into Indonesia will threaten local industry which is in
competition with more qualified multinational
products including food, through this community
service the empowerment of healthy and nutritional
bika ambon and bolu is conducted to improve the
production and marketing management in Serdang
Bedagai and Deli Serdang District.
From the description above, it can be concluded the
problem of the partner is as follows:
1. The lack of skill of bika ambon and bolu
entrepreneurs on the processing of production
with various variations so it has high selling
2. The lack of skill of bika ambon and bolu
entrepreneurs in packaging which will add to
the selling price.
3. The lack of skill of entrepreneurs in marketing
the product of healthy and nutritional bika
ambon and bolu.
4. The lack of adequate equipment to increase
The activity method includes:
1. Bika ambon and bolu entrepreneurs training on
product processing with variation of lecture
method, discussion, and direct practice.
a) Activity Plan
The socialization of community service
which is an explanation of training plan on
the entrepreneurs (bika ambon and bolu).
The socialization of community service is
given to the partner so they can understand
the meaning and purpose of the community
service. Other than that, this social campaign
will form an attitude and desire to be fully
involved in the community service.
According to this, then the implementation
of the activity proceeds well.
b) Outcome
1) 100% of Bika Ambon and Bolu
entrepreneurs are participating in the
training on the variation of bika ambon
and bolu.
2) 80% of the entrepreneurs have skill to
processing product with variation so as
to have a high selling price.
2. Bika ambon and bolu packaging training to add
to the selling price. This training is conducted
through lecture method, discussion, and direct
a) Activity Plan
Training of product processing with
variations to add to the selling price. This
training is performed with the community
service team, considering the limited
variations of bika ambon and bolu by adding
local materials that can improve the nutrition
value of bika ambon and bolu.
b) Outcome
1) 100% of entrepreneurs are participating
in the training of materials choosing,
preparation, processing, presentation,
and food storage.
2) 80% of entrepreneurs understand the
materials choosing, preparation,
processing, presentation, and food
3. Entrepreneur’s skill enhancement training in
marketing healthy and nutritional bika ambon
and bolu with lecture method and discussion.
a) Activity Plan
The training of product processing with
variations so as to have a high selling price
with an emphasis on marketing aspects. This
training is performed with the community
service team, considering the limited
variations of bika ambon and bolu by adding
local materials that can improve the nutrition
value of bika ambon and bolu.
b) Outcome
1) 100% of entrepreneurs is participating
in the training of healthy and nutritional
bika ambon and bolu marketing.
2) 80% of entrepreneurs are skill in
healthy and nutritional bika ambon and
bolu marketing.
4. Equipment procurement to increase the
production through the utilization and
maintenance with lecture method, discussion,
and direct practice.
a) Activity Plan
The lack of facility and infrastructure to
support the production process with lecture
method, discussion, and direct practice.
b) Outcome
80% of entrepreneurs is adding adequate
equipments to increase the production.