The total investment required is Rp
70,268,968,000,- with the biggest cost being the
investment cost of machinery and information
b. Maintenance and Operational Cost
Operational costs are the overall costs associated
with the operations (production) of the PLTSa
business unit in Table 4.
For total maintenance and operational costs of Rp
19,641,972,585, -from the three parts to be
calculated are fixed costs for labor, variable costs,
office and vehicle factory overhead costs. The
biggest cost is the variable cost.
Table 4. Total Cost of Maintenance and Operational
PLTSa in Medan City.
c Electricity sales
The value of electricity sales is obtained from the
volume of electricity production multiplied by the
selling price of electricity. Determination of
electricity price based on the basic tariff price set
by PLN. The production of electricity in PLTSa
Medan City 2016 is 1272,4 ton/day x 18 kW =
22,903,2 kW or 22,90 MW. Assuming 20% power
generation efficiency, 20% x 22,903.2 kW =
4,580,64 kW and 8760 hours/year x 4580,64 Kw
= 40,126,406,4 kWh/year. Then the energy that
can be sold to PLN from burning organic waste is
1,272.6 tons/day (464,499 tons/year) is
40,126,406,4 kWh/year.
PLN purchases electricity from PLTSa
according to the Ministerial Regulation No.19 of
2013 has been fixed (zero waste: Rp 1,450 - 1798
/kWh; sanitary landfill: Rp1.250 - 1.598 /kWh;
incenerator Rp/kWh 1.450 medium voltage).
Acceptance of the cost of electricity sales PLTSa
production of Medan city in 2016 is Rp 1.450 x
40.126.406,4 kWh/year = Rp
3.4 Assessing Eligibility
With Discount Factor (DF) required to view the
projected value of money for a certain period during
the project, if the interest rate is determined at 15%,
DF can be calculated by Equation 5.
DF = 1/(1+i)
Where i = discount rate, n= Year Period, DF=
Discount Factor
Obtained present value operational and
maintenance and present value of total income each
during the project lasted 25 years is Rp
126.968.639.118 and Rp 376.105.456.177.
3.5 Investment Rating
To analyze the feasibility of a project it is necessary
to evaluate the project investment by calculating
NPV, IRR, BCR, and PP which can be seen in the
following description (Ikhsan, 2014):
a. NPV (Net PresentValue)
After calculation using Equation 1 then the value
of NPV obtained is Rp 249.136.817.059. After
deducting the revenue from electricity sales with
operational expenses, the NPV value is Rp
249,136,817,059, - or greater than zero, so the
project can be considered feasible.
b. IRR (Internal Rate of Return)
After calculation using Equation 2 then the value
of IRR obtained is 54.6%. Because the value of
IRR obtained is 54.6% or greater than 0%, in
No Description Total
1 Fixed Costs for Labo