schools in Medan, Indonesia. All stakeholder must
understand the state of quality of hygiene and
sanitation because primary school-aged children are
the most affected population with this unaware
behavior. From our evaluation, none of the
traditional food-handlers categorized as eligible
based on fundamental principles rules released by
the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Our study is still ongoing and resulting from several
variables that we do not mention here. Moreover,
this study did not escape the limitation. Therefore,
after completing our study, we attempt to determine
the related risk factor and correlated them with
bacterial hand contamination.
This descriptive study was conducted at our
preliminary study to identify risk factors for
foodborne disease in Public Primary School at
Medan Selayang sub-district. Our study also granted
by Non-PNBP USU of the Year 2018 – following
the contract of TALENTA research implementation
No. 2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017.
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