with carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae,
this is due to the female bacteria producing AmpC β-
lactamase or loss of porin in the bacterial cell wall
(Woodford, 2007).
This gene OXA-48 is also known as the
carbapenemase coding gene in gram-negative
bacteria. The first identified OXA-48 gene
manufacturer was derived from the Klebsiella
pneumoniae strain isolated in Turkey in 2003. Since
then, manufacturers of
OXA-48 have been widely
reported in Turkey as a source of bacteria that cause
nosocomial infections (Nordmann et.al, 2004). The
worldwide distribution of OXA-48 manufacturers
now covers countries in Europe, Africa, America,
and even Asia. The spread of multi-resistant
pathogens worldwide has been linked to a variety of
epidemiological factors including international
patient transfer originating from endemic areas
(Girmenia et.al, 2016). The argument about the
spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae as a type of
bacteria that causes carbapenemase is considered a
high-risk organism (Munoz-Price et.al, 2013).
The threat of antimicrobial resistance has been
recognized by World Health Organization, where
this threat involves and requires all actions related to
the agency and society as a whole (WHO, 2013).
Clone expansion is a major driver of the spread of
carbapenemase in gram-negative bacteria, especially
in Enterobacteriaceae. In addition, carbapenemase
transmission as a clonal lineage of
Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) is stable in the defense of
the carbapenemase coding gene. Horizontal transfer
of this type of gene is very likely to occur through
the moving genetic element, the plasmid (Kitchel
et.al, 2009).
Study on the detection of OXA-48 genes is still
rare in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatera. This
study shows the presence of the OXA-48 gene as a
cause of Carbapenemase in Klebsiella penumoniae
and Escherichia coli. This study also provides an
overview of the prevalence and incidence of
resistance to carbapenem, for this reason the
awareness of all hospitals is the importance of
controlling resistance in the present and avoiding the
transmission of resistant bacteria in health facilities.
The prevalence of carbapenemase has been shown in
this study, found of the phenotype 12 (14.12%) and
molecularly detected 10 (11.77%) OXA-48 genes.
However, there were 2 other isolates that were not
found in the OXA gene, possibly another gene that
causes carbapenemase.
The author would to thanks Director of Haji Adam
Malik General Hospital Medan, Indonesia,
especially for Clinical Microbiology Laboratory.
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