Stakeholder Perception about Soft Skill Graduated Faculty of
Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara
Reni Asmara Ariga
, Siti Zahara Nasution
, Rina Amelia
, Dardanila
, Rika Endah Nurhidayah
, and
Siti Saidah Nasution
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof. Maas No. 03 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, dr. Mansyur Street No. 5 Kampus USU, Medan Indoneasia
Faculty of Culture Studies, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Street Kampus USU, Medan Indoneasia
Keywords: Stakeholder, Perception, Soft Skill, Nursing.
Abstract: The Soft skill is one skill that must be owned by everyone, especially for nurses. Soft skills are required to
support the hard skills or technical skills that nurses have acquired during nursing education as nursing
students. The purpose of this research is to know the perception of stake holder about soft skill graduate
faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara. The design of this study is descriptive. Samples were taken
by total sampling technique, a total of 68 stakeholders of Nursing Faculty of University of Sumatera Utara.
The results of this study found that nursing students have soft skills category both 44 people 64.7% and
enough category 24 people 35.3%. The ability of soft skill is very necessary for the world of work, because
the success of a person is not only determined by intellectual intelligence alone but it is this soft skill ability
that plays an important role in achieving a job. College is considered as a place to develop soft skill
graduates. The need for soft skill development is increasing along with the community's tutorial with the
competence of nurses
Nurse is one of the profession of health care
providers (care providers) professionally in all
situations according to the condition of the patient.
Nurses should be on standby 24 hours in performing
nursing care. Nurses are the most numerous
professions in health care. The percentage of nurses
was the highest among health workers, 49% of
1,000,780 health workers. The number of nurses in
Indonesia amounted to 296,876 people, while in
North Sumatra 14,824 people (Ministry of health
As a profession that seeks to show identity, the
nursing profession has many challenges. The
challenge is not only from the external but also from
the internal profession of this nurse. Nurses are
required to have adequate skill to become a
professional nurse,that is service in the form of
biological service, social psychology, spiritual which
is addressed to individual, family and society.
Nurses are expected to increase their competence in
providing care equivalent to their position. Nurses
are expected to work in accordance with soft skills
as well. Soft skills that must be owned by a nurse
that nurses are expected to work and communicate
with fellow nurses, doctors and patients (minority
nurse staff 2013)
Soft skill is one skill that must be owned by
everyone, especially for nurses. Soft skills are
required to support the hard skills or technical skills
that nurses have acquired during nursing education
or as nursing students. Some things included in the
nurse soft skill are adaptability, communication
skills, cooperation, problem solving, confidence,
discipline, meticulous (Hartiti 2012). Soft skills,
especially communication skills, are highly needed
by a person to interact effectively and efficiently to
anyone and in all situations, as well as for learners
and professionals to achieve academic success and
workplace success (Kumar 2011).
At this time the learning process in the Faculty
of nursing more dominated by the achievement of
learning (hard skills) in comparison with aspects of
Affective (soft skills). There are several possible
reasons for the occurrence of the situation, among
others: 1). The ability of science (hard skills) is more
Ariga, R., Nasution, S., Amelia, R., Dardanila, ., Nurhidayah, R. and Nasution, S.
Stakeholder Perception about Soft Skill Graduated Faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010076805140518
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
easily measured, while the affective (soft skill)
which is the embodiment of values, wills, interests,
feelings, in behavior and attitude, will be more
difficult assessment, 2). The view of the duty of
lecturers who are limited to teaching only (transfer
of knowledge), assuming the students should be
adult / independent, so that the lecturer does not
include affective aspects in the design of learning,
3). Learning strategy that is carried out so far mostly
focuses on lecturers (how the material being
explained finished the lecturer without evaluating
fully whether student competence is achieved or not)
4) Another possibility is that lecturers do not
understand the importance of this aspect for students
as a very ability element needed in the world of
work / life later or lecturers do not have the ability to
systematically and methodically to do learning
related to affective aspects (soft skill), because most
lecturers in college is a man who is considered
experts in the field of science, but not all get
supplies enough in the field of learning / paedagogi
required in performing their duties.
There are several frequent problems with soft
skill that is 88% communication, 72% interpersonal,
and 56% leadership which is considered the most
important, besides technical and analytical or hard
skill is only 18%, it is the next thing that is
considered important. Even after entering the world
of work, much needed training is not a form of hard
skill training but more soft skills are needed
[Agustian 2009].
Soft skills have a large share in supporting
one's success in entering the workforce. Having
good hardskill skills, but is not supported with the
personality or ability of a good soft skill will be in
vain (Ismail, 2007). The Human Resource
Assessment (HR) review of the last decade
conducted by an Emotional Quality Inventory (EQI)
institution states that professionals from all over the
world who are sampled show that IQ only
contributes a maximum of 20% on average only
around 6% someone's success, compared to EQ.
Even Carnegie Institute of Technology found
another proof that of 10,000 successful people 15%
of their success is determined by technical skills,
while 85% is dominated by personality or soft skills.
Edward Wiggam found 400 people or 10% of 4000
people who lost their jobs were due to technical
inadequacies, meaning 90% of them were
unemployed because of having personality problems
(Cristian 2008).
A graduate of the Nursing Faculty as Ners who
will work in the community should be able to
integrate the skills of hard skill and soft skills
simultaneously this is because the science of nursing
is directly related to the response of clients who need
nursing services in order to improve the quality of
their health, for that since the academic education
and profession this soft skill should be implemented
in teaching and learning process especially in
learning strategy. The percentage of first taker
graduates of the ners program that followed the last
three years competency test was still low, namely
2014 (78%), 2015 (52%) and 2016 (77%) and the
average percentage passed the competency test 69%
(Borang Akreditasi 3a Fakultas Kepearawatan
Universitas Sumatera Utara 2016).
The University of North Sumatra, including the
Faculty of Nursing, has started to identify learning
strategies to improve the soft skill of graduates in
conjunction with the preparation of the higher
education curriculum. This activity involves an
education service and development unit that has the
main duty as an institution that becomes the center
of education in the field of independent teaching and
learning process. However, the identification of
learning strategies in the faculty of Nursing to
improve the soft skills of graduates still requires
improvement because the formation of learning
strategies to improve the soft skills of graduates has
not fully departed from the process of evaluation and
mapping of the curriculum thoroughly.
As an initial picture of the University of North
Sumatra has 156 courses. Until early 2017 the
identification of learning strategies to improve the
soft skills of graduates developed at USU has
unequal standards, albeit at the same level. Efforts to
improve and improve the curriculum are done by
improving the ability of the Head of Study Program
in conducting curriculum development. In addition,
workshops on regulatory changes related to the latest
regulations are also conducted. The result there are
some changes and adjustments made by the study
program. These steps still need to be improved so
that the study program can be more responsive to
Facing the rapidly changing global
environment and the enormous challenges such as
the high competitiveness caused by the inclusion of
overseas graduates, and if Nursing USU does not
undertake the improvement and development of a
curriculum that integrates soft skills in line with the
development of internal and external environments,
the quality of learning has decreased significantly
causing KeperawatanUSU lagging behind other
Nursing faculty, both national, regional and
Stakeholder Perception about Soft Skill Graduated Faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara
The design of this study is descriptive. The sample
of this research is a graduate of the Faculty of
Nursing University of North Sumatra. Number of
samples 68 graduates consisting of 4 heads of
nursing and 64 head of the room consisting of 3
different types of hospital with different types,
namely RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan (Type A),
RSUD Pirngadi Medan (Type B), USU Hospital
(Type C) and Padang Bulan Puskesmas Medan.
Sampling technique is total sampling. The
instrument used is a soft skill questionnaire. Validity
test value equal to r = 0,49 and reliability test value
equal to cronbach alpha 0,78. This research was
conducted on 23 - 27 April 2018. Researchers
conducted a soft skill assessment using
questionnaires, as many as 68 nursing nursing
faculty graduates.
The results showed demographic data, namely the
majority of age <40 years as much as 43.1% (31),
the majority of male sex as much as 66.7% (48), the
majority of private sector employment was 54.2%
(39) people, the majority of private sector employees
work as much as 54.2% (39) people, the majority of
private sector employment is 54.2% (39) people, the
majority of private sector employment is 54.2% (39)
people, the majority of them live with families as
many as 48.6% (35), the majority of home
conditions were high home humidity as much as
38.9% (28), the majority of high school education
was 62.5% (45), the majority of respondents had
contact with patients in contact with previous
patients as much as 54.2% (39). The majority of
Batak tribes were 52.8% (38). Previously the patient
had received 91.7% of TB information (66). The
source of tuberculosis indormation was obtained
from television 56.9% (41). Information can be seen
in the table below.
Table 1: Demography Characteristic of Stakeholder
Data Demo
rafi F %
22-27 Year
28-33 Year
34-39 Year
40-45 Year
52-57 Year
Head of nurse
Head of room
Work Experience
New (1-5 Year)
Moderate (6-10
Longer (>10
The result showed soft skill of Nursing S2
student, that the majority of soft skill of soft nursing
students were 44 persons 64,7% students were good
and soft skills are 24 persons 35.3% Students were
Figure 1. Demografic data of Soft skill
The results showed demographic data, namely the
majority of age 46-51 years as much as 33.8% (23).
At that age is the age with high work productivity.
Productive age is a mature age in which stakeholders
have more knowledge and experience so as to have
better judgment skills. The majority of female sexes
were 94.1,7% (64). This is in accordance with the
membership report recorded in the information
system of professional organizations of PPNI that
71% (256,326 persons) nurses are women. The
profession of nurses is often favored by women. The
work done more involves the feelings and instincts
of a woman. Women are usually more sensitive,
more care, more responsive, more empathetic than
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
men. Nurses work by treating patients, the job
requires a lot of patience and less ccook when done
by men. The presence of male nurses as a minority
group to date is still considered sensitive, related to
emotions and stereotypes, although in many
situations male nurses demonstrate good
performance (Rajacich 2013).
The majority of Ners' last education is 66.2%
(45), Nurse with Ners educational background is a
professional nurse and is eligible to evaluate his
subordinate nurse associated with the head office
and head of the field who must have communication,
majamemen ability. The majority of headroom
occupation work as much as 95.6% (65) people, The
work of the head of the room is a job that makes the
ability of leadership and personality high. This
corresponds to the role and function of the head of
the chamber (Marquis & Huston, 2010). At the head
office level is often done training to update the
competence associated with the position as head of
the field and head of the room at the hospital and
outside the hospital. the majority of long working>
10 years as much as 54% (79.4). Nurses working
longer than 10 years have occupied many levels
such as head of field, head of the room, clinical
instructor, team leader (katim) and nurse who
automatically passed or run the role of the lower
positions first and not nurses on arrival - came to be
the head of the field. Nurses who have working
experience will show good performance (Rudianti
The result showed soft skill of Nursing S2
student, that the majority of soft skill of soft nursing
students were 44 persons 64,7% students were good
and soft skills are 24 persons 35.3% Students were
enaught. Soft skills are part of individual skills that
are more of a refinement of the individual's sense of
sensitivity to the surrounding environment
(Purwoastuti 2015). Soft skills are defined as
interpersonal and intrapersonal behaviors that are
capable of developing and maximizing humane
performance (Nursalam 2008). The softskill
attributes include the values held, motivation,
behavior, habits, character and attitudes. These soft
skill attributes are owned by different levels of
people who are influenced by the habit of thinking,
saying, acting and behaving.
The nurse is a patient-related profession. The
nurse views the patient as an untik being associated
with bipsychosocial and spiritual, age, occupation
that affects nurses interacting. Nurses lacking
interpersonal will effectively lead to nursing care not
running in accordance with the standards. Nurses
provide nursing care through intermediary
communication both orally and in writing. Nurses
need to know the concept of teraupetik
communication. This is because a patient is not only
biologically ill but often associated with
psychological and through health education
communication is also enlarged by nurses so as to
improve health status. Communication in the world
of nursing is very important as the nursing
documentation used to convey information to other
parties is also evidence when there is a dispute
(Elfindri 2009).
As a professional nurse who is faced with
patients who are having problems, they are required
to have conflict management competencies. Not
only solve problems personally but can solve the
problems that the patient has with regard to nursing
care. It is impossible for a nurse to fully treat a
patient with a health problem if a nurse has a
problem or conflict. The nurse must be able to solve
the problem of its work, especially in relation to the
patient who is still within the limits and
responsibilities of the nurse. The ability of
collaboration with the compromise approach used as
a conflict resolution strategy. An effective negotiator
looks calm and confident about himself and uses an
honest approach, developing assertive skills to
negotiate conflicts (Marquis 2010).
In performing its role as a nurse, often nurses
experience the conditions must take decisions
quickly and appropriately and pay attention to time
management. The manajeen's time-consuming
capability has the ability to mempritaskan and carry
out responsibilities (Pengemanan 2014). The nurse's
responsibility is not only for patients and families
but for rofesi and his God. The nurse's
responsibilities are regulated in Law number 36 of
2014 on nursing.
The ability of soft skill is very necessary for the
world of work, because the success of a person is not
only determined by intellectual intelligence alone
but it is this soft skill ability that plays an important
role in achieving a job. College is considered as a
place to develop soft skill graduates. The need for
soft skill development is increasing along with the
community's tutorial with the competence of nurses.
Nurses have the ability to communicate
effectively, apply ethical and legal aspects of
nursing practice, implement professional nursing
care in clinics and communities, able to apply
leadership and nursing management, able to
establish social relationships, conduct research, be
able to develop professionalism continuously or
Stakeholder Perception about Soft Skill Graduated Faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara
learn along life. Nursing graduates must have the
ability and instinct of development independently
and cooperate, education personality development is
important to uphold ethics, have a work ethic that
needs to emulate, have an attitude that can be
emulated in life.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported Ministry of
Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research
grant PDUPT of Year 2018.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches