performance. Based on some previous research
states that competence has a significant effect on
employee performance.
3.2 H-OSH Planning
Based on the results of research, the OSH team said
that the Hospital had the H-OSH planning as stated
in OSH Program. The work program is prepared to
refer to the applicable regulations. The planning is
arranged in one period of 2016-2017. However, the
program has not yet covered decomposed in the
Decree of the Minister of Health Number 1087 /
MENKES / SK / VIII / 2010. OSH planning also has
not been contained in technical guidelines or the
existence of written forms and procedures. This can
affect how the next implementation in work
programs that have been prepared.
Therefore, OSH planning should also be
contained in hospital strategic plan and can be
disseminated through computer-based hospital
information system. Hospital Information System
should be developed to overcome the shortcomings
and inconsistencies between work units. For
example, the incongruence begins with the
complexity of the types in actions and services that
must be provided to each unit in unified
3.3 Implementation of H-OSH Plan
The schedule of the programs has prepared in well-
timed. But the program has not been implemented
maximally. Based on interview, it causes by the lack
of OSH executive staff in hospitals and the
implementation still not integrated also cultivation
of safe and healthy work in the hospital
environment. Occupational Safety and Health
culture is a combination of attitude, beliefs, norms,
and perceptions of certain organizations related to
OSH climate and safe and healthy practice. The
most important issue in establishing a safety culture
is based on the working climate of a supportive
workplace to promote safety and health behaviour at
all times during work. Implementation OSH plan
also indicated by the absence of implementation
guidance H-OSH socialized to all units in the
hospital. Therefore, the pattern of health care work
in given the patient priorities and not paying
attention to safety and the risk that could be
experienced by the health provider. This situation is
supported by the knowledge of health care workers
who prioritize the target achievement of the work
than to maintain the safety and health. According to
WHO, a person can behave certain regarding
applying OSH due to four main reasons namely
knowledge, perception, attitude and trust. These four
things must support each other. By the results of
research which states that the implementation of
OSH in hospitals can be quite good as much as 68%
associated with knowledge of OSH enough, good
individual attitude and information of OSH that
reach by health workers.
Implementation of H-OSH can also be hampered
by the lack of facilities used in the services
provided. For example one of the units studied in
this research is the hemodialysis section. From
observation, it found that the sake of safety, the user
is required to have differentiation in sterilizing the
tube hemodialysis, but the hospital has only one unit
of sterilization equipment. This situation requires
officers to sterilize infectious patients manually to
avoid transmission of the disease to other non-
infectious patients. This manual work pattern may
increase the risk of workplace accidents or illnesses
because the possibility of direct contact may occur
concerning biological factors derived from
pathogenic germs from patients.
Also, hospitals waste management hampered due
to the minimum housekeeping officers to collect
medical and nonmedical waste. In collected the
medical or non-medical waste from each room,
officers still combine the medical and nonmedical
waste in a trolley/garbage train even it has been
classified in different colour plastics from each unit.
Medical waste is very important to be managed
properly and specifically because it can be
categorized as hazardous and toxic waste and
classified as an infectious. Improper management
will pose a risk for disease transmission. Based on
the results of interviews conducted, some of the
phenomena is due to lack of officers’ knowledge
about occupational safety and health. Officers also
adjust the work with existing tasks and facilities to
avoid repeated collection. The work environment of
the hospital should consider the physical aspects that
may affect the work. Based on the results of the
study found many health and safety risks that can
occur in workers at hospital include eye exhaustion
due to poor lighting, the risk of falling, work time
that exceeds standards and workloads are not in
accordance with the capacity so that increasing
fatigue in workers, limited work space, and poor
APAR evaluation.
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System based on Internet of Things (IoT)