
7) The percentage of most (75%) respondents with
a history of non-FP with a majority of abnormal
pap smear of 37.5%.
8) The percentage of most (70%) samples were age
group over 35 years had IHC intensity 0
(negative p53) and 7.5% intensity +1 (p53
negative) and 2.5% intensity +3 (P53 positive or
protein expression p 53 over expression).
9) The percentage of married marriage status
(87.5%) with majority result of IHC with
intenistas 0 (negative P53) and 7.5% result of
iHC +1 (negative p53) and 2.5% with result of
IHC +3 (P53 positive or protein expression p 53
over expression).
10) The percentage of sample (90%) with IHC
intensity 0 (negative P53) high school (42.5%),
Diploma (15%), Bachelor (32.5%) and IHC
intensity +1 (negative p53) high school (5%),
Diploma (2.5%) and IHC +3 Result (positive p53
/ over p53 expression) of (2.5%).
11) The percentage of sample (60%) with status not
working with resultIHC intenistas 0 (negative
p53), and 5% with result of IHC intensity +1
(negative p53) 5%, and result of IHC +3 (positive
P53) equal to 2.5%.
12) The percentage of samples with parity history
had the same distribution of ≤2 and 22 with 45%
sample with female parity status with IHC
intensity 0 (negative p53) and parity ≤ 2 with
IHC intensity +1 (negative p53) of 2.5% and IHC
intensity +3 result of 2.5%.
13) The percentage of sample (60%) with regular
menstrual cycle with IHC intensity 0 (negative
protein p53), and 2.5% samples with regular
menstrual cycles with IHC +1 (negative p53),
and 5% samples with irregular menstrual cycles
with results IHC +1 (negative p53), and 2.5%
sample with irregular menstrual cycle with IHC
+2 result (negative p53).
14) The percentage of sampel was immune (30%)
with result of IHC intensity 0 (negative p53) and
sample with FP steady at 5% with result of IHC
+1 (negative p53), and Hormonal family
planning sample with IHC +3 result (2.5%).
1) Increasing education activities and health
promotion about cervical cancer prevention by
holding seminar or examination of cervical
cancer detection either Pap smear, IV
examination or IHC examination.
2) For the community to all women play an active
role in the prevention of cervical cancer is to
follow the cervical cancer seminar and early
detection of cervical cancesr examination.
3) For women who have ever done cervical cancer
should re-do periodically at least once a year if
obtained the results are normal and check the
repeat is to do a six-monthly examination.
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Biomoleculer Screening on WomenServical Cancers in Medan North Sumatera