The Role of Semiotics in Reviewing Architecture
I. F. Pane
, H. T. Fachrudin
and H. Fibriasari
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan, Medan 20155 Indonesia
Department of Foreign Language, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Indonesia
Keywords: Appreciation, Architecture, Semiotics
Abstract: This article examined the development of architecture from the point of view of communication systems and
understanding semiotics more deeply. The influence of modernization and postmodern forms a diverse
architecture especially the architectural style that develops in the world. In appreciation of architectural work,
it is required an understanding about communication that uses the theory of semiotics as the basic theory in
the formation of language. With the communication system, the appreciation of architectural work will be
hitter because of the understanding of semiotics. By using qualitative descriptive as a method, it can directly
look at the phenomena and facts that exist in the field or object of research. The objects of research were
residential and commercial buildings in Medan City. The results showed that the development of architectural
style in Medan city is appreciated by observers as a work that refers to the locality and event background
The rapid development of science in many fields also
influences architecture. This influence can be seen in
the formation of different architectures in each period
which is related to the development of technology.
Architecture is a manifestation of a distinct culture in
each different place. The distinctiveness of this
architecture is an attraction for the place to visit. The
form and shape of architecture depend on when and
where the architecture grows and develops.
The development of architecture in the world is
also in line with the development of developing
science. With the development of science, the shape
and hue of architecture also has differences that can
be seen from the shape of the architecture as a whole.
Hale divides architectural interpretations into 5 (five)
are architecture as engineering, architecture as art,
architecture as communication system, architecture
as phenomenology and architecture as politics (Hale,
2000). These five interpretations have their respective
emphasis on the growing architecture in the world.
The theme of the study is the architecture as a
communication system because in appreciating the
architecture; communication approach is always
used. This article focuses more on communication
approach using semiotics theory in language as the
starting point of communication. The use of this
semiotic theory can make it easier to see the approach
of communication systems in architecture.
To see the work of architecture or artwork is used
the way of view of appreciation in the process of
architectural communication. This appreciation is
considered suitable for being used in viewing an art
work and architecture (Gauldie, 1969). With the
above explanation, the architecture is studied with
semiotic approach which is seen through the process
of appreciation to the object of research. For the
object of study, it is selected to commercial buildings
in the city of Medan and its surrounding.
The writing that takes the theme related to the sign
system or architectural semiotics is done by Tjahyono
who says that one of the experts who use semiotics in
architecture is Umberto Eco, according to Eco in
architecture, sign system can be divided into two;
denotation and connotation (Tjahyono, 1992). He
sees that in the building, the main or primary
functions can be called denotation while the
secondary function can be called connotation. From
the function of the building, then the meaning that
emerges from the architecture can be divided into 2
(two) namely primary meaning and secondary
meaning. The primary meaning is the meaning which
is originally desired by the planner or architect and
the primary meaning is the meaning that after being
built and occupied arises without going through the
planning process of the architect.