A descriptive study, comparing the role of selective
and nonselective media in growing Burkholderia
species bacteria. Samples were collected by using
total sampling method between January and June
2018, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Identification of bacterial colonies was
phenotypically tested by using Vitek 2 Compact.
2.1 Specimen Collection
samples were collected from all clinical specimens
that sent to Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital
Microbiology Laboratory from patients suspected
with melioidosis based on the physician diagnosis on
the Clinical Microbiology laboratory request form.
Several types of specimens collected in the form
were throat swab, blood, urine, pus, sputum and
respiratory secretions.
2.2 Non-selective Media Columbia
Agar and Mac-Conkey Agar
Columbia agar media preparation are made by
dissolving 3.8 gram of Columbia into 100 mL of
sterile aquadest and sterilized by using autoclave at
C for 15 minutes. After sterilization, put
solution at room temperature until medium
temperature reaches 40-45
C, 5% blood sheep was
added and homogenized, then poured on sterile
petridish. For Mac-Conkey agar media, 5.15 gram
are dissolved into 100 mL of sterile aquadest and
autoclaved. After sterilization process, put the
solution at room temperature until medium
temperature reaches 50
C and finally poured on
sterile petridish.
2.3 Selective Media Ashdown's
Selective Agar (ASA)
Selective media preparation by weighing the
composition of media consisting of Tryptone soya
broth 10 gram, agar bacterial 15 gram, 40 ml
glycerol, 5 mL of 0.1% crystal violet, 5 mL of 1%
neutral red and 950 mL of distilled water, all of the
material were dissolved into an Erlenmeyer and
sterillized by using an autoclave at 121
C for 15
minutes. Put the solution at room temperature until
the temperature reaches 50
C, gentamycin was
added with concentration 4mg/liter and
homogenized, then the media is poured on sterile
2.4 Bacterial Culture
Bacterial culture was done on by using selective
ASA medium, as well as on routine media,
Columbia Blood Agar and Mac-Conkey Agar.
Bacterial culture was incubated at 35°C for 24-48
hours. Microscopic and macroscopic identification
were done for every grown colonies.
2.5 Identification
The identification was started with macroscopic
observation of bacterial colonies by performing a
morphological selection of the suspected
Burkholderia species bacteria. Followed by
microscopic observation with Gram staining. The
suspected Burkholderia species underwent
identification stage by using the Vitek 2 Compact.
Phenotypically, this tool can identify Burkholderia
species bacteria using GN card and simultaneously
performing antibiotic susceptibility test by using
AST GN card.
2.6 Data Analysis
Data of the comparison between selective and non-
selective media in growing Burkholderia species
was analysed. All results were presented in the
tabulation and percentage.
Based on the results of culture of clinical specimens
from patients suspected with Melioidosis on routine
or non-selective media (Columbia Agar and Mac-
Conkey Agar) for 24 hours found the growing
bacteria Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia,
Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas fluorescens,
Serratia marcescens and Acinetobacter baumannii.
While Burkholderia colony species were not seen
yet, the incubation time on nonselective media
therefore was extended to 48 hours. Based on
observed colonies of Burkholderia species after 48
hours, it was seen in streaks thus continued to
subculture and identification stage. However, in both
media colonies of Burkhokderia species bacteria
were not typical, making it a little difficult to do the
Columbia or blood agar was used as a
nonselective medium to evaluate the vitality of the