person starts smoking until the onset of various
diseases caused by cigarettes, such as lung cancer.
However, the existing evidence is sufficiently
convincing that the use of tobacco kills one of two
users and causes a large number of serious health
Two main strategies may be used to develop
preventive efforts against adolescent smoking: (i) to
identify the determinants of smoking initiation, and
(ii) identifying determinants of smoking cessation,
which includes smoking reduction
4.1.4 Household Expenditure on Tobacco
Data from Indonesia Statistic shows that tobacco and
betel is the third highest expenditure per capita
during 2014, after prepared foods and rice grains.
The analysis shows that the prevalence of smokers is
high among head of household in Medan males, less
educated and JKN participant, thus those population
are mostly affected by the ill impact of smoking.
Under a decentralized government system, local
authorities have more power to prevent negative
economic and social impact of tobacco consumption
with intensive supports from the central government.
Stronger pro-health leadership is required in central
and local government to support programs to prevent
hazardous impact of tobacco consumption.
This study was supported by the Research Institute
University of North Sumatra In accordance with the
contract of TALENTA Research Implementation
University of North Sumatra 2018 Fiscal Year No:
2590 / UN5.1.R / PPM / 2018 dated March 16, 2018.
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