Anemia and Chronic Energy Malnutrition based on Nutrition
Knowledge in Pregnant Woman in Medan Tuntungan District Medan
Zulhaida Lubis
and Jumirah
Department of Public Health Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Keywords: Anemia, chronic energy malnutrition, nutrition knowledge, pregnant women.
Abstract: Anemia and Chronic Energy Malnutrition (CEM) in pregnant women, especially in the third trimester
potential harm to mother and child, until now the incidence is still high in Indonesia. This study aims to
determine the description of anemia and chronic energy malnutrition events in terms of maternal knowledge
about nutrition in Medan Tuntungan district Medan city. This research includes an explanatory research
survey with cross sectional design, conducted in Medan Tuntungan district in 34 pregnant women. Blood Hb
level was measured by means of "Hemoglobin Testing System: Quik-Check", CEM was determined by
measuring Upper Arm Circumference (UAC), and mother's nal knowledge of nutrition was obtained by
interview using questionnaire. Data analysis is done descriptively. The results showed that the incidence of
anemia in pregnant women of 3
trimester was 52.9%, and pregnant women with chronic energy malnutrition
was 20.6%. As many as 85.3% of pregnant women have less knowledge of nutrition, 57.1% of mothers whose
knowledge is chronic energy malnutrition, while in mother with good nutrition knowledge also have anemia
as much as 60%. The conclusion of research that anemia in pregnant mother of 3
trimester in sub district of
Tuntungan field still high and most of mother have nutrition knowledge which still less.
One of the undernutition problems in Indonesia is the
anemia and the group of sufferers in pregnant women.
Anemia in pregnancy is a national problem because it
reflects the socio-economic well-being of the
community, and its influence is great on the quality
of human resources. Anemia in pregnant women is
called "potential danger to mother and child", which
is why anemia requires serious attention from all
parties involved in health services (Manuaba, 2010).
Anemia in pregnancy can adversely affect especially
during pregnancy and childbirth. The high rates of
anemia affecting pregnant women have a negative
effect on the fetus conceived from the mother in
pregnancy, perspectives, or puerperium, such as
preterm birth, low birth weight, premature partus,
abortion, postpartum hemorrhage, and long-term
partnerhood. This is related to many factors, among
others, age, parity, education, employment, and
knowledge. The results of the 2015 nutritional status
assessment survey in Indonesia show that pregnant
women with chronic energy malnutrition (CEM) risk
of 13.3%, one in 4 pregnant women have not received
iron tablet services in an attempt to decrease anemia,
and 87.1 % mother or 9 out of 10 pregnant women did
not get complementary feeding (Kemenkes RI,
2016). Data from North Sumatra Provincial Health
Office 2014 the number of occurrences of anemia in
the pregnant women in North Sumatra of 28.7%
which is generally caused by pregnant women who do
not consume enough iron.
The report of Health Office of North Sumatera
Province in 2014 number of anemia in pregnant
mother in North Sumatera is 28,7%, which is caused
by pregnant women who do not consume iron. While
the results of research in Medan (Northern Medan),
the incidence of anemia was 44.7% and the incidence
of chronic energy malnutrition 23.7%. Furthermore
it was said that the occurrence of anemia significantly
associated with low intake of energy that is less than
80% recommended sufficiency and gestational
distance is too short or less than 2 years (Zulhaida,
Lubis, Z. and Jumirah, .
Anemia and Chronic Energy Malnutrition based on Nutrition Knowledge in Pregnant Woman in Medan Tuntungan District Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010088807750777
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a survey of explanatory research with
crossectional design. This research was conducted in
Medan Tuntungan district Medan. The samples were
all pregnant women with 3rd trimester of pregnancy
in Medan Tuntungan Health Center from May to July
2018 that was 34 people. Data on mother's identity
and mother's nutritional knowledge were obtained by
interview using questionnaire, Hb rate was measured
by using Hb Quik-Check, and Hb levels of pregnant
women are categorized into 2, namely anemia if Hb
levels are <11g / dl and Normal if Hb levels> = 11 g
/ dl [4]. CEM was determined by Upper Arm
Circumference (UAC). Data analysis to describe the
incidence of anemia and CEM was done descriptively
by frequency tabulation, then analyzed the tendency
of anemia and CEM incidence based on nutritional
knowledge by cross tabulation.
The occurrence of anemia was measured based on
Hemoglobin (Hb) levels of pregnant women with
criteria expressed anemia when Hb levels were less
than 11mg / dl. While the occurrence Chronic Energy
Malnutrition (CEM) stated if the value of Upper Arm
Circumference (UAC) <23.5 cm. In Table 1 it can be
seen that pregnant women who have anemia as many
as 18 people (52,9%). This figure is high compared to
the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in
northern Medan city of 44.7% and the incidence of
anemia is said to be significantly associated with low
energy intake (Zulhaida, 2017).
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of anemia Incidence in
Pregnant Women
Incidence N %
Anemia 18 52,9
Normal 16 47,1
Total 34 100,0
The results showed the incidence of CEM in 3
trimester pregnant women was 20.7% (Table 2). This
figure is slightly lower with the findings in the North
Medan region is equal to 23.9% (WHO, 2011). In
addition the study found that the incidence of CEM in
pregnant women is significantly associated with the
incidence of anemia. The levels of hemoglobin in
pregnant women were associated with maternal
nutritional status (UAC), consumption of iron tablets
and meal consumption patterns on expectant mothers
in Maros South Sulawesi (Fatimah, 2011).
Table 2. Prequency Distribution of Chronic Energy
Malnutrition Incidence in Pregnant Women
Incidence N %
CEM 27 20,6
Normal 7 79,4
Total 34 100,0
The description of mother's nutritional knowledge
shows that there are 29 people (85,3%) of pregnant
women have less nutritional knowledge. The
incidence of anemia and CEM in pregnant women
based on mother's nutritional knowledge can be seen
in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3. Distribution of Anemia in Pregnant Women
Based on Mother’s nutritional knowledge
Incidence Total
Anemia Normal
N % N % N %
Less 15 57,1 14 48,3 29 100,0
Good 3 60,0 2 40,0 5 100,0
Table 3 shows that in mothers with less
knowledge 15 people (57.1%) had anemia and mother
with good knowledge of nutrition as many as 3 people
(60%) also had anemia. A lack of nutritional
knowledge will have an impact on the mother's
dietary intake patterns so that increased nutritional
adequacy during pregnancy such as energy, protein,
iron and folic acid can not be met which causes
malnourished mothers such as anemia. In a review
article about anemia and eating habits of pregnant
women in Indonesia said that the incidence of
anaemia in pregnant women is closely related to
economic and cultural factors (Atiek, 2016). The
other factors that also play a role is the knowledge of
mothers and families about the importance of
nutrition and foods that are good for women of fertile
age, moreover for pregnant women. Another factor
that also plays a role is the knowledge of mothers and
families about the importance of nutrition and food
for women's fertility, especially for pregnant women.
While the results of the study in Karawang district
showed that there was no significant relationship
between family economic factors and hemoglobin
levels of third trimester pregnant women, but more
important was the knowledge of nutrition and
maternal health and good food intake (Surgiasih,
2013). The results of research in Yokyakarta show
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
that there is a significant relationship between
nutritional knowledge of pregnant women with
anemia status (Purwanti, 2014).
Table 4. Distribution of Chronic Energy Malnutrition in
Pregnant Women Based on Mother’s nutritional
Incidence Total
CEM Normal
N % n % N %
Less 7 24,1 22 75,9 29 100,0
Good 0 0,0 5 100,0 5 100,0
Based on mother's knowledge it can be seen that
CEM incidence was found in 7 people (24,1%)
mother with less knowledge. While mothers with
good nutrition knowledge (100%) normal nutritional
state (Table 4). This shows that the occurrence of
CEM in pregnant women with nutritional knowledge
is less related to low nutrient intake, especially energy
and protein. If the increased nutritional needs during
pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester is not
enough to affect the development of the fetus and the
baby's weight when born.
The incidence of anemia in pregnant women in
Medan Tuntungan district was 52.9%, and CEM
(Chronic Energy Malnutrition) was 20.6%. As many
as 85.3% of pregnant women have less nutritional
knowledge, and most of them have anemia.
Thank you to the Universitas Sumatera Utara for
funding this research in accordance with the Contract
of TALENTA University of Sumatera Utara on 2018
Number: 2590 / UN5.1.R / PPM / 2017 dated March
16, 2018.
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Anemia and Chronic Energy Malnutrition based on Nutrition Knowledge in Pregnant Woman in Medan Tuntungan District Medan