Besides self-concept, the utilizing of social media
can also influence the interest of entrepreneurship.
The vast development of Internet and social media
contribute to the economy activities as well as
business. Social media changes way of thinking,
especially the small and medium entrepreneurs.
Social media also assists the entrepreneurs in
marketing their products widely without any cost.
Nowadays, everyone can utilize social media to run
the business and get the maximum profit with
minimum capital. In the middle of the social media
development, more business is released through the
platform of social media such as facebook, instagram,
whatsapp, youtube and path. This can be the business
opportunity for the entrepreneurs to explore the
potential of entrepreneurship through social media.
Based on the pre-survey conducted, the interest of
female small and medium entrepreneurs in doing
entrepreneurship is high in Medan Labuhan district.
This can be seen through the entrepreneur activity
even though in simple ways by producing snack such
as cassava chips, cakes, cookies, traditional cakes and
etc. this phenomenon shows that not all of female
small and medium entrepreneurs understand about
the self-concept and social media. This interests the
researchers to comprehend more and to analyse the
situation further. The objective of this research is to
analyse the influence of self-concept and the
utilization of social media toward the interest of
entrepreneurship of female small and medium
entrepreneurships in Medan Labuhan District.
2.1 Self-concept
Self-concept for the entrepreneur directs how the
individual is able to think about himself which refers
to the intentions, beliefs and abilities possessed. The
whole self-concept individual views of physical
dimensions such as physical, moral, family, personal,
and social (Partosindo in Anggraheni, 2006).
According to Symonds in Ananta and Djalali (2014)
the perception of the self does not arise directly at the
time the individual is born, but gradually develops
along with the emergence of the ability perspective.
During the beginning of the life period, the
development of self-concept is completely based on
perceptions about yourself. As we get older, self-
perceptions begin to be influenced by the values
gained from interaction with other individuals. The
link between self-concept and the peak of
entrepreneurial achievement is when the individual
has beliefs about himself. Self-concept is a set of
beliefs that individuals have about themselves.
Julianti (2005) defines self-concept as a concept
of totality which is consistently composed of various
self-awareness and relationship with others with
various aspects of life as well as the value associated
with the appreciation. Thus, it can be concluded that
self-concept is a comprehensive view of oneself both
on the physical aspects, social aspects, and
psychological aspects based on his experience and
interaction with others (Rouf and Laili, 2012). There
are 3 reasons that can explain the important role of
self-concept in determining behavior. (1) self-concept
has a role in maintaining inner consistency, (2)
attitudes and individual views of him greatly
influences the individual in interpreting his
experience, (3) self-concept determines individual
expectations (Mc Candless, in Pudjijogyanti 1993).
There are 2 (two) types of self-concept that is (a)
positive self-concept, eg confident to overcome
problems, feel equal to others, receive praise without
shame, realize that everyone has feeling, able to
improve himself, (b) negative self-concept, eg not
resistant to criticism, responsive to the test, being
hypercritical, feeling unpopular, being pessimistic
about competition (Rahmad, 2008). Factors affecting
self-concept include: (1) factor of the perpetrators
(parent, friend , community) (2) substantial factors,
consisting of learning, association (studying
relationships), and motivation (Alex, 2003).
2.2 Social Media
Kartajaya (2008) explains that social media is a
combination of sociology and technology that
transforms monologues (one to many) into dialogues
(many to many) and information democracies that
transform people from content readers into content
publishers. Social media has become very popular
because it gives people the opportunity to connect
with the online world in the form of personal
relationships, politics, and business activities.
Kaplan & Haenlin (2010) classifies social media
into 6 types: (a) project collaboration, there are two
sub categories in the social media type ie wikis &
social bookmarking apps, (b) blogs are websites that
convey expressions from authors, opinions or travel
from authors, (c) community content, the main
purpose of community content is to share media
content among users such as youtube, slideshare, etc.,
(d) social networking sites are apps that enable users
to connect by using private profiles includes all kinds
of information including photos, videos, audio files
and blogs, such as facebook, twitter, instagram, path,