Module of "Bebas Dari Narkoba" by Increasing Abstinence Self
Efficacy through Group Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
, Josetta M. R. Tuapattinaja
, and Juliana I. Saragih
Departement of Social Psychology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Clinical Psychology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Group Cognitive Behavioral, Cognitive Restructuring, Coping Skill, Abstinence Self Efficacy, Relapse,
High Risk Situation.
Abstract: Researchers in their second year of research have proven that the "Bebas dari Narkoba" Module with the
Group Cognitive Behavioral Concept can be used by non-psychologists in drug rehab centers to help drug
users improve Abstinence Self Efficacy. In this third year, researchers follow up to see the effectiveness of
the "Bebas dari Narkoba" Module provided by non-psychologists to former drug users who have returned to
society, using a qualitative and quantitative approach to gain more comprehensive understanding of the
modules tested. The methods used in data collection were focus group discussions with five non-
psychologist counselors, in-depth interviews and the Brief Situational Confident Questionaire to ten former
drug users who had been dealing with high risk situations trigger relapse. The results show that the "Bebas
dari Narkoba" Module is useful in increasing self-confidence to refuse to use drugs again after experiencing
cognitive restructuring and apply coping skills techniques. The high category Abstinence Self Efficacy is
shown by 70% of participants and very high category by 20% of participants and 10% in the medium
category. This shows that participants are confident enough to be able to face the high risk situation
encountered in the community or in the family environment.
Drug abuse is no longer fresh news and is like an
iceberg phenomenon in increasing of numbers.
Various efforts have been made to address the
increasing number of drug users. One is through
agencies or rehabilitation centers to help users
regardless of their dependence on drugs. But they
remain vulnerable to relapse after leaving the
rehabilitation center due to the inability of former
drug users to reject the offer of using drugs again.
Not yet having the right coping technique and
rational mind in the face of high risk situation
(HRS), the situation triggered the desire to use drugs
The first year of the study was to create a "Bebas
dari Narkoba" module by increasing Abstinence Self
Efficacy (ASE) through techniques in Group
Cognitive Behavioral interventions to help drug
users avoid relapse in the HRS. Through
experimental tests with pretest-posttest control group
design, the results showed that combining skill
coping and cognitive restructuring techniques is
more effective in enhancing ASE than by giving
these techniques separately.
In the first year of the study, the "Bebas dari
Narkoba" Module was conducted by a psychologist,
while the psychologist's rehabilitation centers were
so limited that it was certain that few drug users
could be treated to improve ASE. Researchers in the
second year validated the "Bebas dari Narkoba"
Module to be used by non-psychologists working in
drug rehab centers. This second year research uses
qualitative approach using focus group discussion
method, module and experiential learning test. The
results of a second year study proved that the "Bebas
dari Narkoba" Module by increasing drug users'
ASEs could be used by non-psychologists in
rehabilitation centers.
In this third year, researchers intend to follow up
on drug users who have been intervened by group
cognitive behavior approach by non-psychologist by
using qualitative and quantitative approach, in order
to get a comprehensive understanding about the
effectiveness of the module tested
Soeprapto, I., Tuapattinaja, J. and Saragih, J.
Module of "Bebas Dari Narkoba" by Increasing Abstinence Self Efficacy through Group Cognitive Behavioral Interventions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010081414321436
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Drug abuse in Indonesia has become a national
threat, even the President of the Republic of
Indonesia, Joko Widodo on the occasion of Anti-
Narcotics Day in mid 2016 declares war on drugs.
Based on the analysis of data on the prevention and
eradication of illegal Drugs Abuse and Distribution
(P4GN) nationally in 2010-2014 reported by the
National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic
of Indonesia, found that cases of drug abuse reached
a total of 34,443 cases and the number of drug
abusers reached 4,022,702 inhabitants 2014. The
high number of drug abusers, resulting in Indonesia
becoming a "target" of illicit drug trafficking.
Various preventive and repressive efforts have been
made by various parties but the recovery process of
the drug addicts was not an easy thing. The
vulnerable addicts experience relapse when
returning to society and dealing with high risk
situation (HRS). It takes a breakthrough solution to
help drug users survive and reject drug use again.
Related to this, drug rehabilitation centers need to be
strengthened in the form of improving the ability of
non-psychologists in rehabilitation centers in
conducting an effective intervention in order to help
drug users able to avoid relapse. One way to stay
clean and not to use drugs anymore is to increase
abstinence self efficacy (Ilgen, 2005) that is a belief
to abstain / not use drugs in specific situations such
as: negative emotional state, negative physical state
(in a state of physical illness), or in the existence of
interpersonal conflict.
In line with this, Witkiewitz & Marlatt (in
Sarafino, 2006) also explained that one that can
cause a relapse addict is a belief in his low ability.
An individual's belief in his ability to resist and
remain unconventional so that no relapse is called
abstinence self-efficacy (Majer, 2004). Marlat and
Gordon (in Handershot, 2011) provide that an
individual who is unsure of his or her ability to resist
drugs will be easier to relapse. Unlike the case with
individuals who believe in their ability to resist
drugs, it will be more difficult to experience relapse.
According to Hagman (2004), drug users who
already have confidence in their ability to avoid drug
use means having an effective skill technique.
Chiang (2006) stated that addicts need to do
cognitive restructuring by restructuring their
irrational thoughts about the benefits of drug use
such as: drugs can help solve problems, increase
self-esteem, without drugs it will reduce the physical
ability to work and be able to overcome various day-
to- day. While Rangé1 (2012) asserted that a drug
user not only requires the improvement of skill
coping skills, but it is necessary to establish a
rational cognitive status.
The application of cognitive behavioral
techniques can be done not only to an individual but
also to a group. Bieling (2006) explained that the
advantages of a grouping approach focus on
openness in interaction, which is characterized by
freedom of expression of thoughts and feelings,
mutual trust, mutual attention, mutual understanding
and mutual help. Morrison (in Bieling, 2006)
mentions that the advantages gained in the cognitive
behavior group approach compared to the individual
is efficiency in terms of time, cost and effort.
3.1 Research Design
This research uses qualitative and quantitative
approach as the research design
3.2 Participants
Participants involved in the study were 5 (five)
counselors who had applied the "Bebas dari
Narkoba" Module, 10 (ten) former drug users who
had followed the module while still undergoing a
recovery process at the rehabilitation center and had
returned to the community and were dealing with
high risk situation.
3.3 Data Collection
Data collection is done through several methods,
namely focus group discussion (FGD), in-depth
interview and giving the scale of Brief Situational
Confident Questionaire (BSCQ).If any, should be
placed before the references section without
3.1.1 FGD
The guidance in conducting FGDs involves the
counselor's experience in applying the "Bebas dari
Narkoba" Module using the cognitive behavioral
group and informing counselors about the abstinence
conditions of the participant self efficacy after
returning to the community and dealing with the
high risk situation.
Module of "Bebas Dari Narkoba" by Increasing Abstinence Self Efficacy through Group Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
3.1.2 In-depth Interview
In-depth interviews are conducted against former
drug users, with the aim of identifying cognitive
restructuring and the effectiveness of applying
coping skills when dealing with the high risk
situation contained in the "Bebas dari Narkoba"
Module, when the former drug users back to the
community and dealing with HRS. The results
obtained are processed through verbatim analysis.
In-depth interview guides include:
Participants experience facing HRS when
returning home / community.
Situations that can trigger relapse.
Thoughts while facing of the situation.
Techniques used to avoid relapse.
3.1.3 BSCQ Scale
BSCQ scale which has been tested in terms of
validity in the first year of research, aims to measure
individual beliefs about their ability to remain
abstain or refuse drug use in the face of high risk
situations (HRS). BSCQ score analysis using 5
(five) categorization that is very high, high, medium,
low, very low.
3.4 Data Analysis
Qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis
were used as data analysis
4.1 Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
FGD shows data that:
"Bebas dari Narkoba" modules can be applied by
counselors (non psychologists) because
have clear, concrete, measurable guidance and
are proven to increase abstinence self efficacy
among drug users.
The "Bebas dari Narkoba" module can be applied
to drug users from adolescence to adulthood.
The application of a group module with sharing
activities is valued to help participants to open up
and understand the concrete steps they can take
when facing HRS from other peers' experiences,
as well as the opportunity to encourage mutual
Experience sharing activities when applying
modules in the form of groups is considered very
helpful drug participants / users to open up and
provide support to other participants.
4.2 In-depth Interview
Based on in-depth interview obtained data:
There is a shift / change / restructuring in the
cognitive ex drug user about the drug and its
benefits: the drug initially is everything (especially
in solving the problem at hand), shifts to the
destructive of life (drugs do not solve problems,
destroys and robs them of their happiness) .
80% of participants using 3 techniques from 5
trained coping skills, self talk (no use of drugs, will
spend more time to be trusted, I have a future, drugs
will damage me back, I can survive without drugs,
God will guide me to survive), avoid (leave old
friends fellow drug users, avoid meeting with them,
do not call and / or accept invitations of fellow drug
users, choose not to go home to avoid situations
exposed to the environment friends fellow users
used to gather), and distract (doing other activities
when suggestions such as playing with children,
watching movies, cleaning motorcycles, contacting
• 20% of participants who use endure techniques,
in addition to these three techniques, by not giving
attention to friends who are using drugs, prefer to
focus on talking and playing cards.
4.3 Skala Brief Situational Confident
Questionaire (BSCQ)
Results obtained from the BSCQ Scale, which
indicate how much participants' beliefs to refuse to
use drugs are as follows:
• 70% of participants had ASEs in high category,
even 20% in very high category, indicating that
participants rated confident of being able to deal
with HRS encountered in the community or in the
family environment.
10% of participants showed ASE in the
moderate category; showed enough confidence to be
able to refuse to use drugs again after returning to
the community, only very unsure to refuse to use
drugs again when dealing directly with drugs.
4.4 Other Factors
Other factors that also play a role in supporting the
success of participants are not relapse, able to refuse
to use drugs again are:
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
4.4.1 Internal Factors
A strong determination to prove to parents and
the surrounding community about changes in self
(already clean / not using drugs anymore). Some
participants stated strong willpower will persist by
using self talk as often as possible.
Take the decision to be in the safe circle of
hanging out with counselors, following regular
religious activities with new friends, who are not
drug users.
4.4.2 External Factors
Acceptance and trust given by the family to
former drug users.
The time available for the counselor to open up
and listen to any complaints or concerns at any time
The results of this study indicate that the cognitive
behavioral approach that became the basis of the
"Bebas dari Narkoba" module successfully increased
the abstinence of self efficacy of former drug users
to avoid relapse. This is in line with the opinion of
Rangé (2012) that a drug user not only requires
increased coping skills but needs to build a rational
cognitive status in order to be able to resist drug use
again. According to Martin & Pears (2012),
cognitive behavioral group as a form of therapy is
generally performed by a professional, in this case is
a psychologist, who has undergone education and
mastered the principles of cognitive behavior
approach. This study proves that counselors at non-
psychological rehabilitation centers were able to
understand cognitive behavioral concepts to help
improve the abstinence of self-efficacy of former
drug users.
But even so, researchers are aware that in order
to use this module extensively, it is necessary to
increase the number of counselors who receive
training for trainers (TOT) of the "Bebas dari
Narkoba" Module. It also requires commitment from
the managers of drug rehabilitation centers to apply
this module as an integral part of the existing
programs in the rehabilitation process so that
counselors have intense experience, which can
improve their skills in applying the module
Thank you to the University of Sumatera Utara for
the funds provided for this research through Non-
PNBP funds in accordance with TALENTA
University of Sumatera Utara Research Contract
Implementation Budget 2018 Number: 2590 /
UN5.IR / PPM / 2017 dated March 16, 2018. Thank
you also to counselors and former drug users who
have made this research possible as expected.
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