side compared to the short side. These differences in
mandrel shape and dimensions cause the resulting s'
and κ values to be different.
4.8 Speed of PVD Installation
Due to the absence of a standardized speed, the
researchers used varied between 0.5 mm/s-20 mm/s as
presented in column 9 of Table 1. Sathananthan and
Indraratna (2006) said the s’ ratio value depends on
the installation speed. If the installation speed is
faster, the disturbance on the ground will increase and
thus the permeability ratio κ will increase. The
existence of the speed difference affect the value of s'
and κ generated.
4.9 Determination Method of Smear
Zone Characteristics
There are three ways to determine the characteristics
of smear zone in the laboratory use of small diameter
samples, back calculation and direct measurements in
large-diameter consolidation cells. Using small
diameter samples was performed by sampling small
diameters of large diameter consolidation cells for
oedometer testing. The determination of value is done
using Terzaghi 1-D consolidation theory. With the
measured distance of sampling to PVD and k value,
the changes of k value to PVD distance can be
detected and the smear zone characteristics can be
determined. The method of back calculation of
laboratory testing data to determine the value of
consolidation coefficient in horizontal direction c
based on the Asaoka method [1978] and Hansbo
[1987] is done by adjusting the time-settlement curve,
then obtaining s' and κ. Measuring directly in SZM
(Smear Zone Model) intruments, cell Rowe and
consolidation cells was also performed by
researchers. The methods of determination of smear
zone characteristics are presented in column 10 of
Table 1.
There are no standards established to be used as
references in laborary testing. The resulting smear
zone parameter values are various due partly to
different set up of laboratory equipment. With
reference to the results of the previous studies it is
found that the extent ratio s’ values varies between 2.0
- 6.3 and the permeability ratio κ values from 1.03 -
The authors gratefuly acknowledge the financial
assistance from the University of Sumatera Utara
(Research Contracts Fiscal Year 2018, Number:
2590/UN5.1.R/ PPM / 2017 dated March 16, 2018).
The contribution from Nurhayani Simamora in typing
and formating the paper is appreciated.
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