Comparison of Performance between Mannitol Salt
Agar-supplemented Cefoxitin Disc and Chromogenic Media for
Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus Aureus Screening
Sri Amelia
, Dian Dwi Wahyuni
, Rina Yunita
and Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi
Department of Microbiology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. Mansur No.5,Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. Mansur No.5, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Methicillin-resistance, Chromogenic.
Abstract: Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and its burden still become a major problem in
hospital setting worldwide. Accurate and rapid screening method is needed to prevent transmission We
conducted a study to compare the performance between conventional method, modified-conventional
method, and chromogenic media to detect MRSA carrier. This cross-sectional study was obtained 80 nasal
swabs of medical personnel who worked in Intensive Care Unit. The location of study was in Hasan Sadikin
General Hospital and Sentosa Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia between March and July 2009. Meanwhile,
incubation and identification process were set in Department of Microbiology, Universitas Padjajaran,
Bandung, Indonesia. Modified-conventional method, cefoxitin disc plated at the bottom of Mannitol-Salt
media, was made. The result showed that specificity increased (100%, p-value < 0.001, kappa index= 1.00)
using modified media and similar result was also found with chromogenic media. While using conventional
method alone just produced 98.7% of specificity and 100% of sensitivity (p-value <0.001, kappa
index=0.85). Thus, modified-conventional method can be considerable since its detection rate of MRSA
similarly found as a reliable method for MRSA screening.
Since its findings in Detroit in 1981 among injecting
drug users, Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) remains problematic. MRSA will
produce low-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2
(PBP2) encoded by mecA gene, and bacteria still
continue its cell-wall synthesis, then it causes using
beta-lactam lineage as antimicrobial therapy is
meaningless (Schroeder et al., 2017). Furthermore,
using highly expensive antibiotics and prolonged
hospitalization of a patients infected-MRSA will
lead to a higher hospital expenditure (Collins, 2010).
MRSA has become emerging problem causing
nosocomial infection, especially in Intensive Care
Unit (ICU), anterior nares is its predilection mostly,
therefore colonization in this structure plays an
important role in MRSA transmission. The
transmission generally involves medical health-
workers who acquired infection and MRSA
colonization in their anterior nares. Transmission
will ensue directly if there is contact with infected-
individual. Endemically, asymptomatic carrier is
presence among hospitalized-patients and commonly
caused MRSA bacteraemia especially in critically-ill
patients (Marcel, 2008). Carrier identification and
isolation (carrier) MRSA are effective method in
controlling its incidence. MRSA screening should be
performed for both inpatients and all medical
personnel working in certain units, especially who
works in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the screening is
mandatory since it related to morbidity and mortality
of a patients-infected MRSA (Klevens, 2007).
Screening media can be performed using
conventional method, in which the isolates will be
implanted in blood agar then followed by
Staphylococcus aureus identification process up to
susceptibility test against methicillin. In addition to
blood agar, MRSA identification can also use
selective medium for Staphylococcus aureus such as
Mannitol Salt agar (MSA), furthermore, as the
confirmatory test, susceptibility test by using
Muller-Hinton agar (MHA)-supplemented cefoxitin
must be performed. MSA, MHA, and oxacillin
Amelia, S., Wahyuni, D., Yunita, R. and Rozi, M.
Comparison of Performance between Mannitol Salt Agar-supplemented Cefoxitin Disc and Chromogenic Media for Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus Aureus Screening.
DOI: 10.5220/0010075004760480
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resistant screening agar are commonly used among
other solid conventional methods in Europe.
However, chromogenic media can be used in several
laboratories because it eliminates all the issue related
to time-consuming procedure for MRSA screening
method and it is also widely used in Europe (Fagan,
As mentioned above, alternative method is
needed for screening MRSA in low-cost laboratory,
high cost and short expired date become a limitation
using chromogenic media as main screening media
for MRSA. Our study was conducted to determine
and compare the performance of conventional
method, modified-conventional method or MSA-
supplemented cefoxitin disc (MSA-CFOX), and
chromogenic media.
This study involved 80 health-workers who worked
in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Hasan Sadikin
General Hospital and Santosa Hospital, Bandung,
Indonesia between March and July 2009. This cross-
sectional study aimed to determine and compare the
performance of modified conventional method and
ChromIDTM for screening MRSA. Firstly, samples
were obtained from nasal swab of all health-workers
who had given their approval. Nasal swabs (BBL
CultureSwab Liquid Stuart) were directly sealed
inside the reaction tube which already contained
transport medium.
Furthermore, the specimens were inoculated into
conventional media (blood agar and Muller-Hinton
agar), modified-conventional media (MSA-
supplemented cefoxitin disc or MSA-CFOX), and
chromogenic media (ChromIDTM MRSA).
Bacterial inoculation and identification processes
were carried out in Microbiology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjajaran,
Bandung, Indonesia.
2.1 Modified-Conventional Method or
We provided petri dishes with cefoxitin disc placed
at the bottom of the media and it was divided into
three sections. We prepared initially MSA medium
under laboratory roof and directly plated cefoxitin
disc before the media solidified. Finally, modified-
conventional medium or Mannitol-Salt agar
supplemented cefoxitin disc (MSA-CFOX) were
ready to be used and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C.
Previously, we also assessed whether cefoxitin
substance had disseminated all over the
compartment of medium by using High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method in School
of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB),
Bandung, Indonesia.
After 24 hours, the colonies were seen yellow
and microscopically the bacteria arranged in groups
like grapes, from this simple examination we called
this findings as ‘suspected’ MRSA. For
confirmation, the colonies had also to be inoculated
into Muller-Hinton Agar (MHA) plate by placing
cefoxitin 30 µg disc on it (Kirby Bauer disc
diffusion method). Both medium acquired equal
handling with clearly established procedure. After
24 hours of incubation, observation and
measurement of inhibition zone were performed.
Inhibition zone 22 mm, it is evident for MRSA
while if ≥ 22 mm is MSSA.
2.2 Conventional Method
Inoculation into blood agar was performed before it
was incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. After
incubation, we obtained colony growth on the
surface of agar. Evaluation of the colony was
performed by microbiologist to determine whether
Staphylococcus aureus colonies are positive or not.
The colonies were circular, smooth, slightly
appeared on surface, glistening, and gray to
yellowish brown. Furthermore, the colony was
obtained using sterile ose and we fixated it on the
object glass for gram staining, catalase test, and
coagulase test. MHA medium was used as a part of
confirmatory for MRSA detection. Previously,
inoculum was incubated in McFarland medium to
increase the number of bacteria. We used cefoxitin
30 µg to determine the inhibition zone. Final results
would determine whether the presence of MRSA is
2.3 Chromogenic Media
Inoculation was carried out using ChromIDTM
MRSA, France for 24 hours at 370 C. It is well
explained that the colonies would appear greenish
for MRSA colonies.
2.4 Data Analysis and Study Approval
We used fisher exact test for data analysis while data
processing was done by calculating the kappa
coefficient of agreement (K) between the two
methods calculated by 2x2 proportion table. There
are three criteria for the kappa limit value, for
Comparison of Performance between Mannitol Salt Agar-supplemented Cefoxitin Disc and Chromogenic Media for Methicillin-resistance
Staphylococcus Aureus Screening
example if the kappa 0.75 is mentioned as high
conformity, if kappa between 0.40 and 0.75 is called
moderate conformity, whereas 0.40 is mentioned
as less conformity. Study approval was also obtained
from ethics commission of medical research of
Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia.
A total of 80 nasal swabs were examined and
inoculated then. Finally, the results were positive for
MRSA only in four samples (3.8%), and 15 samples
(18.8%) were positive for Methicillin-sensitive
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). The rest,
Streptococcus sp. (32.5%), Staphylococcus
saphrophyticus (7.5 %), and Staphylococcus
epidermidis (37.5%) were also found from samples.
After incubation period, we validated three different
methods and compared them with multistep
procedure mentioned above. We presented the result
in Table 1.
Table 1: MRSA identification using three different
Methods Sensitivity
100 100 <.001 1.00
Isolates that exhibited MRSA positive were four
samples (3.8%), confirmatory test was also done by
procedure mentioned above. Recently, some
molecular methods are introduced to detect MRSA,
detecting mecA gene still become reference tools to
demonstrare methicillin resistance, however,
because of inadequacy of tools and personnel, this
method can hardly be used in most laboratories
particularly in developing countries. Therefore,
proper and inexpensive screening method is still
required for routine procedure (Xu, 2017).
Identification of MRSA is depending on certain
factors, such as cost, speed of result, availability of
tools and equipment, sensitivity, and specificity. For
routine diagnostic purpose, tube coagulase or latex
agglutination, and catalase test should be done at the
beginning of identification process. Afterward,
options for detection methicillin resistance,
including disc diffusion, minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) measurements, chromogenic
agar, latex agglutination, rapid screening methods
and molecular detection are the methods can be used
for the next identification process. Media type,
incubation times and temperature are important in
determining the results of methicillin sensitivity. In
addition, by plating before broth enrichment will
increase the sensitivity of the screening method,
particularly using cefoxitin but it does not increase
the turnaround time (TAT) (Zurita, 2010), (Marlowe
and Bankowski, 2011). Therefore, for MRSA
identification, BSAC (British Society for
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy) recommends dilution
or disc diffusion of Columbia or Muller Hinton agar
with NaCl (2%) and incubation for 24 hours.
Nevertheless, because of its highly sensitive (>98%),
chromogenic agar is also commonly used for rapid
MRSA screening. Furthermore, FDA-approved
method for PCR and chromogenic agar only
available for nasal swabs, because of its different
result in each sample locations (Nathwani, 2008).
Selection of antibiotics for plating is also
essential since it determines the outcome of culture.
A study conducted by (Yamada, 2010) tried to
compare sensitivity and specificity among media
containing certain antibiotics, cefoxitin-based agar
media had 100 % sensitivities at 24 hours culture,
while lower results were found on the media
containing oxacillin or ceftizoxime. Consequently,
cefoxitin-based agar also is commonly used as first
option antimicrobial containing media for MRSA
screening while oxacillin as second option (Smyth
and Kahlmeter, 2005).
We conducted the study by using chromogenic
media and modified-conventional method, similar
results were found between the two-screening
method, by adding cefoxitin disc diffusion its
increased MRSA detection rate (p-value <0.001,
kappa index= 1.00) than conventional method alone.
(Han, 2007) evaluated mannitol salt agar (MSA) and
chromogenic media (CHROMagar Staph. aureus and
CHROMagar MRSA) for Staphylococcus aureus
detection, chromogenic media had shown higher
sensitivity at 24 hours (90.2 versus 76.5 % at 24
hours, p-value= 0.11), it is profound that the result
showed statistically non-significant, while using
MSA had higher specificity than chromogenic media
at 24 hours, 99.6% and 99.3 % respectively. But the
study only compared between two chromogenic-
based media for MRSA detection. In contrast, a
study conducted by (Patil and Gadagil, 2016) stated
that cefoxitin disc diffusion better than oxacillin and
chromogenic media, they carried out 200 clinical
isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and found 100 %
of sensitivity and specificity by using MSA-CFOX,
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
meanwhile with similar sensitivity, chromogenic
media had lower specificity, because of the findings,
chromogenic media should be used carefully in
detecting MRSA, especially alone.
Reduction in workload and reporting time by
using rapid identification like chromogenic media is
evident in study conducted by Lagace´-Wiens et al.
(2008) but using chromogenic media as screening
method is quite challenging since it can only be used
for a short period of time because of having short
expired date and the price is still high. Therefore,
using alternative method for screening MRSA is a
basis of this study especially beneficial for low-cost
laboratory. Poojay and Bhandarkar (2015) reported
lower price could be obtained by using conventional
method (MSA, blood agar plate, gram stain, catalase
test, coagulase test, and screening test using
cefoxitin) than using chromogenic media.
Nevertheless, using chromogenic media still saves
more than 48 hours instead of its high cost.
Although it was proved in 2009, we also
ascertain that the data was still reliable to be
compared to recent studies because of inconsistency
of the result showed in several studies which
compared the detection rate of MRSA using MSA-
CFOX and chromogenic media.
To conclude, modified-conventional method, we
used MSA-CFOX, becomes promising method for
MRSA screening instead of another expensive
method. Similar findings, sensitivity and specificity,
were evident in our study between using modified–
conventional method and chromogenic media. In
addition, this study also did not escape the limitation
since its MRSA positivity only found in four
samples, furthermore larger study is also needed to
give the evidence that modified-conventional
method is able to become one of choice for MRSA
screening. Notwithstanding, even our study was
conducted in 2009, we also proved using modified-
conventional method is become considerable method
to detect MRSA in general population.
This study was conducted to fulfill the requirement
in obtaining master’s degree. We thank to the staff
of Department of Microbiology, Universitas
Padjajaran, Sunarjati Sudigdoadi, MD, MS., PhD.
for their effort and supervision in this study. This
study was also used as preliminary study on using
Mannitol-salt agar supplemented cefoxitin powder
which is supported by Talent Research Universitas
Sumatera Utara, Basic Research Scheme of Year
2018 with the title is validity conventional method
of modification to conventional method and
ChromID MRSA as identification media
methycillin-resistant of Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA),Contract Number 248/UN5.2.3.1/PPM/KP-
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches