are confronted with long-term treatment of chronic
illness such as pulmonary TB disease (WHO, 2015).
Low medication adherence in patients with
pulmonary TB will slow the healing process of the
disease, increase the risk of morbidity, mortality,
and drug resistance to either one type of OAT
(mono-resistant), or more than one type of OAT
(poly resistant, multidrug resistant, extenly drug
resistant, or totally drug resistant) (Departement of
Health Indonesiam 2005). Low patient compliance
with OAT also causes patients to be a source of
transmission of resistant bacteria in the community,
which in turn will complicate the eradication of
pulmonary TB disease in Indonesia and exacerbate
the burden of the government (WHO, 2015).
Drug adherence is influenced by several factors
such as knowledge and attitude (Departement of
Health Indonesiam 2005). According to research
Tachfouti et al (2011) there is a real relationship
between knowledge and attitude with adherence to
taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in Morocco, Africa
(BPOM RI, 2006). According to research Avianty
(2005) knowledge and attitudes become factors that
affect the level of adherence of a person in taking
medicine (Widjanarko, Gompelman, Dijkers &
Werf). According to research Luluk at Health Center
Gatak Surakarta (2012) it is said that there is a
significant relationship between the knowledge of
adherence to taking medication of patients with
pulmonary tuberculosis (CAN, 2013).
Based on the above it can be assumed that there
are several factors that influence the level of patient
compliance in the treatment of pulmonary
tuberculosis such as knowledge and attitude of the
patient. Active care management of lung TB patients
at home can be done through telenursing.
Telenursing is defined as a process of providing
management and coordination of care and delivery
of health services through information technology
and telecommunications (Sholikhah, 2012)
According to Wulandari (2012), that the use of
telenursing can improve patient behavior in
prevention of transmission of pulmonary
tuberculosis. However, this method of telenursing is
quite expensive. Therefore, researchers are trying to
develop new, cheaper models through N-SMSI
(Ners-Short Message Services) (Wulandari, 2012).
N-SMSI is one form of community nursing
intervention, where community nurses send SMS to
Pulmonary TB patients. SMS contains reminder
messages of medication and nutrition, sent daily,
with frequency adjusted to the timing schedule for
taking TB lung medication. Website-built SMS,
hosted on an email provider, so this method does not
cost a lot. To overcome this problem, researchers
apply communication technology through
telenursing known as N-SMSI (Ners-Short Message
Service Intervention) by sending short messages to
patients in accordance with the time of taking the
drug. This study aims to increase the rate of healing
of pulmonary TB patients and reduce mortality by
increasing knowledge, making decisions and
improving patient compliance to take medication
independently. This study has the outcomes of
producing appropriate methods in improving the
adherence of taking pulmonary TB patients with N-
SMSI (Ners-Short Message Service Intervention).
Ners-Short Message Service Intervention (N-SMSI)
study on improving medication adherence of
pulmonary TB patients in Medan using Quasi
Experiment method with pretest-posttest design with
control group, population of 72 people. 36 controls
and 36 intervention groups. Sampling technique
used in this research is non probability sampling
technique with total sampling approach that is
sampling technique by taking the whole sample
amount of research. The inclusion criteria in this
study were the new intensive phase intensive TB
patients expressed by the Johor Field Health Center
and the Medan Amplas Community Health Center,
the patients with tuberculosis aged 21-60 years, the
patients had mobile phones, were willing to be
respondents. Exclusion criteria include Pulmonary
TB patients with accompanying diseases, such as
HIV, cancer, and DM, Pulmonary TB patients who
refuse to be respondents.
This research was conducted for 2 months.
Starting from April to June 2018. The reason for the
study was to select the working area of Medan Johor
Health Center and Puskesmas Medan Amplas as a
research site because this location is a densely
populated location with TB patients and Puskesmas
have TB program. Instrument used in this research is
questionnaire of medication patient compliance level
of Lung TB patient with CVI value. Instruments
have been derived with crobaalfa value. The process
of collecting data is done by 1) the researcher fill out
the format of assessment of respondent
characteristics that include age, sex, occupation, and
education level, and patient's cellular contact
number; 2) The researcher evaluates the patient's
compliance rate before taking N-SMSI (pre-test) on
the first day; 3) Researchers conducted N-SMSI
implementation in coordination with patient and
family for 2 months by sending a short message
containing reminder of taking medicine 15 minutes
before taking medicine. SMS is given in the morning
at 07.00 WIB but pasa when the fasting month is
done 03.00 WIB. Researchers previously gave the