performance is successful will result in a good
correspondence between proportional contents and
The proposed classification is based on three main
principles, namely, (1) illocutionary point or an
illocutionary act uttered by a speaker, (2) words
adjusted with the reality of the world (word to world
direction of fit), (3) psychological states/sincerity
Table 1. Searle's Classification of Speech Acts (adapted
from Yule, 1996)
Speech act Direction of fit S = Speaker
type X = Situation
Assertives make words fit S believes X
the world
Commissivesmake the world S intends X
fit words
Directives make the world S wants X
fit words
Declarations word changes the S causes X
Expressives make words fit S feels X
the world
Searle has also proposed the idea that the
realization of the speech act use is influenced by four
conditions, including (1) propositional contents
condition (2) preparatory condition, (3) sincerity
condition, and (4) essential condition (Searle, 1969).
According to Searle, each of these conditions can
distinguish the meanings of every speech act.
With regard to present study, there are some
researches that have previously investigated the use
of speech acts within Islamic preaching. For example,
a research conducted by Maufur that discusses the
speech acts of Buya Yahya when teaching at Al-
Bahjah Islamic School Cirebon (Maufur, 2013). His
study has not described clearly and specifically the
realization of speech acts. Especially the type and
meaning of speaker illocution. Damayanti, in her
research, mentions that in giving dawah, a kiai is
more dominant in using assertive speech acts.
However, she did particularly not touch on the types
and meanings of assertive illocutions of the dai under
her study (Damayanti, 2014).
Rahayuningsih, Mujiman & Anita in thier
research results concluded that the speech acts of a
dai contains the relationship between human and God
and the relationship amongst human beings.
Nevertheless, in her research, she did not explain the
type of assertive illocutions of the dai as her subject
of study. Likewise, the results of the research
conducted by Salafah (2013) has not mentioned the
type of illocutionary meanings of a dai when giving
dawah . Her research results only mention the
classification and functions of dai speech without
describing the types of the illocutionary acts.
Based on the explanation of above research
results, this research therefore seeks to discover the
types and sub-types of assertive illocutions meanings
of dai when giving dawah. This research needs to be
conducted in order to discover the meanings of
assertive illocutions of a dai precisely. Hence, an
error and an interpretation ambiguity will not occur
as a result of dai speech acts. Not to mention, the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia has released a list of two hundred Muslim
preachers recommended based on the criteria of
qualified religious scholarly competence, good
reputation, and high nationality committment. It
indicates that all the while, Indonesian government
has supervised and evaluated each of dai’s speech act
when giving dawah, including the truth of the dawah
message conveyed. Based on the results of the
supervision, the government recommended two
hundred names out of thousands of dai in Indonesia
to the Moslem community in Indonesia.
The method of this research is descriptive qualitative.
This research method aims to describe, summarize
various conditions, situations, or various social reality
phenomenon. This research also seeks to bring the
reality into the surface as a feature, character, attitude,
model, sign, or description about the condition of the
situation, or specific phenomenon (Bungin, 2007).
The data of this research are dai’s speeches in the
forms of words, phrases and sentences when giving
dawah to people in the City of Medan. These data are
the primary data as they are directly taken from the
source. The data came from interviewees, namely dai
who gave da'wah based on the context of Islamic
preaching today, such as monotheism, fiqh,
interpretation and contemporary Islamic studies.
The data were collected using observation method
suplemented by notetaking technique (Sudaryanto,
2015). An observation method is used to observe the
language used by a dai in giving dawah which is
further written down by transcribing it in written
form. The data that have been collected were then
analyzed using contextual analysis method (Rahardi,
2009). Contextual analysis is an analysis technique
applied on linguistic data by basing and relating a