The 1945 Constitution Article 33 Paragraph (1)
stated that the Indonesian economy is constituted as
a joint effort based on the principle of kinship. In his
explanation, among others stated that the prosperity
of society is preferred not the prosperity of the
person, and the development of the company
according to it is the cooperation. Thus, the 1945
Constitution puts the cooperation on the position as
a pillar of the national economy and also as an
integral part of the national economic order. In
realizing economic democracy, the mandate contains
a very important and profound meaning, namely that
the soul and spirit of the cooperation must be owned
by all communities including all business entities
that exist in the economic system based on Pancasila
and the 1945 Constitution (Kurniati, 2009).
The number of female cooperations as many as
71018 units of the total of all Indonesian
cooperations as many as 177,482 units contained in
20 Provinces in Indonesia and most are in East Java.
Cooperations in North Sumatra have a fairly good
development. The number of cooperations in North
Sumatra in 2012 - 2013 has increased by 518 units
or 4.61 percent. The number of cooperation
members also showed an increase of 104,567 people
or 5.25 percent. One of the factors causing an
increase in the number of cooperation members is
due to the increasing public trust towards the
Therefore, the development of women's
cooperation is very relevant. Cooperation will
become tools that are not only able to empower
women economically. Cooperation will also serve as
a tool to accommodate women in various productive
work collectives. Cooperation will also teach women
about how to solve economic problems, not by
competing with each other as happens in the realm
of capitalism, but by cooperation and solidarity. This
is an important tool for reorganizing people,
including women, who are scattered by the free
competition of capitalism.
Based on previous public service in Bingkat
Village, Serdang Bedagai District conducted public
service to crackers entrepreneurs based on cassava
which eventually marketed under the name of
Mutiara Alam Sari. This group has grown to market
its food products. Based on the desire and interest of
the members has begun in the form of women
cooperation as a mean to continue the processed
food business of Mutiara Alam Sari. Therefore, the
interest of this member needs to be appreciated and
enhanced by the community service from USU.
In Deli Serdang district, Sidodadi Ramunia sub-
district, especially in Dusun Pasar 3 Banjar Negoro,
in 2015 established a unit of the cooperation named
Koperasi Kautsaran Putri Shiddik, formed on the
independent business of its members. The
cooperation was founded on the initiative of its
members engaged in the real sector such as staple
goods. The establishment of this cooperation is
based on the fact that around the neighborhood there
are many small traders like food, beverages that
have difficulty obtaining capital and are forced to
buy raw materials at high prices in nearby stalls, and
sometimes have to borrow money on loaners with
high interest rates.
Women's cooperations are able to assist
governments in addressing national issues such as,
reducing unemployment, improving health,
improving education and addressing gender issues.
Cooperations are a place for women to improve the
family economy, self-actualization for women.
Women are no longer merely housewives but
cooperations have proven their superiority in
empowering women as pioneers in helping micro
enterprises in their region. Therefore, women's
cooperations need to be grown and encouraged to
This growing women cooperation still requires a
lot of skills ranging from managing management
cooperation, filing legal entities to obtain legality,
increasing the potential of human resources
managers and facilities and infrastructure for this
cooperation developed and sustainable, not only in
the economy but also the empowerment of women
in the field of non including health, for that need to
be mobilized through the empowerment of two
women cooperation through community service
funds Non PNBP in 2018.
From the description above, it can be formulated that
the problem from partner’s side are:
1. Lack of knowledge and skills of cooperation
management in the management of
cooperation capable of increasing the
growing cooperation that are sustainable and
2. Lack of knowledge and skills of cooperation
management in financial management of
cooperation as an important effort in the
prosperity of cooperation.
3. Lack of knowledge and skills to promote
cooperation so that members are increasing
both in quantity and quality.