definition of a location is a place to run an activity
that serves consumers, production activities, storage
activities, or to control the activities of the company
as a whole part of the company. The main factors in
choosing the location are (1) Availability of Raw
Materials, (2) The location of the intended market, (3)
Availability of energy source, water, and
communication facilities, (4) Availability of
manpower and (5) Availability of transportation
(Sunil, etc, 2013).
Supply chain is a network of companies that work
together to produce and deliver a product into the end
users. These companies usually include suppliers,
producers, distributors, stores or retailers, as well as
support agencies such as logistics services agencies.
(Dawei, 2011). According to the definition, several
number of key characteristics that used to portrait a
supply chain. First, supply chain needs participation
of more than one company. Second, the participating
companies within a supply chain should be in
difference business ownership, therefore there is a
legal independence in between. Third, those
companies are inter-related on the common
commitment to add value of material flow that run
through the supply chain. The material flow, to every
company, transformed inputs and goes out as outputs
with value added. (Directorate general of the farm,
Research object is hydrogen fuel that produced from
palm oil empty bunch with pyrolysis method. The
data gathered from the result of empty bunch,
plantation location and factory locations in Sumatera
Utara. This data then processed to gain the
information of distribution network palm oil empty
First step is to figure out the needs of raw material
by define the capacity per day based on the steam
methane reformer machine. Second step is to define
the needs of raw material needed based on the
percentage of hydrogen by gas and the percentage of
gas from empty bunch from the result of pyrolysis
process and also percentage data from empty bunch
and fresh fruit bunch. In this step, also resulting the
hydrogen potential that can be get from empty bunch
in Sumatera Utara.
Next, designing the distribution network is done by
defining the location of hydrogen plant in Sumatera
Utara with qualitative method. The assessment based
on raw material supply and added material, utility,
transportation and surroundings. The result is the best
location to build the hydrogen plant.
The last step is figuring the distribution network
after resulting the ideal plat location and factory data
in Sumatera Utara. The result is shown by the
distribution figure from farm to hydrogen plant.
3.1 Production Capacity
The determination of production capacity is based on
rated power capacity (MW) using Steam Methane
Reformer. The results of a study by the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory for the production of
hydrogen using pyrolysis and Steam Methane
Reformer methods obtained a production capacity of
1,000 kg / day (Joshua Eichman, etc.2016).
3.2 Raw Materials Needs
The needs of raw material calculated by the following
steps :
1. Hydrogen Calculation Result
Based on the calculation, Percentage of empty
bunch turns in to gas is 52.02%. Then the
percentage of hydrogen in gas is 8.69%.
2. Potential of Hydrogen Produced in North
The processing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) will
produce 23% palm empty fruit bunches, 6.5%
shell waste, 4% wet decanter, 13% fiber and liquid
waste as much as 50%.
The following is the calculation of the amount of
hydrogen produced in North Sumatra.[14]
a. The number of FFB produced in 2015 is
6,390,423,000 kg.
b. The percentage of oil palm empty fruit
bunches from fresh fruit bunches is 23% so
that there are empty bunch of 1,469,797,290
c. The percentage of oil palm empty bunches into
gas as much as 52.02% to obtain gas of
764,588,550 kg by pyrolysis method.
d. The percentage of hydrogen in the gas as much
as 4.52% to obtain hydrogen of 690.265.368
kg per year.
2. Needs of Empty Bunch per hour CalculationThe
hourly empty bunch requirement is calculated
using the hydrogen percentage in empty bunch
The results can be seen in Table 1.