process of post conference can be done better. At
item question about Nursing Care Standards (SAK)
as the guidance of a team leader in the
implementation of pre conference also majority
answer wrong, this is reflected in the room that
obtained in implementing nursing care a team leader
not yet use SAK as regularity in doing action plan
of nursing.
Nurse’s knowledge in aplication of conference
team, started from hand over, pre conference,
nursing care, post conference, nursing round.
(Marquis and Huston, 2010) mentioned that
function of management useful as nurse role model,
The head nurse should be use his/her knowledge in
patient management. It's means the head nurse can
act as role model in team application, so is needed
knowledge in applying team model in the room.
The nurse who work under head nurse is a team
leader. Team leader is a nurse who responsible to
lead associate nurse in doing nursing care in the
inpatient room and direct responsible to head nurse
in report the result of management patient. At team
model the team leader hold a very important role in
managing care and guiding staff.
Based on the result research about knowledge of
team leader is found that most of them at enough
category was 81.8% from definition knowledge,
nursing care management, and nurse duty, and there
was no result good category. It can be seen at item
question about planning what must be made by a
associate nurse, team leader and head nurse can be
answered exactly by team leader.
But, team leader knowledge in management of
team model most of them at less category. Based on
question in aplication team model can be seen that
team leader most of them didn’t know the priorities
discussed during post conference. At team model
application a team model is leader of post
conference that aims to evaluate action plans that
have been implemented and evaluate patient
progress. This is the same thing with head nurse,
where the knowledge of head nurse still lacking.
Another question that can not be known team leader
is about assessment of patient dependency level.
While the knowledge result of team leader about
the implementation of model at less category.
indicating that the team still lacks knowledge of the
subject. It can be seen on the item about priorities
discussed during post conference many team leader
do not know this, as well as the question items about
assessment of dependence level patient. It was
according with theory is forward by (Notoatmodjo,
2016) where between knowledge, understanding and
application must be suitable.
Many factor can be caused low team leader
knowledge. This MPKP Definition is basic
knowledge must be has by a team leader about team
MPKP. Knowledge about MPKP definition and
planning nursing care interpreted as a reminder of
MPKP theories that have been learned previously
both from education and from experience.
When team leader knowledge about MPKP
definition is good, so interpreted team leader on do
nurse duty has good duty in team work model.
Interpreted is ability explain corectly about the
object be known and be able to interpret material
correctly. In this good understanding the
implementation of team model as an application will
also increase. Applications were defined as ability to
use the material that had been learned in the actual
situation or true condition.
Thus the research result to associate nurse
knowledge is gotten most of them at less category
was result 67.2%. It can be seen in the knowledge of
definitions, planning, nurse assignments and model
execution. The lack of knowledge on associate nurse
can be seen in nurse knowledge questionnaire about
the execution of team model. It was means that
associate nurse less understood about the execution
of team model.
The team method is method of giving nursing
care, a professional nurse lead a group of nursing
staff in providing nursing care to a group of clients
through cooperative and collaborative efforts
(Douglas, 1992). The team method is based on the
belief that every member of the group has
contribution in planning and providing nursing care
so that it raises a high sense of responsibility.
(Sitorus, 2006)
Head nurse knowledge, team leader, and
associate nurse is very needed to provide nursing
care who comprehensif, because team method is
shape good comunication between team to reach
goals together. If reviewed based on knowledge
about execution of team model, for each level it can
be proved that knowledge of the three levels in
execution of team model has lower percentage
value. In addition, the higher the nurse position so
the higher knowledge was had. Thus it can be stated
that knowledge is very important in supporting the
achievement of optimal nursing care. This means
that placing the position of the USU Hospital is
appropriate, that a head nurse must be at least Ners.