Profile Women Pregnancy with HIV Infection in Clinic Voluntary
Counseling and Testing in Medan
Rahayu Lubis
, Jemadi
and Surya Utama
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Universitas No. 21, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: HIV, AIDS, VCT, Pregnancy, Profile.
Abstract: There were 1.4 million women pregnancy with HIV in 2016 whole world. More than 90% HIV cases in
children get infection by mother to child transmission. In Indonesia, out of 43,264 pregnant women who
underwent HIV testing there were as many as 1,329 people (3.04%) positive HIV. The aim of study is to
describe the profile women pregnancy with HIV infection in clinic voluntary counselling and testing (VCT)
in Medan. This is the retrospective study. The Population is all pregnant women with HIV infection in clinic
VCT in Medan. The sample was pregnant women with HIV infection in 2015 to 2017. Data collection from
medical records. Analysis descriptive data was used and showed in table distribution and frequency. Total 92
respondents were studied. Majority of respondent in aged less than 35 years (75%), Bataknese (72.8%), have
more than 9 years attainment of education (77.2%) and spouse education (73.9%). There are (68.8%) don’t
have employment and their spouse (73.9%) work as non manual worker. They come to clinic in less than 6
month of pregnancy (64.1%), the CD4 less than 350 u/dl (65.2%), in late stadium (71.7%), receiving
antiretroviral therapy more than 6 month (73.9%) and don’t have opportunistic infection (53.3%).
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is still a
global problem. By 2016 about 36.7 million people
are infected with HIV in the world, 1.8 million of
whom are new HIV cases and about 1 million people
die from HIV (WHO, 2017). In the Asia and Pacific
region by 2016 there are 5.1 million people infected
with HIV. Approximately 270,000 people are new
infections of HIV, 15,000 new cases occur in children
and about 170,000 people die from HIV. The
country's highest HIV prevalence in Asia Pacific is
India, China, Indonesia and Pakistan, covering over
75% of new infections HIV in Asia Pacific. There are
more than 1.4 million (1.1 to 1.7 million) women
pregnancy with HIV infection by 2016. It is estimated
that 76% (66-88%) of women pregnancy with HIV
infection take antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV
transmission to their babies because more than 90%
HIV cases in children get infection by mother to child
transmission (UNAIDS, 2017).
In Indonesia, HIV cases continue to increase and
have spread in 386 districts / cities. The cumulative
number of HIV patients from 1987-2016 was 232,323
people and the total cumulative AIDS sufferers were
86,725 people (Kemenkes RI, 2017). HIV infection
poses a threat to the development of human quality
and productivity in Indonesia. This is indicated by the
high rate of HIV transmission that occurs. HIV
transmission has begun to shift from predominantly
male-dominated, slowly increasing the number of
HIV-infected individuals in women (KPAN, 2010).
According to Ministry of Health Indonesia that from
86,780 people suffering from HIV, 56% of whom are
women and out of 43,264 pregnant women who
underwent HIV testing there were as many as 1,329
people (3.04%) positive HIV.
HIV-infected women are generally transmitted
from sexual partners, such as HIV-infected wives the
source of infection is HIV-infected husbands as well.
If the wife is pregnant then the risk of transmission
continues from the mother to the baby. The study in
the United States and Europe shows the magnitude of
the risk of perinatal HIV transmission in pregnant
women is 20-40%. The study in Samarinda reported
that the highest risk of HIV transmission in pregnant
women is transmitted from her husband as much as
77.3% (Abidah, 2017). Another study in Medan
showed the cumulative number of pregnant women
with HIV infection in Adam Malik Hospital from
period 2013 to2017 were 132 people (Anggreyani,
2015). Therefore, HIV infection in pregnant women
Lubis, R., Jemadi, . and Utama, S.