3.77 5.29
Hurlock (2010) defines that empathy is one’s ability
to understand about the feelings and emotions of
others and the ability to see him/herself in another
people’s perspective. The development of empathy
can be influenced by numerous factors such as family
and community environment. Probably, the low
empathy of the teenager of Z generation is due to a
change of the pattern of family and community
relationships (Hartaty, 1997). An example of a
changing family pattern is the lack of helping
behavior, while the changing pattern of community
relations is reflected by a low level of mutual care.
Nowadays, people tend to be busy and focuses only
with their respective interests. Therefore, the ability
to caring social relationship is getting worst (Yusuf &
Listiara, 2012). In addition, Miryam (dalam Febriani,
2017) adds that in the current digital age, generation
Z teenagers have always connected to gadgets and
used social media to acknowledge their existence. It
is one of the negative impact of frequent use of this
technology, it is worried to lead people becomes less
sensitive and as the consequence, the empathy values
also become less improved. Similarly, the research
conducted by Riangraini and Wahyuningrum
(Riangraini & Wahyuningrum, 2015) also found that
adolescents tend to be less enthusiastic to give help to
their friends or fellow when asked for help in the form
of social support such as care or even time
Meanwhile, the self-efficacy of Z generation
adolescent tends to be high. Self-efficacy plays a key
role in the daily life of adolescents. Woolfolk (2004)
explains that self-efficacy is a person’s judgment of
him/herself or the level of belief about how great
his/her ability to perform a particular task to achieve
a certain goal. Nowadays, the fast-growing
technology plays an important role in bridging the
achievement of these goals. Teenagers are now ready
to participate in various tasks, work harder, have
persistence when faced with difficulties (assisted by
technology), survive challenges and get better results
(Saraswati & Ratnaningsih, 2016). The trend to
personal achievement becomes higher. Achievements
accomplished focused on efforts to complete the task
optimally. In addition, Z Generation is very
independent and has the confidence that he can do
anything by him/herself. Z Generation believes that if
you want to do it right then do it yourself (Silman &
Stilman, 2017).
This study concluded that the empathy of Z
generation tend to be low. While the self-efficacy of
Z generation is tend to be high.
The research was funded by Universitas Sumatera
Utara throught Talenta Program 2018. We would also
like to thank the participation of research institutes to
become our research reviewer. The authors would
like to thank all the high schools students who
participated in the study and all the college students
as research assistants.
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