It is a natural phenomenon that every thing
undergoes change and loss. There is no a single
thing that remains unchanged. Living things can
grow bigger, taller or smaller and shorter. Non living
things even though they do not grow as living things
but they may undergo erosion or disappearance.
Season may last longer or shorter at a certain period
of time. The same is true for language. Many
languages have undergone change and loss (death) .
Since there is no documentation made (no
dictionaries) those languages at least some certain
terms may disappear for ever. A language spoken at
a certain time in the past is now unintelligible to the
present speakers. For example, Old English verbs
used hundreds of years ago like scinan , smeocan
and singan are quite different from the verbs we use
in present English :shine, smoke,and sing
(Millward, 1988:88). Not only the words, spellings
and the pronunciations of the words which have
changed but the meaning change as well. Meaning
may broaden, narrow, degenerate, and elevate
(Malmkjaer, 1991:206 ). For example, the meaning
of holiday in the past was limited to religious days,
the days on which people did not go to work but
only to religious places but now it has broadened to
‘any day where people do not go to work’.
It is a natural phenomenon that every thing
undergoes change and loss. There is no a single
thing that remains unchanged. Living things can
grow bigger, taller or smaller and shorter. Non living
things even though they do not grow as living things
but they may undergo erosion or disappearance.
Season may last longer or shorter at a certain period
of time. The same is true for language. Many
languages have undergone change and loss (death) .
Since there is no documentation made (no
dictionaries) those languages at least some certain
terms may disappear for ever. A language spoken at
a certain time in the past is now unintelligible to the
present speakers. For example, Old English verbs
used hundreds of years ago like scinan , smeocan
and singan are quite different from the verbs we use
in present English :shine, smoke,and sing
(Millward, 1988:88). Not only the words, spellings
and the pronunciations of the words which have
changed but the meaning change as well. Meaning
may broaden, narrow, degenerate, and elevate
(Malmkjaer, 1991:206 ). For example, the meaning
of holiday in the past was limited to religious days,
the days on which people did not go to work but
only to religious places but now it has broadened to
‘any day where people do not go to work’. ML
vocabulary in general is divided into five kinds, i.e.
1. Bahasa adat, words related to cultural
ceremonies, 2. Bahasa Andung , words used to
mourn for death, 3. Bahasa Parkapur, words used
especially when people are in the forest, 4. Bahasa
na Biaso, words used in every day speech, and 5.
Bahasa Bura, words or expressions used when
someone is in anger (Nasution,2005:15 ).
The special terms used in cultural ceremonies are
relatively stable, i.e. they do not change as rapidly as
the change of common words and they are not
replaced either by new words. For example, the old
term raja panusunan (the most powerful king) is still
used in Mandailing traditional meetings even though
the king as the village ruler acted only long time
ago for his position has now been replaced by kepala
desa or lurah at present regional or village
When a traditional ceremony is being held like a
mangupa ceremony (part of Mandailing wedding
ceremonies) normally young people are not
interested in attending the ceremony since many
terms, idioms, metaphors used are intelligible to
them. They feel that a traditional ceremony is
boring, impractical and tends to be redundant since
many who are present at the ceremony are given
opportunity to talk and the matter talked by one is
almost the same as the matter talked by the next
speaker. Commonly a traditional ceremony takes a
long time since, as has been mentioned before,
many people must talk. The tradition obliges them to
have a share. This condition causes the youths to
lose interest. Moreover they do not understand what
is being talked about. If something is not desirable
anymore it is very likely sooner or later it will
About 1000 ML cultural terms and expressions will
be collected at the end of the investigation and
documentation project. The project will last for two
years from 2018 to 2019. The project is now still in
progress. Until now 100 ML cultural terms and
expressions have been found and they have been
classified according to types: 1. Common cultural
terms and 2. Idiomatic expressions. The meaning of
each term and expression has also been described
and the possible efforts that should be made to
maintain the cultural terms have also been advised.