Campursari Music Management Strategy in Sumatera Utara
Heristina Dewi
, Arwina Sufika
and Arifninetrirosa
Lecturer of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Campursari, strategy, management.
Abstract: In the midst of the changes and progress of the entertainment world, the Javanese artists in Sumatera Utara
keep trying to continue and develop the arts in accordance with the interests of the community of the
audience. It takes effort and creativity in managing music, one of them is Campusari Music. Campursari is a
musical color resulting from a fusion between gamelan music with musical instruments from outside the
Javanese culture. This study identifies Campursari's music management strategy in Sumatera Utara. In
managing musical performances of Campursari require the procedure in terms of preparing music material
or arranging and marketing to the middle of the community to be interested. This research uses qualitative
research methods, data collection using snowball sampling technique by doing observation, interview, and
documentation. The results of the Campursari musical study are presented with the format between
appearing with gamelan consisting of saron, demung, gender, gong, kendangciblon, kendaijaipong,
ketipungdangdut, melodic guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and drum. The songs are brought together with
popular ethnic songs outside Java. The songs are sung consisting of classical Javanese songs, popular Java,
and other ethnic popular outside Java such as Batak, Simalungun, Karo, and Mandarin. Collaboration
among players in groups and between groups makes campursari music group able to continue its existence.
Cultures that live in the community always
experience changes and developments. The form and
shape can be updated and adapted to the interests of
the community. Culture is always dynamic and the
pace of development is different. This is due to the
development of the human mindset that is influenced
by education, social, technology, and natural
confusion. Furthermore, the same is explained
(Budiono, 1984) the development of modern science
and technology that so rapidly affect the insider's
view of life continue the tradition. Being a result of
culture one of them is art that in the middle of
society function as entertainment, supporting
facilities of event. Furthermore, (Kayam, 1981)
states that art is one of the elements that support
culture, so art should be understood in the situation
of the community of the audience.
The Javanese people have traditional art, one of
them is gamelan music. Gamelan music can be used
in the context of ceremonies and entertainment.
Especially in the context of entertainment has
undergone development with the additional Western
or modern musical instruments. From this fusion it
produces many different and new forms in the
culture of Javanese and Indonesian society. Where
one form of change that occurred with the
emergence of campursari music. According to
(Wiyoso, 2013) campusari music is an acculturation
category syncretism. Its indication is blending or
mixing of old elements in this case existing music
into a new music system, which meant the old
elements of Indonesian music tradition that is
Javanese gamelan that holds pentatonic tones
combine with modern western music that holds
diatonic tones. According (Widiyono, 2013)
Instruments pentatonic and diatonic used
simultaneously so it becomes heard more barrel.
Frequently used campursari instruments include
kendang, demung, saron, gender, gong, keyboard,
guitar, bass, drums, ukulele, and the like. The demon
who sings the campursari, namely the entrepreneur
(son) and entrepreneur / swarawati (daughter). The
ordinance of singing by following the sound of
gamelan / gamelan.
Dewi, H., Sufika, A. and Arifninetrirosa, .
Campursari Music Management Strategy in Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010073013241329
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Campursari music is a blend of gamelan
instruments with musical instruments from outside
the Javanese culture. Musical instruments include
saron, demung, kendang, gender, gong,
kendaijaipong, kendangkoplo, keyboard, melodic
guitar, bass guitar and drums played by the
musicians and their songs are performed by one or
more singers. This blend creates new music color.
Gamelan is usually aligned slendro or pelog has
been changed and adapted to the diatonic music that
usually plays or accompanies the songs that are
popular nuances of Java and other ethnic groups.
Campursari musical performances are encountered
in the thanksgiving ceremony and party of a family
or other event. Campursari is an acculturation
product that is formed from a process of blending
traditional Javanese music that is gamelan and
modern western music. According to (Wadiyo,
2011) Campursari shows the blending between
traditional and modern. The music is a mixture of
gamelan music and music known as now. The music
itself is a dialogue between the traditional and the
non-traditional while the campursari musical
phenomenon thus demonstrates the dialectical
supportist community mentality between the
traditional mental and the modern mentality.
According to (Endang, 2017) through the work
of Manthous (pencetus campursari) adapting
gendingkarawitan has a very big share in the effort
to bring the art of karawitan tradition, especially to
the younger generation can inspire listeners
community to be interested in knowing and learning
Campursari music is widely known after the
famous work of artists Manthous According to
(Wiyoso, 2007) The presence of music campursari
90s pioneered by a musician who was born in the
PlayenGunungKidul Yogyakarta, Manthous,
received a remarkable welcome from the community
and the subsequent development of music
campursari no longer known locally (region), but
known nationally or even in today's global era
through a sophisticated telecommunications tool is
not impossible that the outside world already about
campursari music.
The Javanese community in Medan and
Sumatera Utara accept and support the Campursari
music style as entertainment at various events such
as marriage, circumcision, big day and other
inauguration ceremonies. In managing musical
performances Campursari require procedures in
terms of preparing music material and arranging the
campursari music, as well as marketing it into the
middle of the community in order to attract
community supporters. From the stand of music
Campursari still continues to exist in the community,
especially the Java community in Medan and
generally in Sumatera Utara. The Campursari Group
was invited to various areas outside the city of
Medan such as Siantar municipality, RantauParapat
district, Sidikalang district, Aceh Singkil district,
Sibolga city, Kuala Simpang district and out of
Sumatera Utara province such as Riau, Jambi and so
Campursari music developed in the city of
Medan began in 2000 formed by Mr. Sunardi. The
idea of forming a Campursari musical group was
inspired by the performances seen on the island of
Java. this desire is realized by forming a musical
group called KampursariKridoLaras. Pak Sunardi is
a Javanese artist who can play gamelan instruments
and have them. To form this Campursari group he
invited popular music artists in the city of Medan to
join so formed CampursariKridoLaras Music. In
addition, the group also grows another Campursari
group, which is currently developing in the area in
North Sumatra.
Campursari music is acceptable in Javanese
society and the public. This is evident from the
frequent Campursari music groups invited to
weddings and other celebrations. To see the
continuity of the music campursari, it is needed to
know how the management system and strategy are
in demand by the audience.
In the course of an art performance, the quality
of the player and the selection of songs played will
contribute to make the show popular with the
community. So that artists should see the
development of the trend of songs that are in popular
society. To achieve the success of a musical
performance of Campursari there are several
elements that must be managed namely the material
of the song that will be sung, manage the members
and know the situation of the community in the
place of the show that will be held. On the basis of
these considerations then conducted research on how
Campursari Music Management Strategy
The method used in this study qualitative approach.
Data collection comes from primary data sources
and secondary data sources. Primary data sources
obtained through interviews and observations with
the purpose of gathering information about the
Campursari Music Management Strategy in
Sumatera Utara. (Spradley, 1997) suggests that
Campursari Music Management Strategy in Sumatera Utara
qualitative research is more appropriately used in
cultural / behavioral research in social situations-
efforts to express the behavior and actions of people
in various social situations in society. Data
collection used snow ball sampling technique with
observation, interview, and documentation.
The study included cameras and tape recorders to
avoid misinterpretation and document the conduct of
field research. Selection of 10 informants based on
informants' knowledge of the socio-cultural
development of local communities, artists,
Campursari groups and players. Secondary data
sources such as a description of the arts activities in
Sumatera Utara, the activities of group artists and
activities obtained from government agencies and
other arts groups.
Conducting a domain analysis, which determines
between parts and parts with the whole as how the
basis of the show and how the development. In
addition, a focused observation analysis will be
conducted to identify in the effort to look for the
development of wayang kulit and the supporting
community situation that occurred in the research
area. Then, the taxonomic analysis of looking for
relationships between components and component
analysis, finds the related components of the social
situation under study.
Campursari music management includes the
management of group members, supporters,
performance forms, and marketing. Between one
part with the other part are interrelated, so it must be
formulated right in the running so that the
campursari music can be run better in terms of the
quality of performances and can generate interest of
its supporters to continue to display and
mengembangklan music campursari.
In Sumatera Utara, the campursari group
KridoLaras who is domiciled in Medan started his
pioneering, led by Sunardi who is a versatile
Javanese musical artist or musician. His expertise in
the field of Javanese gamelan music has been
recognized by fellow artists. Furthermore,
campursari music evolved with the formation of new
groups. Campursari music group that still survive its
existence up to now include the group KridoLaras,
LangenBudoyo, NgudiLaras, and Ariska. This is
because people love Java community in particular.
In the development of campursari music can be
enjoyed and enjoyed by the general public. But the
invited campursari group to entertain in the marriage
ceremony, circumcision, Halal Bi Halal, and other
celebrations are always related to Javanese ethnicity.
It is the result of interview with member of
KridoLaras on May 5
Before the performance of the campursari group
it is necessary to make preparations by the
leadership or chairman and members. Preparation is
done with regard to exercise of music material and
songs to be displayed. The training procedures set
among them started by listening to music and
campursari songs through a tape or CD that was in
the market together. The choice of songs tends to the
songs that are popular or known and popular. In this
exercise will be determined music or songs to be
played imitated directly or arranged. So, in bringing
campursari songs so more interesting. There are also
tailored to the ability of musicians and singers and
tastes of the audience or listeners. For example, in
musical performances campursari by KridoLaras
group in the middle of the audience such as
campursari songs with Java style like Nyidam Sari,
CapingGunung, Yen IngLawang, Mehrahino, Kui
Wei Sopo, Compassion is always displayed. The
song is considered very liked the audience or
listeners. For campursari music that beralran pop
and koplo include Virgin Borneo, SewuKuto,
SekonyongKoder, and Wes He Wes He Wes. Also
bringing campursari songs are rhythmic koplo, such
as love songs, Nonoro hut, and TrisnoIki. Hali is
also explained by (Kobi, 2017) Creativity in need of
musical aspects such as determining the type of
music, choosing singers that are considered most
suitable, and arrange the sequence of songs in a
campursari musical packaging is very important. In
addition, it is important that, promote and channel to
other parties who are deemed to be able to distribute
the product well, in the sense of this product should
be easy to reach the hands of consumers.
Campursari music is fostered and recruited by
the group among others by recruiting new members,
although the singing ability is not yet of character /
genre campursari. But already singing and have a
melodious voice. They will be trained and imitated
campursari songs through CDs and youtubes in the
market. For groups with music players or singers
who already have the ability to arrange music and
songs they will create a new arrangement to have
their own character. According to (Tika, 2015) states
that Campursari is a new type of music in the world
of performing arts that are able to give color in
Javanese music and able to become a medium for
the younger generation.
Coaching is done with regular training and
improvements in appearance. Routine exercise
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
routine is done diverse one weekly, there are two or
three times a week. To practice the songs the singers
train themselves first. Having memorized the
arrangement done trained together with musician.
Along with the development of the times and
technology, campursari singers can practice
themselves by hearing new songs from youtube.
Musicians can practice their music by hearing the
singer's song from youtube. The arts workers can
sometimes only coordinate each other on the day to
perform just so it does not require joint training.
However, for the songs that are special requests
from the buyer they will make a schedule for the
joint exercise.
Campursari management strategies include the
music players and campursari singer between groups
that one with another established a good
relationship. Interagency groups can work together
and support each other. The players can fill in or
participate in other group performances when
needed. This can be resolved if the lack of members
in the show. This is one way the music group can
fulfill the performance of the show requested by the
buyer. Leaders or group leaders do not forbid their
members to fill out or assist other groups by sharing
information with each other. In addition to the artists
of musicians and singers who can cooperate with
each other, also musical equipment if needed
between groups can also help or lend each other.
This principle of mutual help and help is instilled.
Only if at the same time all the groups have a
schedule of filling performances in various events.
This is a rather difficult time to borrow from one
another. This simultaneous event used to happen
frequently in clean village events in Suro month.
It's a step to keep the campursari group going
well, the issues of cooperation among members or
players need to be well established. This is always
the effort of the coach or group leader. This is one of
the keys to a group's success in order to survive. In
addition to that approach Between leaders and
members tend to have to be closer or can
communicate well and lancer. So, if found problems
in the show or performance performances can be
overcome by deliberation. For example, in a show in
a place, sometimes a lot of spectators or guests
attending the ceremony who ask to be sung their
songs or even enjoy the songs that are displayed.
Not infrequently many singers receive saweran from
the audience. This can create jealousy between
players. Because of the success of singers bringing
the songs are supported by the music players. For
such a matter, group-based pemimoin based on
deliberation with the agreed member of the proceeds
of all received sanctions will be collected. After the
show will be shared with fellow members. Singers
get fifty percent of the collected saweran funds. The
musicians and other supporters can part by keeping
in mind the more dominant role and expertise in
terms of skill and the difficulty level of playing a
musical instrument there is more.
The musical performances of campursari at the
events that are considered by the buyer.Usually
starting from the negotiation between the buyer and
the campursari leader. The matter discussed related
to the event to be filled, time, place and fund
performances. For example, the buyer at the
wedding event. The campursari music leader will
ask you about the selected songs to be sung or
displayed. The subscriber will deliver the song
requests that will be displayed or the full selection of
songs to be displayed submitted to the groupthe
campus. The cost of complete campursari musical
performances that performs saron, demung, gender,
gong, keyboard, guitar, bass, kendngciblon,
kendopkoplo and singers with sounds ranging from
Eight to Ten Million Rupiah. Campursari in the
show is supported by musical instruments consisting
of saron, demung, gender, keyboard, drum, and
drums koplo cost of performances about Six Million
rupiah. While the campursari in the show supported
by musical instruments saron, keyboard, kendang,
kendangkoplo and sound ranged from Three Million
Five Hundred Thousand Rupiah. These costs can
also be more expensive if the show is held outside
the city, it must be added transportation and other
costs. The fund generated from the buyers will be
distributed to the campursari players. The singers
were honored for about Three Hundred Thousand to
Five Hundred Thousand Rupiah. The music players
are about Three Hundred Thousand Rupiah per
person. Only in the awarding of honorages can be
deductions or additions based on their respective
roles. The higher the role and the difficulty level of
the tool being played.
The campursari show is displayed in the middle
of society in two versions, this happens to be
tailored to the subscribers. The first version, If the
invite appears or order the Javanese Genuine and its
guests are also people who have Java tribe usually
only displayed songs Java style, if requested
campursarikoplodangdut songs but who speak Java.
The second version of the more common campur,
meaning that in addition to the Javanese campursari
songs can also be presented campursari nuanced
songs but from popolar or other ethnic traditions
such as Batak, Karo, Minang, and Malay. Also, from
Campursari Music Management Strategy in Sumatera Utara
China. It is presented at the event that its guests of
various ethnic.
Campursari performances are managed
independently by groups or collaborate with other
group artists. Both in terms of providing the
necessary equipment and in terms of training its
members, as well as in terms of seeking funds to be
able to continue running the arts. Sri (Hastanto,
2002) reveals that the art of the area has become the
property of the community and his life is left entirely
to the community. Need to be managed in a planned
manner, then the art management concept should be
handled carefully. For that must understand true
basic of art form a region and know its formation.
Campursari performances in order to survive, in
addition to maintaining that there must also make
new breakthroughs. Arrangement and addition of
songs according to the times without leaving
standard rules. The development not only rely on the
festive songs but also on the beauty of sound and
music composition. According (Murniasih, 2013)
tembang campursari classified type of Javanese song
crunchy, passionate, and full of joy. Integration of
elements of gamelan and national music (modern)
that gives a special scent on campursari.
Furthermore (Kusnadi, 2016) states that the form of
the song, song-JagucampursariManthous creation
still refers to the traditional songs and gendhing
especially Javanese conventional style,
Ielagondolanan, or a mixture of both.
In marketing strategies that carried out
dissemination or introducing and increasing the
public appreciation of the show. This is useful to
attract the public interest in campursari
performances. If people know, know and familiar or
not familiar with the music then the show is more
easily accepted by the community. For this matter,
the campursari music group is willing to hold a
performance in voluntary kinship. For example, the
show held at the event for the festivities seventeen
august. In addition to this, one of the ways to go
inintroducingcampursari music by participating in
festivities, circumcision, and others.
Developing campursari music also faces
challenges.For instance, MudiLarasCampursari
group still holding the grip of Javanese traditional
music.Sometimes orders that want to campursari
more towards koplo music only, change this
direction is difficult to do. In line with that, (Lindsay
,2006: 3) explains that traditional art is less closely
related to the market, more sticking to the social
Campursari music is interested in Sumatera
Utara community, especially Javanese society. The
Campursari performances are considered or invited
to weddings, circumcision, celebratory and other
celebrations as community entertainment.
The Campursari in Sumatera Utara was initiated
by the KridoLaras group inspired by a group of
artists on Java Island created by Manthous and also
popularized by other artists such as DidiKempot.
Subsequently in North Sumatra the Campursari
music group managed it to suit the interests of the
local community. This is done on the selection of
songs to be displayed. In addition to these costs to
display the Campursari group as well as the budget
can be adjusted to the inviting ability.
The form of the Kampursari music show features
Javanese style songs and Java pop versions coupled
with other ethnic pop songs. In addition, there are
campursaricampursari music version. To manage the
Campursari musical group the artists can work
together with each other to support each other's
players if needed. Cooperation and smooth
communication between fellow players and leaders
make a campursari music group can survive and
continue its existence.
The author would like to thank to
Chancellor of University of Sumatera Utara and the
Chairman of the University of Sumatera Utara
Research Institute and the Directorate of Research
and Community Service of the Directorate General
of Research and Development Strengthening the
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education who have provided financial assistance so
that the DRPM Research Report for 2018 fiscal year
can be completed. Contract: 94 / UN5.2.3.1 / PPM /
KP-DRPM / 2018.
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Campursari Music Management Strategy in Sumatera Utara