Table 5: Health Complaints of Smoker and Non Smoker
Marelan is one of the agricultural area in Medan
City, Marelan was an area of Dutch-owned tobacco
plantations in last, the majority of people were
looking for farmers, although lately the housing
development in Marelan was high, there are still
many area for farmers to work such as rice and
vegetables. Medan Marelan Subdistrict borders with
Deli Serdang in west, borders with Medan Labuhan
in east, borders with Medan Helvetia and Medan
Belawan in north.
From the result in table 1 shows that the average
age of smoker and non smoker farmers is in the
range of 36-45 years, 58% for smokers and 46% for
non-smokers, according to WHO age classification>
18-40 years old can be classified as adult age, and
based on the age classification according to Prof.
Koesoemanto age> 20-60 years can be classified as
adult age, based on this study the average age of
farmers is in the middle to late adult age, this is due
to work farmers need a lot of energy and activity,
although they require a lot of energy and activities
for work, farmers are not supported by good
education, because the average education of smoker
and non smoker farmers are only junior high school
(SMP), 32% for smoker farmers and 22% for non-
smoker farmers.
From the above data in table 2, we can be seen
that there is a significant influence between
productivity, outcome, and losses between smokers
and non smokers of farmers with p <0.05.
Productivity for farmers are not smoking is better
than smokers, this is because the capital used by
farmers non-smokers can be replaced with income
monthly from work, but for smoker farmers, capital
for work will not return because it has used for
smoking, whereas smoking is something that can
damage health, increase the economic burden of
individuals, households, and also the state. Moreover
outcome on cigarettes, will neglect the costs for
other truly more important, like children education,
health, entertainment, and others. This is accordance
with (Susanas) 2015 that outcome for cigarette has
defeat outcome for rice . This cigarette consumption
is equivalent or even beat total consumption for
meat, milk, eggs, fish, education, and health.
From the result in table 3 shows
The income of smokers and non-smokers is almost
same, the average income of non- smokers is
Rp. 2,416,900 and the smokers are Rp.2,438,800 per
month , the income of smokers is more than that of
non-smokers with a difference of Rp. 21,900, but
this income actually not in line with Medan's
minimum regional income Rp . 2,528 . 815 ,
whereas most farmers make farming the only main
occupation of farmers, which can also be affected by
weather and season conditions. Indeed with the
income still below regional minimum income, and
outcome for cigarettes that actually only give
temporary sensation for smoker farmers, and
consumption of cigarettes is true will become an
economic burden for individual, household, and
From the result in table 4 shows The outcome
priorities of smoker and non smoker farmers. For
smoker farmers otcome priority for basic needs such
as rice, fruit and vegetables is Rp. 880000 or 36.1%,
cigarettes Rp. 7,30000 or 30% , children's education,
such as fees and money snacks are Rp. 640000 or
26.3% , health Rp. 53,000 or 2.2%, entertainment
Rp 42,000 or 0.17%, and other needs Rp 93,000 or
3.8%, and priority needs of non-smoker farmers are
Rp 920000 or 38.2%, children's education Rp.
779,000 or 32.4%, health Rp. 168,000 or 7%,
entertainment Rp.263,000 or 0.11% , and other
needs Rp. 276,000 or 11.5% . Based on this research
can be seen that need basic as food or rice only have
2.1% difference with outcome for cigarette
consumption for farmers with the average
consumption of cigarette for farmers are 3 packs per
Many farmers did not can work well without
consuming cigarettes, smoker farmers say that
cigarettes provide peace to farmers, so that farmers
build images that cigarettes can be a necessity that
must continue to be available for as long as work,
this is evidenced in table 5 that only 22% of farmers
consider it that cigarettes can interfere with their
health, such as headaches are 4%, asthmas are 6%,
weight losses are 4%, and caughs are 8%.
Spending on cigarettes is very harmful for farmers
as worker with low to middle income, because
cigarettes were actually just provide temporary
sensation for smokers, and cigarette consumption for
Economic Burden Analysis for Smoker and Non Smoker Farmers in Medan, Sumatera Utara