Training on Diphtheria and
Environmental Improvement on
After the socialization then the next activity is to
conduct training on diphtheria and environmental
arrangement. In this training the participants were
not only mother, but also followed by several cadres
and puskesmas officers from PB Selayang Public
Health Center and Puskesmas Asam Kumbang. This
is because they have a great curiosity about what is
meant by diphtheria disease and environmental
management. The material of this training is an
understanding of diphtheria and its pathogenesis, its
causes and prevention; understanding of the
environment arrangement and its scope, the benefits
and impact of environmental arrangement. In this
training also presented how to do environmental
arrangement to prevent diphtheria. During the
training with lecture and discussion methods while
playing using flipchart media and distribution of
brochures about diphtheria and environmental
arrangement. In the lecture exercise, it is seen that
the mother, cadres and puskesmas officers are very
serious and enthusiastic to listen and actively ask
about things that have not been understood. Besides,
it also commented on the experiences and
phenomena that exist in the community. This lecture
is very satisfying for mothers, cadres, and
puskesmas officers who see that many of them are
bluntly pointed out that this training enhances their
real knowledge. In addition to improving the health
of toddlers who can prevent or reduce diphtheria
disease in children. The lecture materials include:
Definition of diphtheria, pathogenesis and its
Understanding of environmental management, its
benefits and impacts and activities in the
application of environmental management.
Monitoring the implementation of environmental
In addition to lectures and discussions, the training
materials are also given in the form of brochures,
posters and textbooks that can be a reference for the
cadres and also improve the knowledge of mother in
Structuring the Environment
Structuring a clean and healthy environment is a
series of activities to organize a particular area to be
optimally beneficial and have a good air circulation
in order to create environmental sustainability and
welfare of living creatures a clean environment can
prevent transmission of diseases such as diphtheria
and other diseases.
After the mother gets counseling by the team of
subsequent devotion to environmental stewardship,
by cleaning the garbage, piling up the stagnant water
and repairing the drain in the two puskesmas. The
garbage scattered in the health center's yard was
swept away, collected, and dumped into a waste
shelter. Stagnant water at risk of mosquito breeding
is closed. In addition, ditch ditch is cleaned to flow
smoothly and does not have the potential to flood
when heavy rain.
The implementation of this activity was carried
out in mutual assistance by the parents who
participated in the training and elimination of
diphtheria disease and the team to the two
Puskesmas. The team also provides tools for
environmental management such as broom yard,
waste basket and garbage pod. After the
management of the environment with social
cooperation and Puskesmas officers then visible
Puskesmas yield to be cleaner than before the
devotion activities. If an officer in charge of
sweeping the Puskesmas yield is unable to attend,
then it will be replaced by a friend in the next turn.
The garbage that has been swept and collected is
then disposed of in the trash which is also provided
by the community service team. The implementation
of this activity is monitored and evaluated by the
Head of the health center of the Puskesmas in the
Padang Bulan Selayang.
Evaluation of Mother
Empowerment in Diphtheria
Evaluation result of team devotion to empowering
mother of toddler to eliminate diphtheria disease
found that there is increasing knowledge of mother
about diphtheria disease with environmental hygiene
counseling the participant can comprehend
accumulated learning and experience so that it can
be applied in prevention of disease that is
environment-based transmission, so hopefully can
prevent or eliminate diphtheria. In addition, the
knowledge of mother about the effort of elimination
of diphtheria through environmental management
also increased with the existence of community
service activity.
Based on the evaluation of the team as well as
the discussion of the team with the cadres, the
puskesmas officers and the mothers stated that the
devotion activities performed by the team are very
satisfactory and provide significant and significant