services, it is essential to have the government
regulations that thoroughly organize the activities of
internet banking. Furthermore, the contents of the
self-regulation of the banks will be different since
each bank set its own rules. The articles of law to be
formed should include clear regulations regarding
internet banking, particularly on the customers'
protection in internet banking service. With the
establishment of precise rules and regulations,
specifically managing the internet banking activities,
it is expected to protect the interests of the customers
and the banks in a balanced manner.
In Law No. 11 of 2008 on the ITE Act is a law
established to specifically regulate various human
activities in the field of information and
communication technology, including some criminal
acts that are categorized as cybercrime. The ITE Act
passed on 21 April 2008 is considered sufficient to
manage legal issues of the Internet banking system
as one of the banking services formed by the
technological advances. Obstacles such as the
technological and legal aspects no longer become
the inhibiting factors in the development of Internet
banking in Indonesia. Although the articles of ITE
Act have no specific article which arranges the
activities of Internet banking, there are several
regulations governing the transaction using the
Internet media.
Every provider of electronic systems is required
to provide a secure and reliable electronic system
and is responsible for the system to operate properly.
"Reliable" means the electronic system has the
ability that matches with the needs of its users.
"Secure" means that the electronic system is
physically and non-physically protected. "Properly
operated" means the electronic system has the ability
in accordance with its specifications.
Responsible means there is law regulations that
legally control the implementation of the electronic
system. However, such provision shall not be
applicable in the event of proven circumstances of
force, error, or negligence of the users of electronic
systems. The ITE Act also stipulates that, as long as
a separate law does not determine it, every operator
of an electronic system shall operate an electronic
system that meets the following minimum
1. Able to re-display the electronic information or
electronic documents in full form according to
the retention period specified by the law;
2. Able to protect the availability, integrity,
authenticity, confidentiality, and accessibility
of electronic information in the electronic
3. Able to operate under the procedures or
instructions of the electronic systems;
4. Equipped with procedures or instructions that
are written with language, information or
symbols that can be understood by all parties of
the electronic systems;
5. Have a sustainable mechanism to maintain the
novelty, clarity, and responsibility of the
procedures or products.
In ITE Act, there is no clear Article governing
about internet banking. However, there is an Article
on the transactions using the internet media. In the
general provisions of the ITE Law, Article 1(2)
states that electronic transactions are legal acts
committed using computers, computer networks, or
other electronic media. An article in ITE related to
internet banking is Article 15, which states:
1. Each Operator of the electronic system shall
administer a reliable and secure electronic
system and shall be responsible for the proper
operating electronic system;
2. The operator of the electronic system is
responsible for the management of the
electronic system.
3.3 The Responsibility of Banking
Party on the Internet Banking
The activities of internet banking may contain high
risks. Internet banking is a distribution channel that
provides opportunities for the banks to broaden their
reach, improve the customer experience and reduce
operational costs. Although internet banking
services offer amenity, internet banking also has
numerous risks. In the implementation, internet
banking often neglects the security matters (both
technically and non-technically) resulting in
numerous problems.
The most recent case occurred as quoted in
consumer media, a customer of Indonesia Nation
Bank (BNI), did a transfer transaction using internet
banking facility from BNI on August 5, 2018. At
that time, the transfer was declared successful, and
the consumer kept the proof of the transfer.
However, about a week later the customer was
informed that the funds had not been credited to the
destination account, whereas the customer account
balances have been cut off. On January 15, the
consumer reported this problem to the BNI Call
The impact of these risks can be attributed to a
system that is not efficient at the time of its