authority, but without supporting facility, policy
implementing is such an impossible.
The chosen roads as Traffic Control Zone will get
more attention from the Regional Transportation
Development Board (BPTD) that consists of several
elements, such as Transportation Office, Police,
Satpol PP, and several related agencies. This is in line
with the statement of Article 5 of Medan Mayor’s
Regulation No.16 of 2011 which regulates
supervision issues as follows: The implementation of
supervision and control over compliance with the
provisions of this Mayor Regulation shall be
submitted to the Transportation Office of Medan
City, Satlantas Polresta Medan, Satpol PP Medan and
related agencies of Medan City Government. The
surveillance of this area will be intensified not only
for traffic offenders but also to those who create a
chaotic zones. The City Government also curb street
vendors (PKL) who hung in the area that has been
established as Traffic Control Zone.
Violations and / or non-compliance with the
provisions of this Mayor Regulation shall be dealt
with in accordance with the prevailing laws and
regulations. (Article 6 of Medan Mayor Regulation
No.16 of 2011). Under the provisions of Article 314
UU No.22 of 2009 on Traffic and Vehicles that in
addition to imprisonment, imprisonment or fines, the
perpetrator of a offenders may be subject to additional
criminal sanctions in the form of revocation of
Driver's License or Reparation of Losses resulting
from a criminal act of traffic.
One of the most important attempts to make the
law effective is to set sanctions. Sanctions are actually
a stimulus to do or not do. Sometimes sanctions are
formulated as an agreement or rejection of certain
patterns of behavior in society. Thus, there are
negative sanctions and positive sanctions. Narrowly,
negative sanctions mean a punishment whereas
positive sanctions are rewarded. In reality it is not too
easy to establish that certain laws will be effective if
they are accompanied by sanctions. However, the
main factor that needs to be taken into account to
determine whether the sanctions play a role in the
effectiveness of the law is a characteristic problem of
sanctions itself. How sanctions is whether the
sanctions are in the form of severe sanctions or light-
weight only. Head of Transportation Office of Medan
City, Renward Parapat mentioned that based on the
results of coordination in traffic forum meetings,
fines against traffic violations within the area of
traffic order is given to a maximum fine so that the
riders are really obedient to traffic rules.
It is closely related to the perception of citizens in
taking the risk, especially if it violates a rule
accompanied by a negative sanction. If a citizen is
brave to bear the risk, although it would be suspected
that the negative sanctions are very limited
consequences. The problem is closely related to the
duration of the implementation of such negative
sanctions. If the sanction is immediately imposed
then there is a possibility that the consequences will
be far more effective than if the implementation is
postponed. Slowness in applying negative sanctions
to certain behaviors is one of the factors that cause
sanctions to be ineffective. This means that the
citizens of the community do not believe it anymore,
so that the authority of law and its enforcement will
decline. According to Kasatlantas Polresta Medan
mentioned that specifically in Traffic Control Zone
area, those who are against will get direct violation of
acts and tickets and then have to deal with the court.
The terms of law enforcement in concrete is the
enactment of positive law in practice as it ought to be
obeyed. Therefore giving justice in a case means
deciding the case by applying the law and
determining the law in concreto in maintaining and
ensuring the observance of the legal material by using
procedural means established by formal law. In
carrying out the law there will be many challenges
and obstacles that will continue to evolve with
different traits and shapes as the times passed. This is
what will demand the law and law enforcement
officers as its implementation to be able to enforce the
law by trying to overcome and look for solutions to
problems arising from the execution of these laws in
order to keep the law applied. Therefore Soerjono
Soekanto said law enforcement is not merely the
implementation of legislation, although in reality in
Indonesia the tendency is so, so the meaning of law
enforcement is so popular. Law enforcement in
Indonesia means law enforcement has to contain
values in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
Factors affecting law enforcement according
Soerjono Soekanto will be explained as follows:
a. The legal factor itself;
b. Law enforcement factors, for instance the
parties that make up and apply the law;
c. Factor of means or facilities that support
law enforcement
d. The community factor is the environment
where the law are legalized and applied.
e. Cultural factors such as work, creativity
and sense that is based on human
initiative in the social life.
These factors have a neutral meaning, so the
positive or negative impact lies in the content of these