Customary Law in the Development
of National Law
Abdul Rahman Maulana Siregar
, Runtung Sitepu
Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Perpustakaan USU, Medan, Indonesia
Doctoral Program in Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Customary Law, The Development of the National Law
Abstract: The laws of a nation is a reflection of social life of the nation, and the establishment of the law of a country
must be free of influences and interests of other countries. Legal pluralism as a situation in which two or
more legal systems work side by side in a field of social life. Legal pluralism gives an explanation against
the fact of the existence of a social code of conduct that is not part of the regularity of the State law,
including customary law, religious law, custom and agreement. Normative legal research is research using
secondary data that is collecting data on the study of librarianship is sourced using a variety of scientific
literature, books, magazines, documents, legislation, and the works of the law, as well as a source of another
library. Strengthening customary law in the development of national law did not immediately solve the
problems that arise in the community. However, legal pluralism gives new insight to the practitioner of law,
State law and society-forming widely that besides State law there are other legal systems are more used to
exist in society and the legal system interact with state law and compete with each other.
Long before the entry of a foreign tradition, society
believed to be Indonesia's already regulated by
customary law values. The custom is understood as
binding norms that are preserved by a community to
organize the daily life of human beings, so the
custom itself is legal. Based on such understanding it
can be said that the people of Indonesia in reality
never understand customs as separate entities from
the law. The customary law is basically a reflection
of what is believed to be a person as a way of life
that conforms with a sense of Justice and propriety.
The laws of a nation is a reflection of the social
life of the nation in question, and the establishment
of the law of a country must be free of influences
and interests of other countries. If later sound loud
voiced, we need a democratic legal establishment,
but the establishment of a democratic legal not legal
means at once established will be effective. In this
context for example, the Mission of a law is not how
democratic establishment of laws that established,
but lies in the extent to which what is sent from the
formation of the legislation can be achieved. That is
to say, the benefits of making more of a
participatory law in an effort to boost the democratic
legitimacy of the legal character of the Act which
was formed.
If the law of a nation is a reflection of the social
life of the nation in question, then it becomes
paradoxical with the globalization of the law.
Although in some cases certain legal globalization
meant will still take place in different legal systems.
Despite the globalization of law something that hard
to avoid, but nation States will not simply hand over
their sovereignty, and function in a global system
will not take place free of the control of nation
States because globalization is not the way the toll
without a mechanism. The mechanism of how the
traffic of public relations of nation States, it is built
upon a contract, agreement or Convention, so does it
matter that had been limiting it is national law, then
that restriction is an agreement between countries
the nation.
The occurrence of different types of conflict law
caused by the effects of globalization. Approach to
customary law in the settlement of disputes out of
court that generate win-win solution, so that the
harmonization for the parties occurred. The
resolution of the conflict with customary law
approaches based on propriety, harmony, and
alignment can prevent the occurrence of prolonged
Siregar, A. and Sitepu, R.
Customary Law in the Development of National Law.
DOI: 10.5220/0010091416211625
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conflict and materialize the harmonization of
society. Harmonization of social life and the nation,
means to embody the ideals of the struggle of the
nation of Indonesia that is imbued by the sublime
values of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and
Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
In the form of customary law is characterized by
its traditional model of delivery which is not written
in the life of the community. The specificity of
customary law lies in the lisannya tradition. Through
oral tradition this is the custom character was
preserved this tradition and through the relationship
between past, present and future. Therefore, the
information that is brought into the community is
typically delivered orally then in law any rarely
codified custom. Customary law is never attempted
to systematically codified or enactment, because he
is believed to be a direct manifestation of a sense of
Justice and propriety that is embraced by all
members of the community. Hence, neither the
source nor the development of customary law is in
the hands of the community and does not rely on the
process of technical legislation.
Meanwhile, in the practice of criminal justice,
the judge in examining, prosecute and disconnect a
matter is bound by the principle of legality, which
requires only a law or a written law can determine
whether an act constitutes a Criminal deeds or not.
Consequently, each of which may or may not be
done it should be listed in the Act. Nevertheless, the
introduction of the principle of legality was not
absolute, that is, it is still possible for the excluded
all does not reduce legal certainty. This occurs
because of a problem of fairness into consideration
and the presence of several regions in Indonesia that
is still treating the criminal law. Moreover, some
acts that according to the law society's consciousness
is an ignoble deeds, thus the CRIMINAL CODE
does not set it up. In some areas in Indonesia still
apply customary law and the law of habit still
adhered to by the people.
Legal research is a scientific activity, based on a
method, certain thoughts and systematics, aiming to
learn one or more symptoms of a particular law,
with its analysis. Against it, then also held in-depth
examination against the facts of the law, and then
lobbies for a solution of the above problems arising
in the relevant symptoms.
Normative legal research that is collecting data
on the study of librarianship is sourced using a
variety of scientific literature, books, magazines,
documents, legislation, and the works of the law, as
well as a source of another library. The data in the
normative legal research is data obtained directly
from the subject of the research.
3.1 The Function of Customary Law in
The term "customary law" presented first by Prof.
Dr. Cristian Snouck Hurgronye in his book entitled
"De Acheers" (the people of Aceh), followed by
Prof. Mr. Cornelis van Hoven Vollen in his book
entitled "Het Recht van Custom Nederland Indie".
The existence of the term, then the Netherlands
colonial Government at the end of the year 1929
began using officially in the Netherlands legislation.
The term customary law is actually not known in
the community, and the community only know the
word "custom" or habit. Custom Recht translated
into customary law can be transferred into the law of
habit. Nevertheless, van Dijk objected to customary
law compared with the law of habit. According to
him, the Customs and the habits it is an essence that
is different when seen from the source. Customary
law it is sourced on the existence of a power tool in
the form of a fixture of society as a base, whereas
the law of habit that does not.
To get an overview what is a customary law,
argued as follows:
TER Haar Bzn, customary law was the overall
regulation of the incarnate in the decisions of the
heads of customs and apply spontaneously within
the community. TER Haar famous theory of
"decision" means that to see if it's something that is
already a customs law, it needs to be viewed from
the attitude of the rulers of the Community law
against violators of regulations customs. When
rulers dropped the sentence against the ruling of the
offenders then customs it is customary law.
Cornelis van Vollen Hoven, Customary law is
the overall behaviour of the Community rules in
force and to have codified and not yet sanctions.
Customary law is complex customs that are
generally not written, codified and not coercion,
sanctions have so have legal consequences.
Soepomo, customary law is unwritten law in the
unwritten rules, including the rules of life that
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
although not defined by the authorities but adhered
to and supported by the people based on the belief
that the regulations have the force of law.
Soerjono Soekanto, Customary law is in fact the
law of habit, that is to say customs which had legal
consequences (sein sollen). In contrast to mere habit,
is customary law are acts repeated in the same form
on rechts vardigeoordening der samen-leving.
Of the limitations expressed above, then look at
the elements of customary law are: the existence of a
continuous behaviour carried out by the community;
such conduct regular and systematic; such behaviour
has to be sacred; the existence of a decision of the
head of the customs; the existence of the legal
consequences of sanctions; not written; and adhered
to in the community.
Legal pluralism, in substantive legal pluralism,
defined as a situation in which two or more legal
systems work side by side in a field of social life are
the same, or to explain the existence of two or more
social control systems in one area of social life or
describe a situation in which two or more legal
systems interact in a social life or a condition in
which more than one system of law or institution
working side by side in activities and relationships
within a community group.
(Ehrlich, 1913) emphasised that the State law has
never been the only source of law, but it has
neglected important facts or to be precise, over time:
[there has never been a time when the law was
published by State being the only law, even in the
courts and other authorities, and so there is always
an undercurrent that seeks to uphold the position of
the matching for non-State law.
Anthropologists and sociologists is a group that
stands out among parties that have highlighted the
different meanings of the word ' culture ', and many
writers and historians have law outlines in detail the
uniqueness of the various the legal system and the
relationship between law and culture or cultures. A
frequently expressed view was that the law, culture
and society will certainly be intertwined, but this
view has been challenged, for example, by Alan
Watson, a renowned Scottish compare at once a
specialist in Roman law and civil law. Watson
(1974) argues that the legal regulations is not merely
exist, but able to survive easily, even in a
neighborhood far from the antecedents. So, he
argues that ' the rules of law as are the places it
comes from wherever he was, therefore, regardless
of origin, private law can survive ' without having to
have a close relationship with the community, the
period of time specific or particular place'.
As a country that embraced a tradition of Civil
Law System, it is in the legal system of Indonesia's
positive reading must depart from the hierarchy of
legislation which strongest is Constitution that
embodied in the 1945 Constitution. So, in combining
the settings regarding the existence of indigenous
and customary law in the legal system of Indonesia's
positive, the easiest thing is to first examine its
settings in the 1945 Constitution.
In the Constitution (constitution, enacted back
according to the Decree of the President dated July
5, 1959) is not a single Article that contains a basic
introduction of customary law. According to
Transitional Rules article 11 of the Constitution, all
State agency rules and regulations that there is still
directly applicable for yet a new held according to
the basic law ". Before the re-enactment of this
Constitution, then apply the Constitution as the year
1950. In the Constitution while Article 104, States
that "Any court decision must contain the reasons
and sentencing in the case refer to the rules of the
Statute and the rules of customary law, which
provided the basis of punishment . "But this
provision, that if we interpret" customary law
"widely, contains a grondwettelijke grondslag
enactment of law, until now haven't given its legal
3.2 The Position of Customary Law in
National Law
Customary law is the manifestation of the value
consciousness and community characteristics of
Indonesia that differentiate it from other legal
systems, thus functioning as an embodiment of the
original law and a reflection of the soul of the nation
and the people's sense of Justice Indonesia. With the
position of customary law as the legal embodiment
of the original and the reflection of the soul of the
nation and the people's sense of Justice from
Indonesia, then customary law should have a central
role in the development of the law of Indonesia.
If you see further Explanation on the "General"
part III 1945 Constitution, it will be noted that the
position of 1945 was the Preamble as expository
thoughts trees embody the ideals of the law
governing the country's basic law. Explanation of
the position of the 1945 Constitution Preamble 45 it
certainly reaffirms that the Preamble 1945 here's
what is in the hierarchy of legal Grammar
Grundnorm Indonesia, so it serves as a source of law
of the national law. Rechtsidee was unification of
values that play a role in the life of the community
with the philosophy of life influenced by believed by
Customary Law in the Development of National Law
the community, so if the Preamble 1945 contains
trees embody rechtsidee thoughts national, then the
fine points of mind in 1945 Preamble is the
embodiment of the values of the original society of
Indonesia. In other words, 1945 as a Preamble in the
hierarchy of legal Grammar grundnorm Indonesia is
the elaboration of the values of the indigenous
nations of Indonesia.
This will be increasingly strengthened trees
thoughts conceived in 1945 the Preamble clearly
describe and reflect the characteristics and pattern of
Indonesia society and also the style and
characteristics of the customary law Indonesia
society. Countries based on the divinity of the one
true God is a reflection of the nature of the religion-
magistik Indonesia society, who believe in the
existence of the metaphysical power of
transcendental-beyond her enclosing as well as
mastering all aspects of his life. Principal's mind
about the country's unity, the goal of realizing social
justice, as well as a State system based on popular
sovereignty and representative consultative is a
reflection of the character of the existing family and
komunalistik in the community Indonesian. Even in
the explanation of the "public" part II grain 3
confirmed that principal's mind about the State
system based on popular sovereignty and
representative consultative system is in accordance
with the nature of Indonesia society.
The above discussion clearly reaffirm the central
position of getting legally customary law in national
law, that customary law was the basis of national
law. That customary law is the law of Indonesia in
the grundnorm. Adat – law as spelled out in the
Preamble 1945-which serves as a source of law or of
any rule of law welbron positively that there is so
much that customary law was the raw material
substance positive law Indonesia. Every positive law
must rule the form with his rechtsidee, so customary
law serves as the substantive validity of the testers of
the stone all positive law Indonesia rules.
Thus, the position of customary law is one
important source to obtain materials for the
construction of a national law that led to the
unification of laws and which mainly will be done
through the creation of laws and regulations with do
not ignore the growing and ever-growing laws and
courts in the construction law.
Legal pluralism did not resolve the problems that
arise in the community. However, legal pluralism
was present to give a new understanding to legal
practitioners, legal State-forming (the legislators) as
well as the community widely that besides State law
there are legal systems there used to be more in
society and the legal system interacts with state law
and even compete with each other. In addition, legal
pluralism gives an explanation against the fact of the
existence of a social code of conduct that is not part
of the legal order of the State. The implementation
view argues that the only institution which acts
create order is social State through the law that
established and defined by the State. In such, there
are many other 'power' that comes not from the
State. Among them, customary law, religious law,
customs, cross-trade agreements and so on. The
forces equally has the ability govern the actions of
communities that are bound up in it, even sometimes
members or the community within the community
prefer to obey the rules set up by the group than the
rule of law State.
Strengthening customary law in the development of
national law did not immediately solve the problems
that arise in the community. However, legal
pluralism was present to give a new understanding
to legal practitioners, legal State-forming (the
legislators) as well as the community widely that
besides State law there are legal systems there used
to be more in society and the legal system interacts
with state law and even compete with each other.
The position of customary law in the development of
national law can be realized through the judiciary as
a stronghold of legal discovery when within an
award have been adopting the values of customary
law, then it is morally will strengthen the confidence
of the community on the existence of customary law
even though customary law in variety that no longer
is not written.
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Customary Law in the Development of National Law