Majapahit, the kingdom of Mataram is highly
influenced by the influence of Islam, it is known
qhisos judiciary, which gives consideration for the
Sultan to decide the case. In the interior, the
settlement of disputes between individuals by village
courts is done in a peaceful manner. At the same
time, in Cirebon it is known: the Religious Courts
decide cases that endanger the general public, the
Digrama Judiciary who breaks adat violations, and
other matters that do not belong to religious courts;
and Cilaga Court is a court in the field of economy,
trade, sale and purchase, accounts payable.
Some of the examples mentioned above show
that the original legal order that has prevailed in
various regions, now known as Indonesia, shows
that the law is based on indigenous people, both in
the form of ruling decisions and laws applicable
within the local community. Within the 1945
Constitution, there are no regulations specifically
regulating customary law, but only the rules on the
existence of indigenous and tribal peoples, namely
article 18B paragraph 2 and article 28I verse 3.
Which reads: "The state recognizes and respects the
unity of indigenous and tribal peoples as well as
their traditional rights as long as they are alive and
in accordance with the development of society and
the principle of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia, regulated in the law. "While Article 28I
paragraph 3 reads:" The cultural identity and rights
of traditional communities are respected in harmony
with the times and civilization."
Our constitution before the amendment does not
expressly indicate to us the recognition and use of
the term customary law. However, when examined,
it can be concluded there are actually formulations
contained in it contain the noble value and the soul
of customary law. The preamble of the 1945
Constitution, which contains the life view of
Pancasila, reflects the personality of the nation,
which lives in the values, mindset and customary
law. Article 29 paragraph (1) State based on the One
Supreme God, Article 33 paragraph (1) The
economy is organized as a joint effort based on the
principle of kinship. At the practical level, the 1945
Constitution of the State introduces a right called the
State Controlling Rights (HMN), it is derived from
the Ulayat Right, the Right to Pertuanan, which is
traditionally recognized in customary law. In the
Constitution of RIS Article 146 paragraph 1 stated
that all judicial decisions should contain the reasons
and in the case must mention the rules of law and the
rules of customary law as the basis of the law
Furthermore in the Provisional Constitution, article
146 paragraph 1 is reloaded. Thus the judge must
explore and follow the growing sense of law and
justice of the people. In Article 102 and taking into
account the provisions of Article 25 of the 1950
UUDS there is an order for the authorities to make
codification of the law. This then
customary law. This codification order also
also to customary law, and this codification
command is the first time mentioned in the Laws
and Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia which
govern the provisions of codification of customary
law, although in reality it has not been implemented.
The law of a nation is actually a reflection of the
social life of the nation concerned, then in fact the
formation of the law of a country must be free from
the influence and interests of other countries. If later
loud voice is voiced, we need the formation of a
democratic law, but the establishment of a
democratic law does not necessarily mean that the
established law will be effective. In this context, for
example, the mission of a law lies not in how
democratic the formation of a legislation is formed,
but it lies in the extent to which what it seeks to
achieve from the formation of a law can be achieved
or achieved. That is, the advantages of participatory
law-making are more of an effort to improve the
democratic character and legitimacy of the law of
the established law. If the law of a nation is a
reflection of the social life of the nation concerned,
it becomes a paradox with the globalization of the
law. Although in certain respects the globalization of
law is understood also the globalization of law will
continue in different legal systems. Regardless of the
globalization of the law, it is difficult to avoid, but
the nation state will not simply surrender their
sovereign function, and in a global system will not
be free-controlled from the nation state because
globalization is not a toll road without mechanisms.
The mechanism of how the public relations traffic of
a nation state is built on an agreement or contract, a
convention, so that the difference that was originally
a limitation is a national law, then the restriction is
an agreement between the nation state.
Comparison of Customary Law
Systems and National Legal
The first thing to understand in examining the
customary law system is that this legal system is a
legal system totally different from the western legal
system and all its follow-up concept, including the
concept of the existence of the state. In view of the
diversity of customs in the history of French law
over the centuries, the country has a wide variety of