motivation has positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction (Juniari at all, 2015).
Those who use a complete self-indulgence tool
are only 60 people (23.1%). This is only
occasionally, there are even road sweepers who do
not use personal protective equipment. This may be
due to the minimal education of the respondents, the
majority of primary schools. This is in line with the
results of research on educational factors and
policies on Personal Protective Equipment that have
significant relationship with compliance using
Personal Protective Equipment of all factors studied
namely age factor, work period, knowledge,
motivation, personality, training on Personal
Protective Equipment, communication, and training
using Personal Protective Equipment (Sertiya at all,
The results of this study indicate that the road
sweepers who have experienced occupational
accidents in the past year are 139 people (53.5%).
Work accidents experienced in the form of impaled
food sticks, impaled needle spikes and other sharp
objects. Being hit and bumped by a vehicle and
falling and slipping while pushing and lifting
garbage. Based on the results of this study there is a
need for safety and health efforts aimed at the safety
and health of workers. Occupational safety and
health includes the value of labor protection from
work accidents or diseases (Ramli, 2013). The
purpose of occupational safety and health is to avoid
injury, illness, and death (Cascio, 2014). The
magnitude of the proportion of workers who have
had workplace accidents is assumed to be due to low
knowledge of work risk, not using Personal
Protective Equipment, lack of concentration at work,
lack of care and ignoring work procedures. Efforts
should be made to increase the independence of
sweeping workers on occupational safety and health
through training, extension and module of
information resources by considering the educational
factors and age of the workers. It is also hoped that
the workers will give priority to their safety while
working among others by increasing their
knowledge and insight about occupational safety and
The independence in overcoming health and safety
problems on road sweeper are still low and the
respondents who has Self-Independent category are
130 people (50%) and the most respondents stated
that they have experienced occupational accidents in
the workplace in the last year are 139 people
Efforts should be made to increase the
independence of sweeping workers on occupational
safety and health through training activities,
extension and module of information resources by
considering educational factors and age of workers.
It is hoped that the workers will give priority to their
safety while working, among others, by increasing
their knowledge and knowledge about occupational
health and safety.
Thank you for the support provided by the
University of North Sumatra through research
institutes that have provided opportunities in basic
research leading scholarship fund resources DRPM
Kemenristekdikti Fiscal Year 2018. thanks to the
research and development agencies of Medan City
Government, Sanitation Department of Medan City
Government and all road sweepers, Melati Group, as
respondents in this study.
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