurse to know the beliefs, values, practices of the
woman's culture in prescribing and expressing labor
pain (Nasution, 2015). Stress or fear turns
physiologically can cause uterine contractions to be
felt more pain and pain are felt. The woman feel
stress in labor then automatically release the
katekolamin hormones and Adrenaline hormones.
This catecholamine will be released in high
concentrations during labor if the expectant woman
cannot eliminate fear and anxiety before labor
(Nasution, 2018). As a result of the body's response,
the uterus becomes increasingly tense so that the
flow of blood and oxygen into the muscle of the
uterine muscle is reduced as the arteries narrow and
narrow as a result is the pain that cannot be tolerated
(Fatimah, 2017). Relaxing body condition during
Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique on Decrease Pain Intensity in Woman During the Latent Phase Delivery
labor is very important, if the woman is relaxed then
all layers of muscle in the womb will work in
harmony together as it should so that labor will run
smoothly, easily and comfortably. When the woman
is used to relaxation exercises, the birth canal will be
more easily opened. Conversely, when the woman is
in a state of tension, the fetal head pressure will not
make the cervix open and the only feeling is the pain
and the mother also increases panic and stress.
Relaxation is one way to overcome anxiety or
stress by relaxing muscles and nerves. Relaxation
can improve general health by facilitating the body's
metabolic processes, decreasing aggressiveness and
bad behaviors from stress impacts, improving self-
esteem and self-esteem, mindset becomes more
mature, facilitating self-control, reducing overall
stress, and improving welfare. This relaxation
response that causes the first stage of labor woman
has decreased the anxiety level score so as to
facilitate the delivery process (Detiana, 2010). The
progressive muscle relaxation technique is a
relaxation therapy given to the client by tensing
certain muscles and then relaxed. Progressive
relaxation is the relaxation techniques that combine
deep breathing exercises, muscle contraction series
and relaxation series (Conrad & Roth, 2007),
(Herodes, 2010).
This is in line with studies that suggest that the
effect of progressive muscle relaxation on
dysmenorrhea decreases. To relieve dysmenorrhoea
pain by tightening and relaxing the muscles at one
time from head to toe in a row to obtain a feeling of
physical relaxation (Akbar, Putria & Afriyanti,
2012). Controlled relaxation and breathing can
improve their ability to cope with anxiety and
increase the sense of being able to control which
causes stress and pain. Relaxation also makes the
blood circulation of the uterus, placenta and fetus
become smoothly so that the needs of oxygen and
food of the baby is enaught. Smooth blood
circulation will also make the muscles associated
with the womb and fetus as pelvic, back, and
abdominal muscles become weak and sagging.
Medium when labor, relaxation makes the
contraction process safe, natural, and smooth (Pieter
and Lubis, 2010), (Rohani, 2011)
It has been demonstrated by studies suggesting
that there is an effect of progressive muscle
relaxation on decreasing anxiety levels in
preoperative patients (Lestari and Yuswiyanti,
2015). In preoperative patients with anxiety result in
some muscles will experience tension so as to
activate the sympathetic nerves. Relaxation has a
calming sensation effect on the limbs, lightness and
feel of warmth that spread throughout the body. The
changes that occur during or after relaxation affect
the autonomic nervous work. This emotional
response and the soothing effect generated by this
relaxation transform the sympathetic dominant
physiology into the dominant parasympathetic
system (Conrad and Roth, 2007). In these
circumstances, hypersecretion of catecholamines and
cortisol is lowered and increases the
parasympathetic hormone as well as
neurotransmitters such as DHEA
(Dehydroepinandrosteron) and dopamine or
endorphins. This regulation of the parasympathetic
system has finally created a calming effect (Helbig,
Implementation of the intervention was performed in
women in latent phase labor without complications.
The study showed that there was a significant
decrease in pain intensity between before and after
progressive muscle relaxation technique with a p
value <0.05 (p = 0.000).
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research grant
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