The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Nurse Compliance in
Implementation of Patient Identification in Medan Hospital
Roymond H. Simamora
, Nurmaini
and Cholina Trisa Siregar
Faculty of Nurses Universitas Sumatera Utara., Jl. Prof. Ma’as No.3 Kampus USU, Kota Medan, Indonesia
Faculty Comunity of Health Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No.32 Kampus USU,Kota Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Knowledge, Compliance, Nurses, Identification of Patient.
Abstract: Patient identification is part of the goal of implementing patient safety. Identifying patients correctly can
reduce errors in the delivery of health services. The title of this research is part of the activity of developing
patient identification protocols in the implementation of patient safety by nurses in inpatient rooms at Medan
City Hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge with nurses'
compliance in the implementation of patient identification. Six houses, selected as research locations,
Methods: Descriptive research. Data analysis used chi-square statistical test (α <0.05; CI = 95%). Sample
150 nurses. Results: 61.3% of categories of knowledge were not good and 38.7% were not good. there are
still nurses who are not obedient. Observation results: protocol for identifying patients is not available at
Nurse station, documents that have not been filled completely, there are patients who have not used
identification bracelets, because they have not received recognition, there are nurses who do not mention the
patient's name and date of birth, there are nurses still using the patient's room number as a marker. The nurse
did not re-examine the patient's identity bracelet. The P value (p-value 0.015) showed there was a
relationship of knowledge to nurses' compliance in the implementation of patient identification. Conclusion:
there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge and compliance in the implementation of patient
identification, Product Development can be continued. Suggestion: it is necessary to immediately prepare a
Patient Identification Implementation Protocol, dissemination to nurses and health teams. Hospital Director's
Policy, for implementation. Supervision and training are needed to oversee implementation. Daily reports
of the entire room, to achieve health service indicators and to become a work cult.
Patient Safety (patient safety) is something that is
very better than patient care. Very helpful in patient
care. Unsafe behavior, forgetfulness, lack of
attention/motivation, carelessness, no abilities and
abilities that do not care for and care for patients who
are at risk of making mistakes and will cause injury
to patients, namely Close to Miss or subsequent
Adverse Events. Nurses must involve cognitive,
affective and actions that encourage patients (El
Jardali, 2016).
According to the Joint Commission
International/JCI (2013), Patient identification is a
system of identification of patients to distinguish
between one patient and another so as to facilitate or
facilitate the delivery of services to patients. The
safety of service in the hospital, one of which starts
from the accuracy of patient identification. The error
of identification of patients at the beginning of the
service will have an impact on service errors in the
next stage (WHO, 2009).
The patient identification process needs to be
done from the time the patient enters the hospital,
then the identity will always be confirmed in all
processes in the hospital, such as before giving
medication, blood or blood products or before taking
blood and other specimens for examination. Before
treatment and actions or procedures. This is done so
that there will be no misidentification of patients who
can later have fatal consequences if the patient
receives medical procedures that are not in
accordance with the patient's condition such as wrong
medication, wrong blood taking and even wrong
medical actions (Permenkes RI, 2017).The accuracy
of patient identification is important, even related to
patient safety. The mistake of being wrong about the
identity of the patient is very fatal and severe. A
Simamora, R., Nurmaini, . and Siregar, C.
The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Nurse Compliance in Implementation of Patient Identification in Medan Hospital.
DOI: 10.5220/0010087707600765
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
collaborative process is needed to improve the
identification process to reduce patient identification
errors. To prevent misidentification of patients,
nurses as health workers who are the longest and most
often interact and meet with patients must be well-
informed because every action taken must be based
on knowledge. Knowledge is an important thing that
must be fully owned by professional nurses to prevent
the occurrence of Unexpected Events, Events Near
Injury, Potential Injury Events (Anggraeni, 2014).
The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004
collected hospital research figures in various
countries: the United States, Britain, Denmark, and
Australia, found an Unexpected Event with a range of
3.2-16.6%. These data make various countries trigger
immediate research and develop patient safety
systems. The Patient Safety Incident Report in
Indonesia by province found that out of 145 incidents
reported 55 cases (37.9%) occurred in the DKI
Jakarta area.
Based on the type of 145 reported incidents, there
were 69 cases (47.6%), 67 unexpected cases (46.2%),
and 9 cases (6.2%). From the collection of hospital
research figures in various countries, there was an
almost complete incidence of injury with a range of
3.2-16.6%. Patient Safety data on the incidence of
near injury and unexpected events in Indonesia are
still rare, but on the other hand there is an increase in
allegations of "practice malls" which are not
necessarily in accordance with the final proof.
Incidents of 28.3% patient safety violations were
carried out by nurses.
Guesthi et al. (2016) found that the prevalence of
patient safety in the Bekasi City General Hospital
from September 2015 to March 2016 was found to be
12.1% Unrecognized Events, 42.3% Events Nearly
Injured, 41.4% Potential Injury Events. From these
data, the incidence of near injury is the most common
occurrence, 42.3% of the incidence of near injury
caused by the identification error of 63.5% of
patients. Patient safety incident data in 2012 reported
an analysis of the causes of 46% incidents related to
misidentification, 36% due to ineffective
communication resulting in medication errors, 18%
because the procedure was not performed.
Joint Commission International/JCI (2012)
showed that 13% surgical error and 68% of blood
transfusions occur because of errors in the patient
identification stage of 68% of errors in blood
transfusion of 11 of them died. Based on the results
of the preliminary study above, it is necessary to
prepare the Patient Identification Protocol in Patient
Safety Implementation Efforts by the Hospital
Inpatient Nurses in Medan City, for this preparation
required data on the knowledge and knowledge of
nurses in the implementation of patient identification.
This type of observational analytic study with cross
sectional survey design. The study was conducted at
six hospitals in the city of Medan. Non probality
sampling was taken with accidental sampling with a
sample of 150 nurses who met the inclusion criteria.
Collection of knowledge data using questionnaires,
and for compliance using observation sheets. The
analysis used is univariate analysis by calculating the
frequency distribution of each variable studied and
bivariate analysis to see the relationship between the
two variables using chi-square test with a significant
level (α) of 0.05 or 95% confidence level.
Obtained by the characteristics of the most
respondents in the 30-39 year age group as much as
54.7%. gender of the most female gender 93.3% of
people. the highest education level is D3 nursing as
many as 73.3% of people. Respondents mostly
worked for more than 3 years as many as 85.3% of
3.1 Knowledge of Nurses in Patient
Identification Implementation
From the data collected, nurses' knowledge was
obtained in the implementation of patient
identification with 61.3% poor category and 38.7% in
the good category. The percentage level of
knowledge is the result of the data from the
questionnaire distributed by the researcher with 20
questions. Based on the score given to each question
in the questionnaire, the respondents' knowledge in
the identification of patients was in the unfavorable
category of 61.3%. The results of nurse knowledge
research in the implementation of patient
identification can be seen in the table below.
Table 1: Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Nurses
Knowledge in Patient Identification Implementation in
Medan City Hospital.
Characteristics Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Not Good
Total 150 100
The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Nurse Compliance in Implementation of Patient Identification in Medan Hospital
3.2 Nurse Compliance in Patient
Identification Implementation
Observations were made in the inpatient room, to see
firsthand the implementation of patient identification
activities carried out by nurses. Observations showed
that there were nurses who were not compliant in the
implementation of patient identification of 54.7%,
this was evidenced by 39.3% of nurses who did not
identify before taking action / procedure, there were
38.7% of nurses did not identify before drug
administration, there were 40 , 2% nurses did not
identify before giving blood transfusion/blood
products, there were 39.3% nurses did not identify
before taking blood/specimens.
Table 2: Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Nurse
Compliance in Patient Identification Implementation in
Medan City Hospital.
Characteristics Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Total 150 100
3.3 Relationship of Knowledge with
Nurse's Compliance in the
Implementation of Identification of
Patients in Medan City Hospital
There is a relationship between knowledge and
nurses' compliance in the implementation of patient
identification in Medan City Hospital based on chi-
square test obtained p-value 0.015 (α <0.05). With
Prevalent ratio (PR) = 1.69 and CI = 1.16-2.48, it
means that nurses with good knowledge have 1.69
times the chance of experiencing adherence to the
implementation of patient identification in Medan
City Hospital.
Patient identification is an effort or effort carried
out in a health service as a process that is consistent,
procedures that have policies or have been agreed
upon, fully applied, followed and monitored to obtain
data that will be used in improving the identification
process and to differentiate one patient from others so
as to facilitate or facilitate the provision of services to
patients (Auatralian Commission on Safety and
Quality of Health Care, 2017). Accuracy in
identifying patients is an effort to reduce errors in
taking action on patients (WHO, 2009). Every action
taken by the nurse in the implementation of patient
identification must be based on knowledge.
Nursalam (2011) states that knowledge is the
result of "know", and this occurs after people sensing
a particular object. Sensing occurs through the five
senses of man, namely: the senses of sight, hearing,
smell, taste and touch. Knowledge is the main and
important foundation for health workers in the
implementation of health services. Nurses as health
workers who have primary responsibility in nursing
services and the implementation of holistic and
comprehensive nursing care are required to have high
knowledge in the nursing profession.
The variation in levels of knowledge is influenced
by factors that influence the level of knowledge,
namely age, education, length of work and sources of
information. Based on the research respondents with
age 55-59 years as much as 66.7%. As a person ages,
there is also an increase in one's experience involving
five senses that can influence knowlede. This is in
accordance with the theory which says that the more
age a person is, the level of maturity and strength of a
person will be more mature in thinking. Increasing
age of a person can affect the increased knowledge
gained, but at certain ages or towards old age the
ability to receive or remember a knowledge will
decrease (Notoadmodjo, 2012). the most gender is
female respondents as many as 93.3%. Respondents
who had good knowledge with female gender were
38.6%. Basically women are usually more diligent
than men, for example in attending a training or
seminar so that women can have better knowledge
and develop than men.
Berman (2009) states that individual variables
namely gender can affect performance (quality of
service). In line with the research conducted by
Megawati (2005) states that nurses with female
gender are better able to perform nursing services
better than male nurses. the quality of nursing
services is good so it is directly proportional to the
knowledge that someone has. The results showed that
more than half of the respondents had a D3
educational background of 73.3%. Respondents who
have good knowledge are at Ners education level,
namely 61.1%. Budiono (2014) states that education
is an important factor in determining one's work
ability. Therefore education is the first step to seeing
one's ability. Notoatmodjo (2012) states that
anotherthing that can influence knowledge is the level
of education. The higher a person's knowledge, the
better the knowledge possessed by the person.
But it needs to be emphasized that someone with
low education does not mean absolute low knowledge
because learning abilities can also influence
knowledge, with good learning ability one will tend
to get information more, both from other people and
from the mass media. The more information obtained,
the more knowledge is gained. Increased knowledge
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
is not necessarily obtained by formal education, but
can also be obtained in non-formal education such as
obtained from seminars or training and seeking
information from mass media such as the internet,
books, television. Knowledge can also be obtained
from experience, especially nurses' work experience.
Based on the most working time, 85.3% of
respondents had more than 3 years of work.
Respondents who have good knowledge with a
working period of more than 3 years are 42.2%. The
longer the nurse works the more things can be learned
through what is seen, heard and felt at work. This is
supported by research conducted by Arumaningrum
(2014) which states a positive correlation between the
level of knowledge of nurses and work experience.
Simamora (2012) states that work rotation has the
benefit of expanding knowledge. This is in
accordance with the opinion of Notoatmodjo (2012)
which states that one's knowledge will change along
with every thing that has been experienced by a
person for many years and knowledge is obtained
from one's own experience or someone else who
involves what is experienced by the five senses.
Based on the research above, it can be seen that the
nurse with good knowledge will obey in
implementing patient identification. This can happen
because the nurse has obtained information.
information is acquired knowledge.
Knowledge is the first stage that a person needs to
form a compliance behavior. Good knowledge about
when and how to carry out patient identification can
help nurses to think critically so that they can identify
patients in accordance with existing policies. Based
on the results of the study, the majority of respondents
did not comply with the implementation of patient
identification. according to Milgram (2007), a
person's compliance can be influenced by several
factors, including (1) location status, where at the
location of this research there is already an SPO
related to the implementation of patient identification.
(2) personal responsibility, where the respondent's
responsibility related to identification is still less
visible than the lack of respondent's compliance in the
identification of patient identification. (3) legitimacy
of authority figures, where as it is known that all
employees in the hospital receive a policy related to
patient identification. (4) Status of authority figures,
where it is known that the policy is issued by the
hospital. peer support, where peer or co-worker
support is still lacking.
Of all the factors above it can be seen that the
factors that influence nurses' disobedience in patient
identification are personal responsibility and peer
support. A good attitude can be realized if it is based
on responsibility for everything that has been chosen
by all risks which is the highest attitude. An attitude
is not necessarily automatically realized in an action
(overt behavior). To realize an attitude to be a real
action, a supporting factor or a possible condition is
needed, including motivation (Notoatmojo, 2003).
Nurses will be motivated in implementing a
procedure when they are evaluated individually or
according to fairness with respect that nurses receive
in balance with something they do. Nurses who
receive awards according to their role will increase
the work motivation of nurses to be more inclined to
carry out these procedures correctly and continuously
(Nursalam, 2012).
Based on Chi-square test, it was obtained p-value
0.015 (α <0.05). Which means there is a relationship
between the level of knowledge with nurses'
compliance in the implementation of patient
identification. With Prevalent ratio (PR) = 1.69 and
CI = 1.16-2.48, it means that nurses with good
knowledge have 1.69 times the chance of
experiencing adherence to the implementation of
patient identification. Factors that can influence
compliance include the location status, where there is
no SPO in the patient's identification procedure in the
hospital that must be performed when giving action
to the patient. Personal responsibility, where personal
responsibility is still lacking in nurses seen from the
many nurses who are not compliant in identifying
Legitimacy of authority figures, where as it is
known that all employees in hospitals both medical
and non-medical accept the policies issued by the
hospital, in this case especially nurses accept the
existence of SPOs related to patient identification.
And the last factor that can influence is peer support,
where during the study researchers saw lack of
support from fellow colleagues. This research is
supported by research conducted by Widaningrum
(2015) where the results of p = 0.001 where p> 0.05,
which means there is a relationship between
knowledge and nurse behavior. where nurse behavior
that can be observed and can be directly measured is
nurse compliance. In some cases, knowledge is
sufficient to change one's compliance behavior, but
not in some other cases. Not necessarily if someone
has knowledge is guaranteed to change behavior,
especially compliance.
Based on the results of the study on the correlation
between the level of knowledge of nurses and the
The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Nurse Compliance in Implementation of Patient Identification in Medan Hospital
level of compliance of patients Identification in 6
Hospitals in Medan City, Development of Patient
Identification Protocols in Patient Safety
Implementation Efforts by Nurses Inpatient Hospitals
in Medan City can be supported by: many nurses who
have less knowledge. Many nurses do not adhere to
patient identification. There is a relationship between
the level of knowledge and compliance with patient
identification by nurses in the inpatient unit of Medan
Hospital. Suggestion: The organization must do: SPO
development Patient identification, socialization to
all health care teams, implementation policy for
patient identification, supervision and guidance,
Group Forum discussions, Case Reflections,
seminars, training, improving access to information
to take patient safety efforts articles, informative
poster to always remind, and apply a culture of patient
safety in the nursing work environment.
The research was funded by the Directorate of
Research and Community Service of the Directorate
General for Research and Technology Research and
Development of the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education in accordance with
the Funding Agreement for Research and Community
Service for the fiscal year 2018.
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The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Nurse Compliance in Implementation of Patient Identification in Medan Hospital