IC ->
-0,010 0,061 0,157 0,875
IC ->
0,147 0,051 2,900 0,004
FP ->
0,089 0,031 2,898 0,004
4.2.4 R Square
The value of R2 is used to measure the level of
variation of the independent variable changes to the
dependent variable. The R2 value of this study can
be seen in the following figure. Based on Table 8, it
can be concluded as follows:
1. R Square value for Earning Management
variable of 11.6% which means that earning
management can be explained by Intellectual capital
by 11.6%. While the remaining 88.4% is explained
by other variables not include in the research model.
2. The R Square value for the Financial
Performance variable is 17.9% which means that
financial performance can be explain by intellectual
capital and earning management by 17.9%. While
the remaining 88.1% is explained by other variables
not include in the research model.
Table 8. Output R Square
R Square R Square Adjusted
EM 0.116 0.079
FP 0.179 0.136
Preliminary Testing revealed that the empirical
model has met the requirement of outer loading,
AVE, composite reliability, Cronbach alpha. The
VAIC model only approve for the VAHU and
STVA as the indicator of Intellectual Capital. The
result of this study showed that there is no
relationship between intellectual capital and earning
management which is p value = 0.875 > 0.05 and T
statistic is 0.157 < 1.96. This result support by
(Vakilifard and Rasouli, 2013) who found that all
variables used to measure IC are not associated with
earning management. But the research of
(Mojtahedi, 2013) reveals that there is a significant
and positive relationship between human capital
efficiency and earning quality. This means that if
there is an increasing in the level of knowledge and
experience among executive management as an
indicator of human capital, they have more ability to
manage accrual and accordingly it will increase the
quality of earnings.
However, this study reveals that there is a
positive significant influence of Intellectual Capital
on Financial Performance (using indicator of
Earning Per Share) which is p value = 0.004 < 0.05
and T statistic is 2.900 > 1.96. It means that if an
increasing in Intellectual Capital, then there will be
an increasing in Financial Performance. This result
is support by the research of Pasaribu, 2012.This
indicate that VAHU as part of VAIC TM model
proved to have significant effect on financial
performance. This is because the VAHU (Value
Added Human Capital) as saying as the Human
Resource is the lifeblood of the company especially
in banking firm. Banking is the firm where
innovation, information technology development
and improvement always take place. Human Capital
can also be the source of a very useful knowledge,
skills and competence in a bank. It reflects the
collective ability of the bank to produce the solution
based on knowledge. This condition suitable for the
company that are very regulated such as Bank
because Bank depend on its human capital in doing
their business. Therefore, bank have to make sure
that its human resource has knowledge, skills,
capability, competence in their job. The banks will
improve its performance if human capital is capable
of using the knowledge, skills and competence.
Another part of VAIC TM model in this research is
STVA (Structural Capital Value Added) can be said
to have an impact on Financial Performance. The
research of (Ahangar, 2011) concluded that the
performance of a company’s intellectual capital
(human capital and structural capital) can explains
the financial performance. Also, this result
consistent with (Bontis, 2000), using a survey
instrument and conducting PLS one Malaysian
sample, found a significant relationship between
structural capital and financial performance.
VAIC in this research is formed only by the
indicator of VAHU and STVA. This means that the
company's Intellectual Capital affects its
performance improvement due to the factors such as
human resource, physical funds, equity, and profits.
Thus, the greater the Intellectual Capital consist of
human capital and structural capital, the higher the
bank’s performance. But the result also shows that
there is no relationship between intellectual capital
An Exploration Study on the Relationship between Intellectual Capital, Earning Management and Banking Financial Performance in