level of compliance of patients Identification in 6
Hospitals in Medan City, Development of Patient
Identification Protocols in Patient Safety
Implementation Efforts by Nurses Inpatient Hospitals
in Medan City can be supported by: many nurses who
have less knowledge. Many nurses do not adhere to
patient identification. There is a relationship between
the level of knowledge and compliance with patient
identification by nurses in the inpatient unit of Medan
Hospital. Suggestion: The organization must do: SPO
development Patient identification, socialization to
all health care teams, implementation policy for
patient identification, supervision and guidance,
Group Forum discussions, Case Reflections,
seminars, training, improving access to information
to take patient safety efforts articles, informative
poster to always remind, and apply a culture of patient
safety in the nursing work environment.
The research was funded by the Directorate of
Research and Community Service of the Directorate
General for Research and Technology Research and
Development of the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education in accordance with
the Funding Agreement for Research and Community
Service for the fiscal year 2018.
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