The Effect of the Date Palm on the Increase of Short-term Memory
and Concentration of Learning
Farida Linda Sari Siregar, Febrina Oktavinola Kaban
Lecturer of Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Departmen Faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: The Date Palm, Short-term Memory, Concentration of Learning.
Abstract : The fruit is known as the palm fruit is usually consumed as sweets, especially in the month of fasting.Sugar
that is safe for children and can be used directly for metabolism, namely sugar in the form of disaccharides.
Types this research uses quasi experimental research design using pre post test design. In this study, 20
students of Elementary School No. 065014 will be given the date palm (100 gr/day) during 60 days before
the lesson starts every morning. The bivariate analysis used in this study is inferential statistical analysis
namely paired t-test. Based on the results of the study a mean value of short term memory’s after being
given the date palm was 12.40, and the mean value of short term memory’s before taking the date palm 7.90
( p = 0.01). Based on the results of the study a mean value of concentration of learning after being given the
date palm was 5.70, and the mean value of concentration of learning before taking the date palm was 4.25 (p
= 0.03). Conclusion of this study is that the date palm can increase short-term memory and concentration of
learning for student.
The date palm which has the Latin name Phoenix
dactylifera a palm tree in the genus Phoenix. The
fruit is known as the palm fruit is usually consumed
as sweets, especially in the month of fasting. Sugar
that is safe for children and can be used directly for
metabolism, namely sugar in the form of
disaccharides. Blood glucose is vital for the brain to
function properly, among others expressed in
memory ability. Dates have a high sugar content and
generally come from glucose and fructose.
Memory is the individual's ability to store
information and that information can be recalled to
be used some time later. Short-term memory is a
temporary storage events or items received in a short
time, ie less than a few minutes, usually even shorter
(a few seconds). Short-term memory is not
permanent, the storage will be erased in a short time.
Short-term memory is characterized by recollection
about 5 to 10 items for a few seconds to a few
minutes (Atkinson, 2011). People who can
remember well generally have good learning
abilities as well.
Research by Soenggono (2008) conducted on 30
female students, aged between 19-23 years who
were given a breakfast of porridge, reported a
significant increase in blood glucose levels and
memory were given before and after treatment (p
<0.05), and found a correlation between elevated
blood sugar levels with memory (p <0.05).
Learning concentration is one of the internal
problems experienced by students in the learning
process. Learning concentration means the ability to
focus attention on the lesson. Concentration of
attention is focused on the content of learning
material and the process of obtaining it (Dimyati,
Individuals are allowed to be able to store
information that they receive all the time using
memory. Without memory, the individual is
impossible to reflect on himself, because self-
understanding is very dependent on a continuous
awareness, which can only be accomplished in the
presence of memory. In normal circumstances 90%
of the energy required to maintain the ions across the
cell membranes of the brain and deliver electrical
impulses. Glucose needs an average of about 5.5 mg
/ 100 g of brain (77 mg / min for the entire brain)
(Ganong, 2009). Learning concentration can be
concluded as something that is important to have in
learning activities, where individuals can focus their
attention and mind on each learning implementation
Siregar, F. and Kaban, F.
The Effect of the Date Palm on the Increase of Short-term Memor y and Concentration of Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010092708290832
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
well so that they are able to understand each material
given. Cognitive development in children progresses
from what they see to the reason why the assessment
is given. The ability to remember symbols and use
memory deposits about past experiences. One of the
main cognitive tasks is mastering the concept of
conservation (Wong, 2008).
This study aims to determine whether or not the
effect of the palm of the short-term memory and
concentration of student learning. The hypothesis of
this study is there is an influence of the date palm
against short-term memory and concentration of
student learning.
Types this research uses quasi experimental research
design using pre post test design. In this study, 20
students of Elementary School No. 065014 will be
given the date palm (100 gr/day) during 60 days
before the lesson starts every morning. Dried the
date palm Madinah in 100 g based on laobratory test
contains water 11.75%, fat 6,8%, fiber 8,1%, and
sugar 55,23%. Short-term memory was measured
using digit test span forward & backward Wechsler
Intelligence Scale For Children - Revised (WISC-R).
The concentration of learning was measured using
observation sheet of concentration of learning. The
bivariate analysis used in this study is inferential
statistical analysis namely paired t-test.
This study was approved by the ethics committee
of the faculty of nursing, University of Sumatera
Utara, and in accordance with the requirements set
out in national guidelines for clinical trials and apply
similar research.
3.1 Short Term Memory
Based on the results of the study showed the average
short-term memory of students before being given
the date palm with a reverse number = 3.89
numbers. A minimum value of 1 number and a
maximum value of 7 digits. Average short-term
memory of students before being given the date
palm with advanced numbers = 4.05 numbers. A
minimum value of 0 number a maximum value of 7
Table 1: Short-term memory before being given the date
Short-term memory Mean SD Min-Max
Rows of advanced
Rows of numbers
Based on the results of the study showed the
average short-term memory of students in the
intervention group after being given the date palm
with a number of numbers backwards = 5.90
numbers. A minimum value of 4 digits and a
maximum value of 7 digits. The average short-term
memory of students before being given the date
palm with a row of advanced numbers = 6.50
numbers. A minimum value of 5 digits and a
maximum value of 7 digits.
Table 2: Short-term memory after being given the date
Short-term memory Mean SD Min-
Rows of advanced
Rows of numbers
3.2 Concentration of Learning
Based on the results of the study concentration of
students before being given the date palm showed
the focus of the views of the majority of students
directed towards the other (looking left/right) as
many as 9 students (45%), the body language of
students who played with stationery as many as 8
people (40%), and attitude in rowdy/noisy
class/control as many as 14 people (70%).
Table 3: Student concentration before being given the date
Concentration of Learning f %
Focus of view
Focus on the teacher / instructor
Focus on the whiteboard / props
Going to another direction (looking left /
Body language
• Sit upright
• Sit in a lean position
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
• Play with stationery 8 40
Attitudes in class
Calm (does not cause noise)
• Crowd / noisy / control
Based on the results of the study concentration of
students after being given the date palm showed the
focus of the views of the majority of students focus
on the teacher/instructor as many as 14 students
(70%), the body language of students who sit upright
as many as 15 people (70%), and attitude in class
who calm (does not cause noise) as many as 20
people (100%).
Table 4: Student concentration after being given the date
Concentration of Learning
f %
Focus of view
Focus on the teacher / instructor
Focus on the whiteboard / props
Going to another direction (looking left /
Body language
• Sit upright
• Sit in a lean position
• Play with stationery
Attitudes in class
Calm (does not cause noise)
• Crowd / noisy / control
3.3 The Effect of the Date Palm on the
Increase of Short-term Memory
Based on the results of the study a mean value of
short term memory’s after being given the date
palm was 12.40, and the mean value of short term
memory’s before taking the date palm 7.90 (value of
p = 0.01), it can be concluded that the date palm
effects can increase short-term memory.
Table 5: The Effect of The date palm on the increase of
short-term memory
Groups Mean SD Mean
P Value
4.500 0.01
3.4 The Effect of the Date Palm on the
Increase of Concentration of
Based on the results of the study a mean value of
concentration of learning after being given the date
palm was 5.70, and the mean value of concentration
of learning before taking the date palm was 4.25
(value of p = 0.03), it can be concluded that the date
palm effects can increase concentration of learning,
it can be concluded that the date palm effects can
increase concentration of learning.
Table 6: The Effect of the date palm on the increase of
concentration of learning
Groups Mean SD Mean
P Value
1.050 0.03
The increase in short-term memory due to the main
content in the date palm are simple sugars. Type of
simple sugar has a low glycemic index at the date
that is glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose is
involved in supplying energy to the brain easily.
Glucose and fructose are quickly absorbed by the
intestine without digested by the enzymes in the
intestine, taken blood flow through the blood-brain
barrier rapidly and then metabolized to perform the
function of the brain, one of which is learning and
memory (Magistretti, Pellerin, & Martin, 2007).
Brain, neural networks and other red blood cells
require a constant supply of blood glucose. The
brain requires 150 grams of glucose per day. Brain
and other tissues to oxidize glucose to CO2 and H2O
(Marks, Marks & Smith, 2000).
Research by (Subhash, 2015) conducted APP-
transgenic mice from the age of 4 months were fed
custom-mix diets (pellets) containing 2% and 4%
date fruits reported that significant memory deficits,
increased anxiety-related behavior, and severe
impairment in spatial learning ability, position
discrimination learning ability and motor
The Effect of the Date Palm on the Increase of Short-term Memory and Concentration of Learning
The results of the study by (Sitohang, 2015)
were 80 elementary school students who were given
100 grams the date of palm every day for 3 days
showed there were significant differences in posttest
values in the intervention and control groups.The
results of research by (Ami, 2008) on 30 students
who were given porridge containing 480 calories,
68.75% carbohydrates reported that there was an
increase in memory at 30 minutes and a significant
increase at 90 minute. The results of this study also
report that an increase in blood glucose is associated
with increased memory.
The date palm given to students every day can affect
short-term memory and concentration of learning.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches