obtain the optimal technique to solve the problem
(Hannan, 2018). Traveling salesman problems and
routing issues vehicles are a very complex problem in
the field of logistics distribution because they should
involve a minimum cost design, determining the
delivery route from start to finish and determining the
start of the depot and the end of the depot
(Armenzani, 2017). The solutions generated on the
VRP problem are increased exponentially and to find
the optimal solution in VRP problems can be solved
by using heuristic methods that the proposed heuristic
approach allows us to deal with problems in a short
time using the heuristic method (Heechul, 2016).
Clarke and Wright create a heuristic algorithm to
complete the VRP based on the concept of austerity
which provide optimal solution and easy way to
calculate and easier to comprehend. The concept of
this savings was with the concept of cost that can be
obtained by combining the two routes to the top and
making it one. This was shown in the figure below
where 0 represents the depot and i, j as the customer
(Fathoni, 2017) of modified saving algorithms to
create feasible solutions for VRPP. The idea was to
first serve each customer with a special route, and
then combine the route pairs as long as the positive
savings can be realized and the vehicle's capacity was
not violated. In each iteration, we combine pairs with
the highest savings. To combine the two routes r1 and
r2, we only consider the edge incidence to the depot
and remove one side of r1 and one side r2. Then, we
replace it with an edge directly connecting the
appropriate customer i from r1 and j r2 (Babaee,
2018). The Saving Matrix method was the method
used to determine the route of product distribution to
the marketing area by determining the distribution
route to be traveled and the number of vehicles
routing based on the capacity in order to obtain the
shortest route and minimal transportation cost. The
Saving Matrix method was also one of the techniques
used to schedule a limited number of vehicles from
facilities with a different maximum capacity. The
austerity matrix shows the savings that occur when
combining two possible TPS into one truck so that it
can save the distance, time, and transportation costs
(Babaee, 2018).
This research was conducted in the district of Medan
Kota. The object studied was the route of transporting
garbage from the pool to the TPS and from the TPS
to the landfill located in Marelan Raya Street, Market
V TPA Plunge, Rengas Island, Medan Marelan. The
data collected to conduct the research is the data of
the number of temporary garbage disposal sites, the
number of consumer demand or the volume of
landfills.from the data obtained will be processed
using Clarke and Wright Saving Matrix method, the
route of garbage transportation in sub-district of city
was divided into 4 polls where each poll has different
number of different TPS for each POOL
The first step done in this research was to create a
matrix that contains distance between TPS the
distance between each pair of locations to visit.
Determining the distance was based on the distance
of each TPS where the location of each TPS can be
symbolized as notation, Juanda street was symbolized
by A1, Sisingamangaraja street symbolized by A2,
Mahkamah street symbolized by A3, Tengah street
symbolized by A4, Samarinda symbolized with
Rahmadsyah by A6 , Raja street symbolized by B1,
Pelangi steet symbolized by B2, Turi street
symbolized by B3, Gedung Arca street symbolized by
B4, Halat street symbolized by B5, Halat street
symbolized by B6, Juanda street symbolized by B7,
H M Joni street symbolized by B8, Seksama street
symbolized by C1, Saudara street symbolized by C2,
Bahagia street symbolized by C3, Kemiri 1 street
symbolized by C4, Kemiri 2 street symbolized by C5,
Pelajar street symbolized by D1, Jati street
symbolized by D2, Aman street symbolized by D3,
Meranti street symbolized D4. Sakti Lubis street
symbolized by D5, Pintu Air street symbolized by
D6, Busi street symbolized by D7, Gg Pegawas
symbolized by D8, Bali street symbolized by D9,
Sempurna symbolized by E1, Santun street
symbolized by E2, Laksana street symbolized by E3,
Amalium street symbolized by I4, and Rahmadsyah
street symbolized by E5. The second stage is to create
a distance-saving Matrix that shows the savings that
occur when combining two possible TPS into one
truck so that it can save the distance, time, and
transportation costs.
S (x, y) = Dist (Center, x) + Dist (Center,