The Morphology of Vernacular Architecture in Medan City
and Its Surroundings: Case Study - Malay Architecture
I. F. Pane
and H. T. Fachrudin
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan, Medan 20155 Indonesia
Laboratory History,Theory, and Criticism of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Padang Bulan, Medan 20155 Indonesia
Keywords: Malay Architecture, Morphology, Vernacular Architecture
Abstract: This study intends to examine the development of vernacular architecture in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Malay
Architecture is an existing and developing architecture in coastal areas and Medan city. The development is
signed by the existence of modern architecture / posmodern which develops today. Therefore, this study aims
to see the development of Malay vernacular architecture and how the shape changes that exist in society
recently. The object of research is vernacular building with Malay architectural characteristic. The location
of research is located in the city of Medan and its surroundings because this area has buildings that characterize
Malay for a long time. The method used is a qualitative-descriptive approach in order to describe the facts
that exist in the field and review it with the theory used. The result obtained is the overall form of the building
which still retains the porch and ornament form that is found around the house.
Indonesia has various cultures that representation
of human activities. The results of this culture can be
things that are important for aspects of human life.
Results of culture are often referred to as artifacts.
Artifacts that arise from a particular culture have their
own characteristics. These traits that distinguish
between one culture and another.
The development of architecture is a development
that along and in line with historical development
(Rapoport, 1969). The development of history covers
all aspects of human life including culture.
Architecture is an integral part of the journey of
human life. From the period before Christ to Modern
times and Posmodern, humans have known the
shelter to keep his life alive. This shelter became the
backdrop of humans to form architecture. The term
architecture has not been known in the period before
Christ but the people involved in this development
were regarded as the person who contributed to the
Architectural development in Indonesia is
dominated by traditional architecture. This
architecture develops in line with the process of
cultural activitization conducted by the ancestors up
to now.
In the past, the development of traditional
architecture was colored by the beliefs held by the
ancestors, while at this time the development of
architecture more towards the universal. The process
of development is colored with changes in accordance
with changing customs and beliefs.
Along with the period, the change to Malay
architecture is colored by the times that have changed
today into the modern / posmodern. Malay
architecture that developed in the east coast of
Sumatra is not the same anymore as Malay
architecture in the past. This change indicates that
there has been a modification to the Malay house in
accordance with the functions and activities that
increase from the past.
The identity of the culture can arise from its
architectural formation (Abel, 1997). Malay
architecture with a distinctive formation, especially
the curved roof shape and ornamentation around the
building is a figure of a building with a strong
identity. The development of Malay traditional
architecture is not same with the present, but identity
is still shown from the various ornaments displayed.
Its development is now replaced by architecture that
still refers to Malay but it is no one hundred percent
same as in the past.
Vernacular architecture is an architecture that
comes from local influences with a local touch but not
Pane, I. and Fachrudin, H.
The Morphology of Vernacular Architecture in Medan City and Its Surroundings: Case Study - Malay Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0010090103020306
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
one hundred percent using tradition like the old
traditional building. Malay architecture which is full
of Islamic influence becomes the main theme of the
study. The study of architectural morphology is
intended to see how much the influence of this form
on the development of the period. This research was
conducted to find out the development of Malay
architecture at this time in the surrounding area of
Medan city and to find the morphology of this
architectural development in order to know the
change of its shape until now. While the benefits that
can be taken is to understand the development of
Malay architecture are useful to enrich the science of
In the development of research in the field of
architecture, theoretical exploration is needed to draw
the common thread of cultural development. The
culture has a unified physical form and has ideas
(Koentjaraningrat, 1990). The development of this
culture is examined by the theory of form or
morphology within the architecture. This theory
explains that the form may change according to the
circumstances that lie behind it.
Architectural morphology is related to the shape
of the building. Traditional forms of architecture
represent the meaning contained therein. This
meaning at the present shifts into a meaning whose
function as a container of daily activities. This shift
of this meaning relates to changing times and
changing the interests of society. The architectural
form has an order (Krier, 2001). This form is the basic
forms that have an arrangement that produces an
expressive form.
The architectural form consists of regular,
irregular or combined form of both. This form is also
called the geometry and the shape of this geometry
has elements in its form. These elements are dots,
lines, planes and spaces (Ching, 2000). The existence
of this element will color the shape of the overall
Malay Architecture is an architecture that has the
shape of a typical stage house and roof shape. The
development is not separated from the social
conditions of society so that the current architecture
is still in the form and shape of Malay architecture.
Social cohesion is required to reinforce and
strengthen the logging of cultures that support the
development of architecture (Carrà, 2016). In the
research process will be done the searching of Malay
vernacular architecture existency in Medan City.
Vernacural architecture with Malay architecture is
still found in the city of Medan. This architectural
form like other traditional buildings, has a stage and
the floor of the house which is above the ground.
Physically, these traditional buildings use wood as its
structure and construction. They have roof shape with
certain types. There are several existing types; Type
of Long Ridge; Five Ridge; Silver Ridge and Pyramid
Ridge (Yuan, 1987) (Figure 1).
There are also another 2 (two) types of roof that
are Long Tipped Type and Elephant Sit Type. At the
end of the roof there is a carving that serves as a roof
covering. This roof shape type is to make easy for
classifying and configuring based on its
characteristics. In general, the form of sketch is
square and there is a front porch inside it that serves
to receive guests.
Figure 1: Malay Roof Types (Source: Yuan, 1987)
The Morphology of Vernacular Architecture in Medan City and Its Surroundings: Case Study - Malay Architecture
The method used in this research is using qualitative-
descriptive method (Sugiyono, 2009). Research
carried out for one year, by looking at the
phenomenon of existing vernacular architecture in the
field. This method is considered effective because the
facts which are contained in the field studied by an
inductive approach (Moleong, 2004). Inductive
analysis is used by collecting facts that exist in the
field such data of literature and field data that come
from some vernacular Malay architecture in Medan
and its surroundings.
The vernacular architecture developed in Medan
City and its surrounding is dominated by traditional
Malay architecture. These developments have an
impact on the existence of Malay architecture as a
whole. The original view of this architecture is
replaced by modifications in accordance with the
times. This research tries to trace the development of
morphology or form of Malay architecture to find its
development process.
Things that are considered necessary to be raised
and directly contribute to this research will be the
main capital in conducting the research. For this
research process is divided into 3 (three) stages:
2.1 Data Collection
This stage is the preparation stage and the survey
phase with direct spaciousness to see architectural
objects. Direct and indirect observation is a way of
observing field conditions (Sudradjat, 2004). Primary
data collection and to collect data in the form of
architectural drawings of research objects which are
Malay traditional houses in Medan. While the
secondary data in the form of relevant photographs
including the literature used for this study.
The criteria of the object of research is the house
located in the city of Medan and its surroundings, the
age of the house has reached +/-50 years or more, has
a figure as Malay architecture with a stage and roof
shape and ornaments typical of Malay and the house
is in good condition and still done daily activities in
2.2 Data Compilation
At the compilation stage, the data have started to be
compiled and sorted from the data that have been
obtained and grouped to validate the data in
accordance with historical facts. The data of Malay
traditional house that has been collected and then
selected by its type of roof. The 6 (six) types of roofs
show the difference to the overall shape of this Malay
traditional building.
Literature review is done by using the theory of
building morphology to study the form changes that
occurred. The results of this literature review is the
research variable as a reference in implementing it. In
this variable there are also research indicators so that
the research can focus on the variables used.
2.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the most important stage in this
research because this stages will be studied by the
theory used in research with case study in this
research that is building which has characteristic of
Malay traditional architecture.
Inductive analysis is done by collecting
possibilities with field phenomena and drawing
conclusions based on built theory. After this stage of
analysis, conclusions and useful recommendations
for the development of science in the field of
architecture are drawn. This recommendation is an
appeal to continue this research to a deeper level to
assess the existence of the Malay Architecture as a
From the results of literature review then to
determine the morphology of the vernacular Malay
architecture change is taken the research variables
which are building form and ornamentation. This
variable is studied with the theoretical approach about
form, especially the geometry of the building and the
theory of architectural transformation.
The results show that the overall shape of the building
has changed to the traditional Malay building form.
The thing that causes this change is the space
requirement for the activity that causes the shape of
the building change according to the desired needs.
Malay Architecture in its establishment always
refers to 3 (three) things that are Resam Customs,
Islamic law and Local Climate. Resam customs is a
rule or good guidance to individuals or the general
public so as to live harmoniously and respect nature.
Islamic Law signifies that the Malay people generally
adhere to the religion of Islam and daily activities
related to Islam as a whole. The local climate
indicates that the Malay people highly appreciate the
existence of nature and construct buildings with
actions that do not destroy nature (Pane, 2018).
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The case study took 3 (three) buildings located in
the area of Medan City and surrounding areas namely
Malay House-Tanjung Pura, Malay House-Serdang
Bedagai-1 and Malay House-Serdang Bedagai-2. In
the first case study of Malay House-Tangjung Pura,
fundamental changes seen under the building that
changed into a car garage and there are rooms and
bathrooms on the underside of the building While the
ornamentation in this building is still using Malay
carved objects combined with glass windows (Figure
Figure 2: Malay House-Tanjung Pura
In the second case study, the house was built with
reference to Malay architecture which has poles with
wooden material. Fundamental changes seen on the
poles made of concrete which replaced by wood as a
support of buildings, under the house is still
maintained but there are rooms made under the
building. Roof material has also been using zinc and
no longer using fibers, the shape of the roof is a form
of saddle (long-ridge) extending from front to back.
The window uses two leaves on the perimeter of the
building while the door leaves do not use a wood
which serves as a door barrier (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Malay House-Serdang Bedagai-1
For the third case study, the Malay house is in
Serdang Bedagai-2, still in the style of the Malay
Architecture. This house is about 70 years old and the
condition of the house in some parts looks rotten and
need revamping. Malay architectural features seen on
the stairs made of brick and wood material as the
support of the building which still looks solid. Some
Malay ornaments are still clearly visible; one of them
is above the door. Roof material has already used zinc
and fascia board it still looks the form of Malay
carving (Figure 4).
The Morphology of Vernacular Architecture in Medan City and Its Surroundings: Case Study - Malay Architecture
Figure 4: Malay House-Serdang Bedagai-2
The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is
the unavoidable change of the times. The existence of
Malay architecture is still preserved up to now but in
different ways. Implementation into a house to live is
different from the previous generation.
The use of materials becomes an alternative when
the building is built and no longer used the material
as it once was. The use of the verandas is still
preserved nowadays; the most noticeable feature of
the overall shape of the building is a veranda with a
concrete ladder. Some ornaments are still used though
as decoration but it leads to forms of Malay
I would like to thank Universitas Sumatera Utara who
funded this research with TALENTA program 2018,
No: 2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017 and date March 16,
2018 and also thank the Department of Architecture
students who assist in the process of collecting
research data for case study.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches