cocoa farmer tendency convert their cocoa lands into
oil palm will increase by a factor of 1.009 (
for every increase of the percentage of price increase
of oil palm fresh fruit bunches of one percent.
Farmers who convert their cocoa lands into oil
palm are less influenced by the percentage of price
increase of oil palm fresh fruit bunches when they
convert their cocoa lands into oil palm. It is
evidenced by the persistence of farmers who convert
their cocoa lands into oil palm in the year prices of
oil palm fresh fruit bunches decrease.
Agricultural products prices fluctuate
continuously throughout the year. Supply-demand
conditions influence agricultural products prices,
and farmers tend to act as price takers on the prices.
Farmers also cannot predict the increase or decrease
that will occur in the prices of agricultural products.
It makes the farmers less affected by the increase or
decrease in the price of oil palm in converting their
cocoa lands into oil palm. Besides, the price is one
of the farm income variable components. Farm
income variable that has the significant influence
indicate that farmers are more influenced by farm
income than the fluctuating prices in deciding to
convert their cocoa lands into oil palm or not.
3.7 The Farm Income
The farm income has the significant influence on the
farmer's decision to convert their cocoa lands into oil
palm at the level of error tolerance of five percent
with the significance of 0.022 (< 0.05), where the
cocoa farmer tendency convert their cocoa lands into
oil palm will increase by a factor of 1.192 (
for every increase of the farm income of one million
The decision to convert their cocoa lands into oil
palm is one of the revolutionary decisions to be
taken by farmers. The decision means farmers have
to cut down the whole of their cocoa crops and plant
the new oil palm crops on their land. The process
also requires many labors both from inside and
outside their family. The land conversion, of course,
requires a cost that is not cheap, coupled with the
time of the oil palm young plant that can reach 2 to 3
years old so that farmers do not receive any income.
Farmers should consider this matter before
converting their cocoa lands into oil palm. Land
conversion requires much capital, therefore, the
higher the farm income, the more likely the farmers
to convert their cocoa lands into oil palm.
High income of oil palm and cocoa farming will
increase the tendency of farmers to convert their
cocoa lands into oil palm. Results of the farm
income calculation showed that the average oil palm
farm income is higher than cocoa. The average oil
palm farm income was Rp 22,141,642.846 per year
for 25 years, while the average cocoa farm income
was only Rp 14,267,322.804 per year. A massive
increase in income levels makes both oil palm, and
cocoa farmers who experienced an increase in
revenue will continue to convert their cocoa lands
into oil palm as they gain more capital to convert
their lands.
The variables that have the positive and significant
influence on the conversion of cocoa lands into oil
palm in Asahan District of North Sumatra are the
land size, the cocoa pests and diseases attack, and
the farm income. It means that the higher the land
size, the cocoa pests and diseases attack, and the
farm income, then the higher the farmers tendency to
convert their cocoa lands into oil palm. The variable
that has the negative and significant influence is the
cocoa farming experience, which means that
inexperience cocoa farmers tend to convert their
cocoa lands into oil palm. Several factors that lead to
low incomes of cocoa farmers are the low
productivity of cocoa due to pests and diseases
attack, the lack of fertilizers applied, and the age of
the plants that are old. Therefore, it is necessary to
apply superior cultivation technology concerning
seeds, fertilizers, and pests and diseases control to
maximize productivity.
The research was funded by Universitas Sumatera
Utara through the Non PNBP Fund Fiscal Year 2018
based on the Implementation Contract of Universitas
Sumatera Utara TALENTA Research Fiscal Year
2018 between the Rector and the Chairman of
Universitas Sumatera Utara Research Institute
Number: 2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2018 dated 16th
March 2018.
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