. Dependent Variable: Market Value Land (Y)
Based on Table 8, the coefficient value of
determination R
located on the R-Square column.
Unknown value determination coefficient
=.256.The value means all free variables, ie land
user type, accessibility, topography, location,
distance simultaneously affect the variable of market
value of land equal to 25,6%, the rest equal to 74,4%
influenced by other factors.
Based on the results of research, some answers to
research questions that have been submitted to the
respondent in accordance with the objectives and
hypotheses proposed in this study, it can be
concluded that the type of land use and accessibility
does not affect the value of the land. This is
evidenced by the significance value of these
variables is not smaller than alpha (0.05).
Topographical variables and distance to the CBD
have a significance value smaller than the alpha of
0.039 and 0.044. While the location becomes the
most influential variable to the value of the soil that
has the smallest significance value among some
other variables of alpha is equal to 0.038. So from
the results of the study concluded the location of a
commercial function becomes the most important
influence on the value of land on the street of
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