payment after medicine-taking at the pharmacy as
doctor medicine recipe while the BPJS
insurancepatient does not need to make the payment.
Patients BPJS insurance at USU hospital more than
the general patient and BPJS insurance patients
become the focus in this study. In the flow process
of patient BPJS insurance, there are many problems
due to a lot of waste on registration process,
investigation by the doctor, and medicine-taking at
the pharmacy. This is because there is still a lot of
waste occurs at each section and patients must queue
and wait for a long time at each process. This
problem leads to patient satisfaction on the
reduction service and critical waste is needed to
identify each process in order to make repairs
Waste identification done by the activities
description occurs of the service process into value
added activities,necessary but non value added
activities, and non value added activities lean
approach (Syahputri, 2017). Lean is acontinuous
effort to eliminate waste and increase the value
added of products or services to provide value to
costumer value (Gaspers and Fontana, 2011).
However, the concept of lean applied in service-
based fields. Lean in the field of service assumes the
same principle, namely continuous improvementand
waste. These principles are also currentlyapplied in
many service businesses for examplecall centers,
health care, higher education, software
development,and other professional services
(Ikatrinasari and Haryanto, 2014). Lean healthcare is
a strategy focused on eliminating inefficiencies and
giving more time to patient service activities(Lestie,
Many previous studies have been conducted in a
medical center or hospital in the world to identify
waste using a lean healthcare approach. One study
was conducted at Virginia Mason Medical Center in
Washington. The same study has also been
conducted at the anatomical pathologylabusing lean
methods (Spear, 2005). However, there is still many
research with lean healthcare done in hospital in
Indonesia especially in Medan City. This research is
aimed to identify waste from service process to
reduce waste happened in outpatient installation, and
service quality and increase consumer satisfaction.
In this study object of this study is the flow of
outpatient installation process of USU hospital
specially BPJS insurance patient. Research begins
by making observations to see and observe the
condition occurs in the outpatient installation. After
that, determines the purpose of research in
accordance to existing conditions on the outpatient
installation. Based on the purpose of research, data
collected as input in problem solving. The data
collected for data processing in the form of waste
occurs at each process, the patient processing time at
each part, and waiting time of the patient. Based on
these data, data processing done as a solution to
problems that occurs in the outpatient installation.
The research is done by using lean concept. This
approach is one of the best practices to identify
waste that occurs in the work environment (Ehrlich,
2002) .Lean is a production practice aims to
minimize waste along the value streams mapping
and create more value to customers. According to
lean principles, many use of resources does not
deliver consumer value is a target for change,
reduction or elimination (Arfman, 2014).
Problem solving with lean approach is done with
several stages. The first stage is to map the service
system of outpatient installation of USU hospital.
The purpose of mapping is to know the process
occurs in the outpatient installation of USU hospital
at this time. Mapping is done by describing the
service process of outpatient installation starting
from the arrival of the patient until the patient
returns. The result of this service installation system
mapping is called the current state mapping service
system and the flow of BPJS insurance patient
service process on the outpatient installation of USU
hospital. After obtaining big picture mapping, the
next step is to identify the activity along the service
system on the outpatient installation. This
identification is done to know and calculate the
percentage of activities including value added, non
value added but necessary, and non value added
categories. After the percentage at each activity is
obtained, the next step is to identify the waste occurs
in the service system of the outpatient installation.
This waste identification aims to determine the
waste occurs during the process and causing the
patient service process be ineffective. Next stage is
critical waste identification from the eight waste by
distributing questionnaires to patients.
3.1 Current State Mapping
The process of describing the current state mapping
service system on the outpatient installation of USU
hospital is done from the arrival of the patient until