The method used in this research is using qualitative-
descriptive method (Sugiyono, 2009). Research
carried out for one year, by looking at the
phenomenon of existing vernacular architecture in the
field. This method is considered effective because the
facts which are contained in the field studied by an
inductive approach (Moleong, 2004). Inductive
analysis is used by collecting facts that exist in the
field such data of literature and field data that come
from some vernacular Malay architecture in Medan
and its surroundings.
The vernacular architecture developed in Medan
City and its surrounding is dominated by traditional
Malay architecture. These developments have an
impact on the existence of Malay architecture as a
whole. The original view of this architecture is
replaced by modifications in accordance with the
times. This research tries to trace the development of
morphology or form of Malay architecture to find its
development process.
Things that are considered necessary to be raised
and directly contribute to this research will be the
main capital in conducting the research. For this
research process is divided into 3 (three) stages:
2.1 Data Collection
This stage is the preparation stage and the survey
phase with direct spaciousness to see architectural
objects. Direct and indirect observation is a way of
observing field conditions (Sudradjat, 2004). Primary
data collection and to collect data in the form of
architectural drawings of research objects which are
Malay traditional houses in Medan. While the
secondary data in the form of relevant photographs
including the literature used for this study.
The criteria of the object of research is the house
located in the city of Medan and its surroundings, the
age of the house has reached +/-50 years or more, has
a figure as Malay architecture with a stage and roof
shape and ornaments typical of Malay and the house
is in good condition and still done daily activities in
2.2 Data Compilation
At the compilation stage, the data have started to be
compiled and sorted from the data that have been
obtained and grouped to validate the data in
accordance with historical facts. The data of Malay
traditional house that has been collected and then
selected by its type of roof. The 6 (six) types of roofs
show the difference to the overall shape of this Malay
traditional building.
Literature review is done by using the theory of
building morphology to study the form changes that
occurred. The results of this literature review is the
research variable as a reference in implementing it. In
this variable there are also research indicators so that
the research can focus on the variables used.
2.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the most important stage in this
research because this stages will be studied by the
theory used in research with case study in this
research that is building which has characteristic of
Malay traditional architecture.
Inductive analysis is done by collecting
possibilities with field phenomena and drawing
conclusions based on built theory. After this stage of
analysis, conclusions and useful recommendations
for the development of science in the field of
architecture are drawn. This recommendation is an
appeal to continue this research to a deeper level to
assess the existence of the Malay Architecture as a
From the results of literature review then to
determine the morphology of the vernacular Malay
architecture change is taken the research variables
which are building form and ornamentation. This
variable is studied with the theoretical approach about
form, especially the geometry of the building and the
theory of architectural transformation.
The results show that the overall shape of the building
has changed to the traditional Malay building form.
The thing that causes this change is the space
requirement for the activity that causes the shape of
the building change according to the desired needs.
Malay Architecture in its establishment always
refers to 3 (three) things that are Resam Customs,
Islamic law and Local Climate. Resam customs is a
rule or good guidance to individuals or the general
public so as to live harmoniously and respect nature.
Islamic Law signifies that the Malay people generally
adhere to the religion of Islam and daily activities
related to Islam as a whole. The local climate
indicates that the Malay people highly appreciate the
existence of nature and construct buildings with
actions that do not destroy nature (Pane, 2018).