Different results in this study are possible
because the father works for 4-10 hours outside the
home, so when at home the father does not have the
opportunity to accompany the mother in exclusive
breastfeeding. Today there are still many fathers who
argue that breastfeeding is a matter of mother and
baby. Father thinks enough to be a passive observer.
This can be seen in the results of research that there
are 22% of fathers think that the father only works
and take care of the baby is the mother's job (Roesli,
The results of research indicate that the practice
of exclusive breastfeeding is not significantly related
to the role of the father in breastfeeding (p = 0.235
and r = 0.156). This indicates whether or not the role
of the father in breastfeeding is not related to success
in exclusive breastfeeding (Juherman, 2008). Other
research in Bogor City is known to be the most
discussed before the decision of exclusive
breastfeeding, but in reality, when decision making
father played very small and many done by mother.
Decision making dominated by mothers is suspected
because there is still a stereotype that breastfeeding is
a mother's business, so Mother is a major party in
decision making breastfeeding (Abdullah, 2002).
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded
Most fathers (54%) had sufficient knowledge about
exclusive breastfeeding and knowledge had a
significant association with exclusive breastfeeding
(p <0.05). Likewise, father support is expected to
contribute to exclusive breastfeeding.
The writer would like to say thanks for Research
Institution of University of Sumatera Utara that has
gave donation until this research could be finished,
and also to the Dean Faculty of Public Health,
University of Sumatera Utara that has gave
permission to the writer to do the research. Besides
that, the writer also would like to say thanks to all the
parents that has work together and volunteering as
the object for this research.
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