T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Percentage of cells
0,5% (Control) and highes in T4 (table 1) due the
mice are also given aquades so that the cells can
regenerate. cells in liver organ with parecimatous
degeneration may improve, cells undergoing necrosis
over time will be replaced with new liver cells due
cell regeneration process in liver organ (Geetha et al,
2012). Parenchymatous degeneration is the mildest
degenerate levelIn parenchymatous degeneration
cells, granules are found in the cytoplasm due the
precipitate that causes the cytoplasm to become turbid
and swelling of the cells. Hydrophic Degeneration is
low in control, and increases in T2 and T3 (table 1).
This degeneration is more severe damage, there are
vacuoles containing water and cytoplasm that do not
contain fat and glycogen. This change is generally a
result of metabolic disorders such as hypoxia or
chemical poisoning. This degeneration is also
reversible although it may be irreversible if the cause
of the injury persists. The process of Necrosis
increases from Controls to P5 and Normal cells
decreases from control to treatment level (table
1)(figure 3). At each dose level, the toxic ingredients
in the liver are getting out of process, causing
parenchymatous degeneration, hydrophic
degeneration and necrosis in liver. The target of a
toxic substance in the body is the molecular structure
of transport of bile acids, membranes, intracellular
fats, proteins and nucleic acids. As a result the target
molecule becomes a non-functioning unit and may
activate secondary pathways such as apoptosis,
necrosis, autofagocytes and mitochondrial disorders
and other immunological reactions (Kandena et al,
Figure 4. Percentage of cells damage.
The degree of damage is known that the
percentage of liver damage from control to treatment
with high doses continue to be damaged (figure 4).
R.tomentosa leaves contain secondary metabolites of
phenol, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, steroids and
triterpenoids. Phenols, flavonoids, tannins, steroids
and triterpenoids that have an antioxidant effect.
Saponins can cause haemolysis by affecting the lipid
bilayer in the protein membrane of the red blood cells
causing the formation of pores in the red blood cell
membrane (Kaplowitz, 2002)(Baumann et al, 2000).
Damage of liver cells is thought to be caused by
saponins, and tannins in nano-R.tomentosa who
accumulated and irritant or toxic. Sentrolobuler
damage in liver due tannin and saponin compound
administration in research that spans short time,
usually seen cell swelling, necrosis to cause death in
mice. So the liver loses its function by no longer able
to change the compounds that are very toxic to be less
Cell damage due to Nano-R.tomentosa administration
is significantly different from each treatment
(P<0.05) and Giving Nano herbal Haramonting
(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) with excessive doses can
cause a decrease in hepatic weight and damage to
liver cells, So the liver loses its function especially the
detoxification function of toxic.
We are grateful to Directorate of research and
community service, Directorate general of research
and development, Ministry of research, Technology,
and Higher Education in accordance with research
and community service funding agreement for
budgeting year 2018 (Fund of the research
postgraduate team I) to funding our research.
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Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous alcoholic
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