populations. This figure is higher than the prevalence
rate nationally (0.043 per 100,000 population), it
shows cervical cancer is a health problem that needs
Based on previous research, cervical cancer cases
in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan in 2011 were quite
high, as many as 357 cases, where this number had
increased compared to 2009, which was 121 cases. In
this study it was found that the most cervical cancer
patients were in the age group 40-55 as many as 214
patients (58.3%) and all patients with cervical cancer
had been married, namely married (Prandana DA,
WHO estimates that by 2030 there will be a global
incidence of cancer incidents of 300% globally, and
70% of the surge will occur in developing countries
including Indonesia. Thus, it can be estimated that
there will be a surge in the number of cancer sufferers
in developing countries by ± 500% by 2030, if no
promotional or preventive measures are taken. One of
the prevention measures for cervical cancer is by
early detection of cervical cancer. Early detection of
cervical cancer can be done by Visual Inspection
method with Acetic Acid (IVA) and Pap smear
Until 2014, the government's cervical cancer and
breast cancer early detection program has been
running on 1,986 Puskesmas in 304 regencies / cities
in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The coverage of early
detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer from
2007 to 2014 is still low, amounting to 2.45 percent
or just screening of 904,099 people.
The results of previous studies of the knowledge
and attitudes of married women towards IVA
examination (Radiah, 2009) in the Medan Area South
Health Center in 2009 showed that WUS still had a
low awareness of conducting an IVA examination,
with only 22% of respondents receiving IVA
examinations and 78% of respondents did not conduct
IVA examination. Based on previous research at the
Padang Bulan Health Center, Medan in October 2013,
the final report of 2013 from the KIA / KB Program
officers, from 5954 targets, had only 1,786 (30%) of
PUS mothers, 594 (10%) other PUS mothers. perform
pap smear checks to other facilities, and 3,572 (60%)
PUS mothers have not conducted an IVA
examination. Also at the time of the survey in the
field, 10 PUS mothers obtained 3 PUS mothers who
had already done IVA examinations, while 7 PUS
mothers had never done an IVA examination for
different reasons, including, not yet knowing about
IVA examinations, feeling reluctant because they
have to open their nakedness during IVA
examination, do not feel any symptoms of cervical
The Pap ‘smear program for the detection of
cervical cancer in women of childbearing age (WUS)
carried out at the Medan City Health Center has also
not been able to increase service coverage. The report
on the implementation of the Pap ‘smear activity at
the Medan City Health Office shows that the
percentage of WUS who conducted examinations was
only around 43.7% of all puskesmas that provided
Pap’ smear service. Pap’ smear service coverage at
the Petisah Health Center is a low one because below
the coverage rate in Medan City is 32.4%.
Various factors can influence the participation of
WUS in examining IVAs or pap smears. Based on
previous research by Yuliwati in 2012, the factors that
influenced it were knowledge, attitudes, and
affordability of service providers, exposure to
information / mass media, husband's support, health
worker support, and support from health cadres.
While the results of previous research conducted
by Pertiwi in 2015 showed that the factors that
affected were age, occupation, parity, health
insurance, access to health services, and knowledge.
Where is the result of WUS aged> 35 years as many
as 153 people (80.1%), high school education as
many as 90 people (47.1%), the work of IRT as many
as 94 people (49.2%), the age of marriage 21-35 years
is 125 people (65.4%), low economic status as many
as 97 people (50.8%), parity 1- 3 times as many as
160 people (83.8%), have health insurance of 153
people (80.1%), access to services health with a
medium distance of 80 people (41.9%), and those
who received husband support as many as 150 people
1.1 Partner Problems
Medan Tembung sub-district is the third highest
population in the city of Medan with a population of
around 150,000. Therefore the problems in the region
represent the existence of problems in the city of
In Medan City one of the most prominent
problems is the low participation of the community in
the early detection of the disease. The report on the
implementation of the Pap’ smear activity at the
Medan City Health Office shows that the percentage
of WUS who conducted examinations was only
around 43.7% of all puskesmas that provided Pap’
smear service. For early detection with IVA self-
examination only reached 30% of target. In
interviews with several mothers of productive age in
the initial survey, they admitted that they had never