associated with cardiometabolic disease (Klein,
2007). The waist circumference can provide a
simple measurement of central obesity. The waist
circumference data in males is categorized to be
normal (<90 cm) and abdominal obesity (> 90 cm)
and in women categorized to normal (<80 cm) and
abdominal obesity (> 80 cm) [10]. As found in this
study, the prevalence of abdominal obesity was
higher in females (78.3%) than in men (48.5%),
similar to the prevalence of obesity higher in
females than in males (16.3% and 8.7%). Thus
women should be closely monitored to control these
risk factors.
Until now, hypertension is still a big challenge in
Indonesia. Hypertension is a condition that is often
found in primary health care health. This is a health
problem with a high prevalence of 25.8%, in
accordance with RISKESDAS 2013 data
(PUSDATIN, 2014). In addition, hypertension
control is inadequate even though effective drugs are
widely available. Long-term persistent blood
pressure can cause damage to the kidneys (kidney
failure), heart (coronary heart disease) and brain
(causing stroke) if not detected early and receive
adequate treatment. Many hypertensive patients with
uncontrolled blood pressure and the number
continues to increase. Hypertension accounts for
about 12.8% of total global mortality (WHO, 2017).
The results showed the mean systolic blood pressure
was 133.5 and 128.5 mmHg in both men and
women. Compared with findings in Iranian Fars
Province (systolic blood pressure is 122.4 and 119.2
mmHg in men and women) the rate in Medan city is
quite high. The prevalence of hypertension in
women is higher than that of men (21.0% and
11.1%). Reports from the Middle East show that the
prevalence of hypertension in women is more than
male (23.0% and 20.0%) (Shara, 2010).
Globally 12% of adult deaths over 30 years old
are caused by tobacco. In 2004, some 5 million
adults over 30 years old died directly from tobacco
use (active and passive smoking) worldwide. The
proportion of tobacco mortality is higher in males
than in females. Globally, 14% of deaths of PTM
cases in adults over 30 years are due to tobacco
(WHO, 2012). In this study 78.6% of men and
14.1% of women had smoked. Current prevalence of
smoking in Southeast Asian countries varies from
36% in Singapore to 64% in Laos. However in
women, smoking prevalence varies from 2% in
Vietnam to 15% in Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar
(Dans, 2011).
The high incidence of non-communicable
diseases (NCD) is caused by unhealthy lifestyles,
one of which is lack of physical activity. The density
of busyness and high mobility make people less
allocate time to exercise. In addition advanced
technology increasingly facilitate the community in
meeting the needs, so that activities that require
movement of the body was reduced. The lack of
physical activity also resulted in the changing trend
of NCD, which initially suffered only by the elderly
age group, but has now been found in the young age
group (0-15 years) and productive age group (15-65
years). The study found that only 28.0% of the
respondents had moderate exercise whereas the
proportion of moderate exercise men (32.5%) was
higher than the proportion of women (26.1%). Men
were significantly more involved in heavy physical
activity in their workplace (18.3%) than women
(4.5%). More male involvement in heavy activity
can be explained largely by the nature of their work
(drivers, factory workers, construction workers,
private employees and self-employed/service),
which may require more activity. But about sporting
activities, lack of knowledge about the importance
of exercise and the lack of appropriate sports
facilities may be one contributing factor that causes
low exercise activity in women.
Most respondents have hypertension (18.2%),
diabetes (5.9%), and Coronary Heart Disease
(4.8%). Meanwhile most of NCD risk factors were
using palm oil bulking to cook (43.4%), always use
flavoring MSG (44.8%), and household member
smoke (55.9%). NCD risk factors which had
significance diffrence between male and female
were height, smoking habit, alcohol consumption,
physical activity and waist circumference.
This research was supported by Direktorat Riset dan
Pengembangan Masyarakat Direktorat Jenderal
Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerian
Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, under
contract: 003/SP2H/LT/DRPM/ IV/2017 date 20
April 2017.