The valuation method of land and building tax
imposition base generally uses mass appraisal and
individual appraisals. Mass appraisal is used for big
amount of, homogeneous, not special characteristic,
and not high value tax objects. In mass appraisal,
land tax imposition base is calculated based on the
average indicative value contained in each land
value zone. Building tax imposition base of building
is calculated based on the list of building component
costs reduced by the physical depreciation.
Meanwhile, individual assessment is performed for
tax objects that have special characteristics, high
economic value, various type and size, high-rise
building, and multi-ownership. This method has not
been fully implemented by the Medan City
government due to resource constraints.
Hanoi and Vietnam find the same difficulties in
determining market value. In Vietnam, tax is not
calculated on market value, but rather is area-based
considering the location of property within a
particular zone of a city (Loan and Mccluskey,
2012). Loan and Mccluskey (2012) also summarize
the tax based in some countries, namely Estonia and
Latvia using market value. In Lithuania, land
valuation is carried out based on normative value,
while building is rated based on average market
value. Hanoi and Vietnam are based on land
categories multiplied by coefficient and rice price.
Medan City Government requires a tax collection
strategies which is, currently, not optimal. If land
and building tax imposition base is set at market
value, the target of tax revenue will be achieved.
However, some people object it. If it is lower than
land and building tax imposition base, it may not
lead the tax target revenue to be met. The
preparation of local government to establish the
value of taxable objects based on market value is
also a challenge due to the readiness of different
human resources both at central and local
The objective of this study is to answer this
challenge and to formulate strategies to improve the
financial strength of Medan City, such as how to
find the strategies to make public pay L&B tax, how
to get businessman pay L&B Tax, and how to make
land and building tax imposition base can be
determined at market value.
This research is a qualitative research. Data obtained
through in-depth interviews. Respondent consists of
60 L&B tax payers taken from an University in
Medan alumni database and willing to be
interviewed, 5 lecturers in taxation subject, 2 central
tax officials, and 1 local tax official. Determination
of the lecturers and the tax officials is by looking at
their capabilities. Data was analyzed by inductive
reasoning, namely decision making which begins
with a specific statement to compile general
Based on results of interviews with the
taxpayers, an unexpected result is obtained i.e.
people who have property valuation knowledge
background (30%) tend not to have reluctance with
the amount of taxes to be paid. Meanwhile, people
without knowledge of property valuation (60%) tend
to find that since 2014 the amount of tax to be paid
is very expensive, it is unclear how to calculate the
tax amounts, and it is unfair and lead them to be in
tax arrears. They do not feel the impact of taxes
paid, for example, the width of the road in front of
his house remains unchanged even though they pay
taxes. Actually, the property tax is a direct tax, but
the public benefits received from the tax are often
indirect (Palmon and Smith, 1998). As much as 2%
of them think that the increase of land and building
tax imposition base 2014 is to make people
increasingly unable to stay in strategic areas and
those areas will be controlled by capitalists.
However, these are preliminary findings that still
require further study as they relate to the results of
Mukasa (2011) and Mukhlis, et al. (2010). Mukasa
(2011) found that perceived fairness taxes and tax
knowledge are related to tax compliance. Mukhlis, et
al. (2015) also found that tax compliance will
increase by increasing tax knowledge gained from
tax education.
As much as 10% of respondents complain
about having to pay L&B Tax when they are retired.
From the results of interviews with local
government, they said that retired tax object can
actually apply for relief. However, some people find
it difficult in the filing procedures. This is matches
with Sulija and Sulija (2005) in Babawale (2013)
which said the principle of equality is that taxes
must be calculated based on the ability of taxpayers
to pay rather than based on the highest and best use
of property.
From the results of interviews with local tax
officials regarding tax payment constraints, it can be
seen that the local government has mere cooperation
with local banks. In the future, cooperation will