households. The right and authority to administer the
household is called the right of autonomy. The main
purpose of regulation about the village is provide
recognition, respect for the existing village and
provide clarity on the status and legal certainty of the
village in the constitutional system of the Republic of
Indonesia and olso to strengthen the village
community as the subject of development.
To achieve the purpose of the formulation of Law
no. 6 year 2014, the Village Head is also given the
authority to establish Village Regulation. Article 1
paragraph (7) of Law no. 6 of 2014 provides a
definition that the Village Regulation is a legislation
established by the Village Head after being discussed
and agreed with the Village Consultative Body. This
provision indicates that there are checks and balances
in the process of establishing village regulations.The
process of formation of village regulations is also
requires the existence of public participation in its
formation, as mentioned in the Article 69 paragraph
(9) and paragraph (10) of Law no. 6 Year 2014 (9)
provides that bill of village regulations shall be
consulted to the village community, and Villagers are
entitled to provide input to a bill of village regulation.
(Explanation of Law No 6 Year 2014 on village).
The Law No. 6 Year 2014 on the Village and Law
no. 12 Year 2011 concerning the establishment of
Laws and Regulations show that the duty of
community were to participate, in the formation of
legislation, including in the formation of village
regulation. Villagers have the right to participate and
participate in political decision-making in the village.
The problem is the village community really
participate in the formulation of village regulation?
This paper would like to address the problem of how
the community’s participation in the formulation of
village regulation.
Based on the background of the problem, this legal
research using normative juridical method, which
basically examines the rules of law and legal
principles (Soerjono, 1985). The data obtained will
be analytically by analyzed descriptively. Descriptive
research is a study that aims to describe something in
a particular area and at a certain moment. To
complement and support the data, this study also used
questionnaires and depth interview. Determination of
informants is done by using purposive sampling
technique. The informants were appointed by the
Village Head, Secretary and staff from the village
head office, community and public figure
Since established in Law no. 6 year 2014 on the
Village, the village is given the authority to manage
its own household affairs or called the village
autonomy. In the beginning, the village is a self-
governing community that has its own government.
In the Dutch colonial period, self-governing
community was formulated legally through Article
128 IS as Indlandsche Gementee, which was divided
into 2 forms, which are: Self-help areas/Swaprajaand
Village or similar to the village (Jimmly, 2015).
Van Vollen Hoven declares that the village as a
republieken is a democratically administered
government, concerned with the welfare of the
indigenous and autonomous people. It is a
democratically administered government, concerned
with the welfare of the indigenous and autonomous
people, based on customs and cultural niali system
(Nikmatul, 2015).
Talizhidhuhu Ndraha states that in village
autonomy there are several important elements,
namely: (Talizidhuhu, 1981) first, the existence of
certain customs those are binding and adhered to by
the village community concerned. Second, land,
heritage, and village wealth. Third, the source of
village income. Fourth, the affairs of the village
household. Fifth, the village government elected by
and from the village community concerned. Sixth,
representative institutions or representatives of the
village or deliberations throughout the
implementation of village household affairs hold the
governing functions.
Furthermore, the status and position of the village
is regulated in various laws and regulations. One of
them, Law No. 23 year 2014 on Regional
Government, is given the authority and responsibility
to organize and manage the interests of the people
themselves. Through regional autonomy, local
governments should be able to explore and develop
the potential of the region for the welfare of its
citizens. Villages as part of districts / municipalities
given autonomy rights to take care of their own
village houses are given some authority. Pursuant to
Article 371, the village has authority under the laws
and regulations.
After the issuance of Law no. 6 Year 2014 on the
Village, then the implementation of village
government is specifically subject to the provisions of
this Act. Based on Article 18 of Law no. 6 Year 2014,
to carry out the duties and functions of the village then
the Village is given authority in the field of the
implementation of Village Government, the
implementation of Village Development, Village