Another thing that can affect is the distance
between the caries lesion and the pulp horn where
these two shadows can be close together or even
visually interconnected but may not be in the same
plane. The presence of a carious lesion and the
density of the enamel top layer may obscure the
decalcification zone. The presence of secondary
caries and existing patches may coat thoroughly the
existing carious lesions causing errors in interpreting.
The imaging system affects the image of the
restoration. Restoration material with radiopacity is
greater than enamel, will be beneficial for true-
negative diagnosis (Antonijevic, 2014). The
radiopacity value of the restoration material which is
between the enamel and dentin values, or lower than
dentin, tends to create confusion in the test and is
susceptible to false positive diagnosis of secondary
carious lesions (Pedrosa RF, 2011).
The results showed that the RMGIC, GIC and
bulkfill composite resin materials using digital
radiography had significantly different
radiopaquality values with secondary caries. This is
probably because digital radiographs use detectors
that can show significant changes in how we acquire,
store, retrieve, and display images (White and
Pharaoh, 2009).
Digital detectors have the characteristics of
contrast resolution that is the ability to distinguish
radiographic image density and space resolution ie
the capacity to distinguish in detail (Gu, 2006). The
sensitivity of the detector has the ability to respond
to a small amount of radiation. The International
Organization for Standardization classifies the
sensitivity of intraoral films based on speed (ISO,
The usefulness of digital receptor sensitivity is
influenced by a number of factors including detector
efficiency, pixel size and noise system (White and
Pharaoh, 2009).
The conclusion of this study is that there is no
significant difference in radiopacity value of
RMGIC, GIC and bulkfill composite resin materials
on secondary caries using conventional radiography.
There are significant differences in radiopacity value
of RMGIC, GIC and bulkfill composite resin
materials on secondary caries using digital
radiography. It is better to conduct further research
using different restorative materials in the posterior
and anterior tooth regions.
This research was funded by the University of North
Sumatra in accordance with the TALENTA Research
Contract of the University of North Sumatra 2018
Fiscal Year Number: 2590 / UN5.1.R / PPM / 2018
dated March 16, 2018
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