(Dotaniya and Meena, 2015). Low land moisture such as
sandy soil affect microorganism to move toward the
plant root zone. Availability nutrient in rhizosfer
influence the rhizosphere population microorganism
Dotaniya and Meena, 2015).
In this research will be found a new candidate the
plant growth promoting rhizobacteria of Phragmites
karka which collected from coastal area.
2.1 Material Research
The soil from Phragmites karka rhizosphere were
collected as much as 100 g from Coastal location in
Percut Sei Tuan area. The soil was collected from 3
samples point and stored on sterile of sealed plastics
sample before transfer to laboratory. Seed of paddy
was obtained from commercial seed seller. Several
medium Pikovkayas, JNFb (medium free nitrogen
source) and Luria Bertani (LB)+ Tryptophan medium
were used for cultivation and selection of PGPR
2.2 Isolation of PGPR Bacteria
The amount of 1 g of soil sample was diluted into 9
ml of sterile distilled water and than homogenized.
Serial dilution was conducted to obtain a 1x 10
dilution. A total of 0.1 ml of soil suspension from the
last dilution was spread to the surface of Pikovskaya,
JNFb and LB + tryptophan medium aseptically. The
culture medium was incubated for 2-3 days at room
temperature. Activity of phosphate solubilizing
bacteria were detected qualitatively by clear zone
formation around colony of bacterial on pikovskaya
medium. The positive test of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
were characterized by the presence of colonies
bacteria on JNFb medium. The medium of JNFb was
free nitrogen source. Presence of bacteria in JNFb
medium indicated the bacteria can fix bacteria from
atmosphere. Bacteria produced IAA in medium LB +
tryptophan broth medium were checked by added
Salkowski’s reagent (2% 0.5M FeCl
in 35% HClO
solution). The color medium become purple if there
was indol compound in the medium. The positive sign
bacteria growth in selective medium were purified
and further characterized.
2.3 Selection of Phosphate Solubilizing
The purified bacteria isolates were further tested
for their ability to dissolve the phosphate to
determine its solubility index, fixing nitrogen and
produce IAA. Phosphate solubility index (PSI) score
was obtained from the comparison of the diameter of
clear zone around the bacterial colony and diameter
of colony bacteria (Dotaniya and Meena, 2015).
2.4 Selection of Nitrogen Fixing
Nitrogen fixation from purified bacteria were
obtained from pellicle size formed of bacteria when
cultured on semi solid JNFb medium. The white
pellicle formed will be visible in the surface medium
on tube and measured after 10 days incubation at
room temperature.
2.5 Selection of IAA Producing
The IAA produced by each bacteria was measured
with colorimetric technique using the Salkowski’s
method (Ehmann, 1977). Bacterial suspension (3 ml)
with cell density in Optical Density (OD) 600 was
0.5 (≈ 10
Colony Forming Unit, CFU / ml) was
introduced into 27 ml of liquid LB + tryptophan broth
and incubated at 28°C for 6 days and shaken at 100
rpm. Every 2 days as much as 10 ml of culture fluid
is taken and then centrifuged at 5500 rpm for 10
minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a new
sterile tube and then added Salkowski reagent with 4
: 1 ratio (supernatant : salkowski) and incubated for
20 minutes at room temperature. Colorimetrically the
color change formed was measured by a
spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 535 nm. The
concentration of IAA from the sample was calibrated
from linear regression equation of pure IAA.
2.6 Application of Selected Bacteria to
Improved Paddy Growth
Paddy seeds were cultivated on 1 kg of sterile humus-
sandy soil with composition humus: sandy soil (3:1)
for 1 week. The potential bacteria were checked their
synergistic each other by cross inoculated onto agar
medium. When two bacteria was in synergism
condition, they can live together with no inhibited
each other. The selected bacteria was cultivated on
Nutrient Broth for 24 hours. Ten milliliter of bacterial