a. Expert system and Knowledge Base System
Expert System, i.e., information systems that
deal with problems real and complex which is
an interpretation of an expert. An expert system
is used to answer the question/suggestion, a
member's views and conclusions as an expert.
So the expert system is a computer program that
contains knowledge from one person more
expert about a specific field.
One of the important components in the
expert system is a Knowledge Base System
(Naser, 2016). Knowledge Base System (KBS)
is software that follows the way experts in
taking a decision. KBS aims to solve
complicated (complicated problems) and follow
the IF-THEN. (Expert System Design Shells)
(Durkin, 1990) (Ignizio, 1991)
KBS is composed of the user interface,
knowledge base and inference engine, (Expert
System Design Shells) (Dutta, 1997) (Giarranto,
2004) as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The main component of the Knowledge Base
System (Naser, 2016)
b. Pediatric Skin Allergies
Allergies occur when the body's immune system
reacts against the foreign object, which is
probably not harmful to others.
When the incoming foreign bodies, the
body produce antibodies so that foreign matter
does not cause disease. In people with allergies,
the antibodies produced despite the foreign
object was not dangerous. In the event of contact
with the allergen (allergy-causing materials), the
body will react by making the skin in flamed;
sinus disorders also cause respiratory, or
Skin allergies can be caused by several
types of allergens, with different types of
symptoms. For example, atopic eczema, food
allergies, drug allergies, contact dermatitis and
allergy, cold allergic.
c. Decision Table
Decision tree classification method and
prediction are very powerful and famous. The
decision tree changes the fact becomes the
rules. The rules can be easily understood with
the natural language. And they can also be
expressed in the form of database languages
such as Structured Query language to find the
record at a specific category.
A decision tree is also useful for
exploring the data, find hidden relationships
among some candidate input variable with a
variable target. Process on the decision tree is
changing the shape of the data (table) to be a
model tree, change the model tree became the
rule, and to simplify the rule.
In this study, after some survey of skin diseases in
children obtained the classification of some diseases
skin allergies in children are as follows:
a. Infantile Atopic Dermatitis (0-1)-atopy
Dermatitis often appears in the first year of life
and begins around the age of 2 months.
- This type is also called milk scale because
the lesion resembles the former milk.
- Lesions in the form of eritematosa plaque,
papulo-vesicles are delicate and became the
krusta due to scratching on the cheeks and
- itching arising causes child becomes
restless, sleeplessness, and often cry.
- eksudatif, erosion Lesions, and secondary
infections can cause krusta and extend
generalisata and become chronic lesions and
b. Diaper Dermatitis
- Most common in babies, symptoms usually
begin at the age of 3 weeks early to 12
weeks. The highest frequency at the age of
9-12 months and 12-24 of the month
- Degeneration eritematosa, unbounded
firmly (following the form of the diapers out
of contact, mons pubis, scrotum, and lower
abdomen) accompanied papule, vesicle,
pustule, erosion, maceration, and ekskoriasi.
- in the further stage (chronic), more severe
clinical picture (Jacquet's dermatitis) can be
erosion, nodules, infiltrates and ulceration.