medical needs, lack of follow-up care at the
beginning of the postpartum period.
Breast Milk (ASI) is a natural nutrient for infants
with the most appropriate nutrient content for
optimal growth (Hegar, 2008). Breast milk is the
only nutrient source that also plays a role in the
rapid and healthy growth of the baby's brain and
nervous system, maturation of the digestive system
and the development of its immune system.
According to the World Health Organitation
(WHO), exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding
alone with no additional fluids either formula, water,
orange juice or other supplementary foods before
reaching the age of six months (WHO, 2013).
4.3 Hormone That Affect Milk
Production Breast Milk
4.3.1 Oxytocin
This hormone causes epithelial cell contraction
around the alveoli, urging breast milk into the
lactiferous ducts. This milk expenditure is a reflex
called let down reflex. Nipple stimulation causes the
release of oxytocin for 3-4 seconds into the
bloodstream every 5-15 minutes (Forster et al 2006).
4.3.2 Prolactin
Prolactin is produced by the anterior pituitary which
serves to stimulate the breastmilk glands to produce
breast milk (Nasution, 2018). The release of
prolactin occurs in response to direct stimuli in the
nipple or areolae which control otokrin in
lactgenesis III. Prolactin will come out in case of
milk emptying of the breast. Decreased production
and expenditure of breast milk in the first days after
childbirth can be caused by a lack of stimulation of
prolactin and oxytocin hormones that play a role in
the smooth production and expenditure of breast
milk. Breast care should be performed immediately
after delivery (1-2 days), and should be done
regularly. By giving stimulation to the muscles of
the breast will help stimulate the hormone prolactin
to help milk production (Bobak, 2005). Lack of milk
production is one reason why mothers decide to give
formula milk to their babies (Nasution, 2014).
UNICEF asserted that infants who use infant
formula have the possibility of dying in the first
month of their birth, and the possibility of formula-
fed infants is 25 times higher in mortality than
infants exclusively breastfed (Hamilton, 2002).
The breast milk DMV can increase breastfeeding
expenditure. Implementation of the intervention was
performed in women who underwent breastfeeding
and data complications showed that there was a
significant increase breastfeeding expenditure after
breast milk DMV with a p value <0.05 (p = 0.000).
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Directorate of Research and
Community Service of the Directorate General for
Research and Development Ministry of Research
and Technology and Higher Education Republic of
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